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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/2021 in all areas

  1. OK But what did you catch; don't leave us hanging. LOL Cause I'll tell you about my Ice fishing day last Saturday. It wasn't that cold outside; but I found an area with some frozen stuff. I was sight fishing for some perch; but kept getting snagged on things that were in the way of my choice of prey. After hitting my head on the overhead structure, I was using as a blind. I said screw it and just snagged what I was after. I then had to quietly sneak away before being caught fishing out of the freezer again. I made sure all other fowl hooked steaks, roasts and some carp I couldn't make out what it was; was all set back in place. The perch supper was great and the wife didn't know where I caught them. Dan.
    6 points
  2. I'm surprised that no one's huffing bout Hough. For me spelling is something that's tuff. Might have something to do with that stuff that I puff.
    3 points
  3. Agreed, It seems like 85 percent of the comments on articles and on Twitter don't agree with much of what the government is doing, and are against this lockdown. I would be super pissed if I owned a small shop or restaurant and forced to close when I could easily space 10 people inside and follow protocols, yet every big box is open and has hundreds of people. It's also pathetic that they keep letting flight after fight come in to the country but I'm not supposed too see my close friends? It would be nice if the other side of the story the damage of locking everyone down was able to be out there and acknowledged.
    3 points
  4. Ark's post may be the first ever on OFC where someone posted because they're proud of what they DIDN'T catch! Nice no covid catch Ark!!! lol
    2 points
  5. and this is why you do things right... This weekend a good friend of mine and I agreed to go out to do some ice fishing. As described in my previous post, we did absolutely everything right. He drove himself, we both brought all of our own gear, we set up our huts distanced far enough apart that we could chat but not be anywhere near eachother. He brought his own auger and gear, i brought mine, he had his own bait and I had my own. We kept 10+ feet when we chatted. at the end of the day we actually left at seperate times and went on our way home. He calls me this morning, hes going in to get a covid test because his foreman that he was directly working with on Wednesday has come down with a bad case of covid. That my friends is the difference between catching it and not. If we had "cheated" our safety measures...shared an auger, drove together, landed a fish together id be very worried right now. Stay safe guys, be dilligent!
    2 points
  6. Free speech means that he doesn't go to jail for saying it. It doesn't mean that he still gets to be a member of the caucus.
    2 points
  7. Don Cherry was fired for using the word "You" and somebody is surprised the anti-lockdown crap that guy spewed is fired??
    2 points
  8. Hi my name is Fisherman Hough and troutn is something I do! I use to meet the boys for a few but now I just go home n eat stew. Most would say I'm dumber than goo but let me tell me somethin' to you. Although I took a chunk of wood to the head, somehow I didnt get dead, just thought my name Fred or was it Ted or maybe Ned. Well enough about Jed cause I got a story bout trouts that need to be fed. There's ice on them back lakes is the word on the street. Folks say the ice is at least a couple inches or two deep. Well that news had me out the front door, faster then my ex who was a bit of Horror. I put the pedal to the metal cause me and some splake had a score to settle. Now I ain't no chump I know these trout like to hang out by a hump or a stump. Wearing a fur hat like my buddy the Russian, drilled a hole in the ice and the water was gushin'. That cold north wind had me blushin' like that time on the dogsled I was mushin'. Wait a minute, I seemed to have drifted off and started talking bout nushin'. Dropped my line in the hole and my rod was a throbbin', my lure was bobbin'. Looked down the hole and seen a flash near bottom it was a big ol' slobbn' Greedy bugger took a swipe at my lure and I damn near got'm. This silver bullet was playing tricks with my noggn'. Heart was ticking like that time I tried joggin'. Well he finally opened his yap and succumed to my trap. Took my chrome to the dome. Now this beauty's coming home. I stayed by that tree and ended the day with just three. Well there you have it the names Fisherman Hough. I can fix wood with glue and been known catch a couple fish or a few.
    1 point
  9. You guys and your pictures, I never think to take photos............supper a couple nights ago was pan-fried venison loin medallions, done nice and rare, about four minutes in the pan. Today's lunch was cold sliced venison loin on a sandwich with mayo and lettuce. Very toothsome. But somebody ATE the evidence...πŸ™„ No pics. Doug
    1 point
  10. Well, they would be big buns lol, each one is about a pound 😊
    1 point
  11. Lolll dan Was a slow slow day as it seemed it was for anyone that fished this weekend. Every social media report I saw from this weekend was a skunk or small. I got lucky and caught a good keeper crappie that I took home for a snack and gave my dad his first feed of crappie...he is officially a changed man and agrees that crappie is the best freshwater fish he’s ever eaten!
    1 point
  12. OK, so here's a Plan B if you are travelling on the 400. there is a market just off the 400 at Bayfield that sells whole fish, incl walleye. Prob trout too. Your wife will never know!!πŸ˜€
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Umm no one has said that you broke any rules.... as far as I know.
    1 point
  15. You can have all of the free speech you want as long as they do not break the rules of this forum. This is a private club that you have asked to join with that in mind we ask that you follow our rules. if you can't follow them then you may go elsewere where the rules do not apply. Art Since I never made any political comment here, not sure what rules I broke.
    1 point
  16. its not free speech when you are an elected official using your platform to spew misinformation. The guy wrote the article based upon false statistics. There is a difference between his own beliefs and using his "job" and platform provided by it to publish an article full of misinformation using his "companies" header. One of the first things you learn in business is that writing on company ledger has meaning and better reflect the values of the organization directly or it is grounds for dismissal.
    1 point
  17. And above is the big point. Those that want to stay at home, do so. Those that want to carefully live their lives, do so. People make their own decisions and have a right to do so.
    1 point
  18. Sorry Fisherman those fillets are all mine and headed straight for the brine. Next time on the lake I might save you a splake. I thank all for their replies, without them this post dies and is left for the flies. Were all going through rough times, so join in with your "Houghmor" and rhymes. Throw in a couple lines and lets hear it, its sure to lift someone's spirit.
    1 point
  19. Ahhh bacon fat, my secrent ingredient in my home made bread 😊 3 nice loaves uses 4 cups all pourpous flour and it is so easy. Now i prefer the smaller loaves because I keep giving some away but the process is the same you just have to adjust the cooking time😊
    1 point
  20. The sled has a full cover on it but I will take your suggestion and make a separate bag for the auger power head. Thanks for the input.
    1 point
    1 point
  22. If your that concerned and scared quit watching the left wing news media and go hide under your bed.
    1 point
  23. We brought up four girls with one income, there was almost never a do you deliver night! we make everything at home from jarred tomatoes to our own cured pork products. I make my own wine and have been for 40+ years. Always keep a well stocked pantry from specials or buy in bulk. Today’s kids are a bit different want stuff prepared for them. Advertising (which I was/am in) sold that idea. Fisherman, we have NEVER had a TV dinner! they still sell that crap! if in pinch; broccoli rob (Rapini) in frying pan with garlic and a few hot red pepper 🌢 flakes and on a hot plate of pasta. About $2.00 for four.
    1 point
  24. Yes, it's an unfortunate situation society has gotten into, my mom was a house mom, cook, clean and take care of the kids, my wife did the same, we managed on one salary, it's too bad that both have to "punch the clock" nowadays to make ends meet.
    1 point
  25. What is annoying to me when you look through the flyers and see the amount of pre cooked and prepared food, is it just me or is society getting extremely lazy or doesn't know how to cook food anymore. I can't ever remember eating Swanson TV dinners or any of that crap, dad would have taken the wooden spoon to mom, lol. I've had women stop me in the store and ask how to cook an item or "what are you going to do with that".
    1 point
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