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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/2020 in all areas

  1. Fiddleheads are way behind this year. Bumped in to a few of these though
    5 points
  2. Bonus for me I guess, as I've always demanded ZERO free advertisment logos or plate wraps on every vehicle I buy. Last one was my '18 truck and the prep guy had stuck a Bourgeois sticker on the tailgate. I requested it's removal and with reluctance salesman tore it off.. and the clear coat. Tail gate then swapped from another truck for me and a sticker put back on the other....
    4 points
  3. It’s become wildly apparent after seeing what Mike Borger and his son went through on the weekend the whole Coronavirus prevention thing has become a giant pissing match. (Super high level overview, borgers teenage son was fishing alone standing in the grand and had the police called on him...more ensued and If you care to know look on Facebook) People are growing increasingly agitated and the age of social media has provided an avenue for them to release their frustration. At the end of the day, everyone is going to take wildly different levels of precaution when it comes to all aspects of their life. Just like some people would never drive a bass boat 100kmh or a snowmobile 160kmh across a lake, people are going to consider their risk tolerance and make the decision for themselves as to what they deem appropriate. There are laws in place and if you aren’t breaking the law then people should consider holding off on calling the police or being hyper critical. The common consensus though is that we should all understand by this point that we should be staying the heck away from anyone that doesn’t reside within your houshold. I know multiple people violating that rule and it’s disappointing to say the least. when it comes to stay home measures, I think the best approach is a common sense one. First of all, whatever you do just make sure you aren’t interacting with people unnecessarily. Second of all, protect yourself, consider the surfaces you touch and wash your damn hands! while some are critical of others for going out fishing or moving around a bit outside, I’m sure I have the opportunity to be entirely critical of their sanitation practices when they complete their essential shopping. Where I take certain measures to the extreme (I.e. when I shop I wear a mask and gloves, I bring sanitizing wipes and wipe absolutely every surface I touch immediately I then bring my groceries home and wipe every item down with sanitizing wipes, it’s a whole damn process and a pain in the you know what!) others may not consider such drastic actions but then will criticize me driving to a local river to fish. i think we need to focus on the real problem people, the deniers, the misinformation spreaders, the anti government/anti coronavirus law protestors, the rude unsanitary clueless jerks that seem to think that the line up outside the grocery store doesn’t apply to them. Focus your energy on them, they are the real problem, the other 99% of us are doing a pretty damn good job. The stats so far are telling us as such. If you want to spend time roasting people, go and find one of the idiots screaming about this thing being a total scam and focus your energy there. They are far more dangerous than other 99% of us who are doing our best while trying to maintain our mental stability living in our new reality.
    4 points
  4. That sort of ignorance of the law just gives the cops a bad name.
    2 points
  5. I fished both days with my kids. We got skunked as well!! I don't feel so bad now!! Couldn't beat the weather though!!
    2 points
  6. I looked closer, at the top and back of the the cowl, where you would put your hand to pull up and tilt the motor or take the cowl off, it's not a direct passage but it's not sealed off easy access for critters who can squeeze through small gaps mine's a Yammi too, maybe check your V Max Akri too when you go to store it
    2 points
  7. Can't wait for the fiddleheads. As for steelhead, fall only for this guy.
    1 point
  8. Funny, I was thinking the same thing when I was walking the banks. I am going to check another spot in the morning.
    1 point
  9. i dont blame the police for not knowing every single law especially as it relates to corona virus. I primarily blame the people that cant mind their own business and waste the police's time and resources by calling the cops on a kid standing in a river alone fishing. You gotta be some kinda person to do that...Ive got some great descriptive words but they arent allowed here lol. Unfortunately these situations are not common at all. My buddies on the weekend were out in the credit casting a particular drift and a home owner tried to ask them to move and when my buddy ignored his request to simply attempt to avoid any confrontation the guy decided to turn it into an argument. He told my buddy dave that he was tresspassing and Dave's reply was that he could assure the guy that as a fisherman he is careful to review the rules and ensure that he is not breaking any laws. The guy then threatened to call the authorities and Dave invited him to and said "go ahead but it was in the guys best interest to not waste the police's time."
    1 point
  10. Not everyone has a wife that bakes with just an apron on,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,🤣
    1 point
  11. Important to note he started filming it when he asked the police to provide an explanation as to why they were telling his son that what he was doing was “illegal” the police then wouldn’t provide any explanation or their identification to Mike so he began to film them and they proceeded to walk away from him.
    1 point
  12. The short version: Mike dropped his teenage son off to fish, alone in the river. Cops we called and made his son stop fishing so by time Mike got back to pick up his son he started filming it and then the cops refused to talk to Mike and walked away.
    1 point
  13. Just back from a few hours on a small stream. Not a sniff. Lost 3 stone flys. LOL I like fishing it when the bug action is better . There wasn't a one seen . Even under rocks there was not a lot to see . Felt good to atleast get out .
    1 point
  14. The exact reason I got a dash cam for my vehicle. Ends the argument in a hurry
    1 point
  15. something to think about re: opening things up. https://time.com/5826918/hokkaido-coronavirus-lockdown/?utm_source=reddit.com&fbclid=IwAR0KCrbsi7-DHtecC7fuVobCvy0SrEQJA29uX99UXgOyaC7xT-_PbpmBsds
    1 point
  16. There is no harm unless the license plate is obstructed then they can fine you. As explained above.
    1 point
  17. stocked brookies are open year round here so Chuck and I made a long hike into a lake on Thursday, not a single bite! how's that for a report Nick, lol
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. I'm sure most of us have other things to worry about in life than porno.
    1 point
  20. for a nail knot , I use a section of empty ball pen ink tube instead of a nail and pass the leader back through the tube. edit This may help , to the backing I use an albright knot
    1 point
  21. Leaving in the hitch and ball isn't an offense as long as it doesn't obstruct the viewing of the licence plate. Mine is usually left in on my jeep. But my licence plate isn't obstructed by it.
    1 point
  22. Good job Chris! Good karma coming your way for sure .
    1 point
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