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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/2019 in all areas

  1. Been cleaning up my hobby area and I have a bunch of old fishing tackle, most of it needs cleaning up/painting/new hooks stuff like that (a couple of items might even be antiques) but instead of just throwing it away I thought I would offer it for free to anyone interested in it. I might even dig out a few more items between now and someone claiming it. That's a large size freezer bag BTW not a sandwich bag
    2 points
  2. exactly my thoughts ๐Ÿ˜‚
    2 points
  3. little story- I saw a co-worker I haven't seen in years outside the Liquor Store. He looked a little different, a few years can do that though. We chatted for 1.5 hours in the parking lot. He was toughest, meanest looking, most bad ass guy you could imagine, nobody stuffed with him. He could wear his Leaf jersey into any foreign rink and nobody would dare harass him. Now he was transitioning into a woman. We're still friends like we always were, we always have great conversations, I just try and show some extra support on facebook because it's big change and some people can't grasp it. I don't give a damn if someone's straight/ gay, skin colour, if I like hanging out with them, I like them sorry if I offended anybody on this thread
    2 points
  4. 'You people' all need a hobby. Ever heard of fishing?
    2 points
  5. Before the masses started to show up and all of a sudden, I felt like I was on a lake O trib. Talk about frustrating. I thought a weekday would of been best, but NOPE. Dosent anyone work these days ? Was enjoying fishing the hole with my new friend. Was nice. Then the cast over your line,up over in front of you. MY GAWD. There was no care in the world by these anglers. It,s like it,s a natural thing to do . If the long walks and hikes didn't bother my knee, I would be all alone. Just the way I liked it. Guess I shouldn't complain then eh ? deal with it,or stop river fishing. NOT. I wonder if I would be arrested if I had a fake AK water gun strapped to me ? LOL
    1 point
  6. So it's time to stop dealing with that company then, apparently they're lacking in IT security, lol
    1 point
  7. heard loud and clear! ๐Ÿ˜Š might try the river fishing thing lol
    1 point
  8. I can boat to my dock in Temagami.. don't get yourself in a hurry and WET !
    1 point
  9. I'd say coincidence that you happened to pay something with Paypal and you got a text saying your payment hadn't gone through. Seeing probably 70% of the population is using PP to buy stuff not a stretch to try and catch someone with "your payment didn't go through.. try again". If you opened it, you could get a job as the Treasurer for Tay township.....
    1 point
  10. Brian, river fishing is too stressful ๐Ÿคฃ
    1 point
  11. Mike Commodore still trying to be relevant.
    1 point
  12. Pretty sure this thread ran its course some time ago.
    1 point
  13. 1st you tell Cisco he shouldn't counter folks who disagree with him then in the next sentence you tell him about Canadians who fought for our right to voice our opinions. Don't think you can have it both ways LOL
    1 point
  14. No such thing as a bad musky no matter what the markings are...they're all good
    1 point
  15. I was thinking about the recent departure of Don Cherry and Mike Babcock and think they could start up a new show called Coachless Corner!
    1 point
  16. funny story- in high school, when crap teams were in town, we used to take the Go Train down to the Gardens and wait until the game almost started, then get tickets off scalpers for a decent price We were sitting in steep Blue seats behind the goal on a Saturday night, it was 4 or 5 nothing STL when the Leafs finally scored late in the 3rd. Nobody except us stood up, I was rubbing my buddies head. The CBC camera was as big as a cannon, it swung around and pointed at us and the red light on top came on for a few seconds, then went off. back at school the next week, from lots of people I didn't even know, it was "Dude, I saw you on TV"
    1 point
  17. Not true---I already posted above that I think DC has done some quite good stuff. Hater?? A difference of opinion and 'hate' are 2 very different things. I didn't mean to offend you with that clock comment. I have a weakness for smart assed comments. It's just that the silly 'logic' from your fictitious(I assume) incompetent lawyer didn't merit any detailed response. You do have a point about cutting people some slack when they mess up though. Sportsnet and the general public prob would have cut him some slack if he had offered an apology instead of a 'clarification'----did not seem very contrite. I don't buy this 'leftie' vs 'rightie' business when it comes to people taking offence. It wasn't the 'lefties' who object to the Arabic being shown on police cars in London a few years back. (Heck, if they disallowed Arabic they would need to replace 911 with IX---try that on your cell!๐Ÿ˜) Racism is the the right word. Not to nitpick, but the experts class the people from the Indian sub-continent all the way over to the European sub-continent as being of the same race. Those brown skinned Indians are the same race as the whities---Google it! '
    1 point
  18. send in the gay guys then, I don't care, I just want to best person for the job, not hiring based on filling quotas which is what's happening in this silly era you're twisting what's been written and consistently missing the point intentionally to stir the pot, it's tiresome, you're counterproductive to your argument too
    1 point
  19. Easy solution do not open it, do not read it, do not comment. I get bitched at for letting them run or for shutting them down. Lets see if we can be adults here. Art
    1 point
  20. Just because you are offended doesnโ€™t mean you are right
    1 point
  21. Actually I locked it and deleted it... Cannabis Junkie looks to be an alias for a second account here.. and all his/her posts were about growing weed on our fishing forum, we are trying our best to keep the content as much about fishing as possible. Im as pro cannabis as anyone, but its not very fishing related and it looked alot like spam to me. No Profile Picture, a gmail address thats never been used anywhere else., Using a VPN ... We get complaints about everything... not enough fishing posts or too many non fishing posts.. there's no winning that discussion. If we allowed every new member to just come on and talk about non fishing things this wouldn't be much of a fishing forum. It looked like spam to me.. Fishing posts as much as possible please, but for your first posts to be weed and only weed related, well thats just spammy. - as is second acounts, which are SPECIFICALLY not allowed it looks like that was.... all IPs are recorded. that's my take.. Cannabis has done alot of good things for alot of people, but there are PLENTY of Canadian Cannabis forums out there to choose from. It was reported as spam to me and I took what I thought was reasonable action.
    1 point
  22. Sorry it is not recoverable it auto deletes when a member is banned. I don't know why you think I didn't like him I had no feelings either way. If he wants to accuse me of something publicly and then lay into me privately then anyones ass is gone. Even a member who has been here since the beginning does not get that ticket. For everyones information I am pro weed and hope that someday the USA allows it. Art
    1 point
  23. Who's starting to get excited for ice fishing season? I know the itch has started for me.
    1 point
  24. Most motors have a relief valve to lower the motor if the pump fails, usually it is on the side of the pump depending on the motor.
    1 point
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