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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/2019 in all areas

  1. The idea that animal ag is a major contributor to GHG emissions (many people still believe the ridiculous claim of 51% worldwide) comes from retracted reports from the FAO that were shown in propaganda movies (what the health/cowspiracy - both by the same 'activist' director Kip Anderson) where they compare animal energy inputs (moment its born to the moment it goes in your mouth) only to the tailpipe emissions of the energy industry and transportation. Frank Mitlohner showed how these studies the comparisons were wrong; the studies were since amended to much lower numbers, but the cat was out of the bag... and the movies stayed the same. Frank Mitloehener did a great job at pointing out the problems in the reports, leading to a re-calculation. http://theconversation.com/yes-eating-meat-affects-the-environment-but-cows-are-not-killing-the-climate-94968 They also count animal water as consumptive only, ignoring that they piss out or transpire the water, thus; recycling it (especially on pasture) back to nature, so they'll say 'cows use xx gallons of water. Cows don't 'use' water, they consume it then excrete it. Methane from cows is a flow-through gas, meaning that it is not accumulative (unlike fossil fuel based methane), but rather part of a cycle (like the normal carbon cycle in nature - think trees growing, rotting, turning to CO2 then taking in CO2 to produce cellulose based trees again). Cows replaced large ruminants of the past, the ones that were market hunted to near extinction in the US/Canada. The US/Canada by far are the worlds most efficient producers of food cattle (Aussie/NZ do good too). Feed lots are not the best thing if you care about animals more than people; they are also quite unsightly, but they sure are efficient. Cows are awesome. Let's continue to improve the process, but cows themselves are not a 'problem'. If we start eating foods that are 1/2 as nutrient dense and bio-available (plants), then we will need twice as much food, most of it trucked in from far away, and keep in mind that the majority of food waste comes from plant foods. Also, to wind down this too-long post, keep in mind that ruminant animals largely thrive on feed that is not suitable for humans. We generally do not compete for resources. They can grow in the forest or on grass land, in semi-arid conditions, and fertilize the soil. Humans can't eat trees or grass and plants need animal fertilizers (or mined chemical fertilizers) to grow.
    3 points
  2. Agree with the follow-up senko. That said, the techniques mentioned are mostly for fishing bass with top-water frogs. OP said the first fish was a pickerel (walleye). Garnet is right, above, they'll hesitate to chomp the bait. The hooks on frogs are pointed upward to make the bait weedless as possible; and the fish has to engulf the bait to get a decent hook set. Try a top water bait that has trebles like a zara spook, chug bug, etc. If it is a pack of pickerel smashing surface bait you'll have better chances of hooking into one.
    2 points
  3. Bluffers is no different. Water is in the lot there as well. He got another nice one on the weekend,
    2 points
  4. I just knew we were being screwed!
    2 points
  5. in some countries having less pasture land may be helpful but in canada it would only hurt us take less acreage for veggies so need less farmers and farm land to many people lose the jobs and homes and a lot of unused land..does that really help by that thinking if we made everyone live in high rise apartments and tear down every single family home, look at what they could save maybe outlaw all boats on the water..yeah that will help, but better outlaw all guns too cause someone is going to get shot in canada going veggie wont help and wont make you live longer, it will just seem longer...lol
    2 points
  6. Hey everyone We had a great day at Rice lake, walleye cooperated from the first light, and I was happy to see my buddy getting his first Rice lake walleyes. Wind was there from early morning, but it only did good for the eyes as they love a little chop. By 11 am we had the limit. Cheers! Gino
    1 point
  7. I love vegetables, most all vegetables with very few exceptions. They generally fill two thirds of my plate and I want them to look just like and taste just like the way they were grown. Nothing more, nothing less.
    1 point
  8. Don't see any reason my self to upgrade, SI works perfect for what I do And the new trolling motor better gets tested before I shell out that kind of money.
    1 point
  9. The pickerel I assume is a walleye. They will charge up to top water and hesitate then chop it. Did you see the bass where there mouth closed when they smacked at it. The best anglers only get a 60% hook up. and like others I avoid them in tournaments. My cover water bait is 1/6 T rig senko or swim jig.
    1 point
  10. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Lake_Fork_Frog_Tail_Hook_2pk/descpage-LFTFRHK.html They make a couple of different types of trailer hooks for frogs, never used one myself so read the reviews on them? A lot of top water lures I would rather throw than a frog, bad hookup ratio usually, but in some areas they seemed to be the only thing that would get thru the slop.
    1 point
  11. Fishing topwater for bass I always found I got far better percentage of hookups using fly fishing gear and deerhair or balsa/foam poppers , frogs and stuff than with baitcasting gear and wait till you see the flyline move.
    1 point
  12. On the other hand, without side imaging I'm pretty sure we would have missed this fish the other day ...
    1 point
  13. I think I'm going to rig up my 40" 3D tv to a FF and watch those big eyes blow me a kiss the turn and swim away from my bait
    1 point
  14. Welcome Bassin15! You have come to the right place for assistance and knowledge sharing. These folks know their stuff!
    1 point
  15. Good stuff! Nice when things work out!
    1 point
  16. The trick with a wacky rig is to let it sink, and then twitch.
    1 point
  17. Wacky rig or other configuration, I have been having really good success lately with a straight hook up, a couple of pieces of split shot just to help it shrink slowly through the weeds. Oh, and wear a life jacket ?
    1 point
  18. Order a carb rebuild kit from Amazon which was okay, some of the kit would not fit....anyways replaced the float and needle valve and gaskets and gave it a real good clean and now she seems to be running pretty good....Thanks!
    1 point
  19. Are you setting the hook when you see the hit? Best to wait to set the hook when you feel the fish pull rather than set when the blow up happens. However, sometimes the fish just don't take the bait for whatever reason.
    1 point
  20. so your kid gets 10 thousand bucks and you get a piece of tail interesting
    1 point
  21. the neighbours wife has 38's but that doesn't make her better just bigger !!!! ?
    1 point
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