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Had to cut the day short on Lake O today


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Got up bright and ugly for some salmon fishing today and I was pumped for some action. The lake was clear and calm when we arrived about 7:00 a.m., but within 1 1/2 hours the East wind picked up to a level which I feel uncomfortable in our boat with :wallbash::( So we had to call it a day. Got skunked for the short time we were out.


At least I didn't feel so bad when every other boat under 18 foot came in too and said they were scared of the waves. I tried to take a pic, but of course it doesn't do justice to how nasty they got.






A fellow who was chatting with us while we tarped out boats showed us the "Lure du Jour" that has consistently produced for him and his friends and told us they had them at the Bronte Tackle Shop. So we took a tour down Lakeshore Blvd. and stopped in and bought that lure and a few others, plus some cut Herring for next weekend. Hopefully the weather will cooperate this time.





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I was out this morning as well out of Whitby though and the winds picked up but we stayed out till about noon. Got a nice 22 lbs one at about 7:30 then nothing the rest of the time. Lost a smaller one a few hours later. Been tough fishing out east the last couple of weeks.


Good luck next time.


This is the first big fish I've caught this year.. Glad to finally get the monkey off my back!!



Edited by caper
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To bad about the waves today Joey... We found our selves with the same situation on Simcoe. We headed for Roaches point to escape the winds and a couple hours later, the winds died down in our area and fishing was bearable,in the big lake area's... but not all that pleasant....


Better Luck Next weekend....for ALL of us...



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Well at least you were home to watch your beloved Tony win today Joey. Congrats. By the way, I like your second photo way better than the first one. :rolleyes:


Ya, that was a great race eh!


As for the second picture :P

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I dont remember Indy as being that good of a race but today was a pretty good one.I pooched the pool AGAIN this week.I had Newman and Mac ..at least I had Tony to offset my losses.Too bad about the weather.


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I remember Dad landing his fish one day and says lets go back to where we got that one. I told him it'll take a while, that is 3 miles from here.


Some days you gotta ask are we having fun yet?


WE were out of Wellington today from 3 pm to dark, caught a whole lot of nothin.

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Was out on Erie on the shores of Buffalo yesterday, and that east wind was definitely kickin. It was an offshore wind for me, so it kept Erie pretty flat in comparison to weeks past. But that would def. kick up ontarios west end coming across the entire open lake. Thats what we on Erie have to deal with all the time with the frequent west winds. I feel for ya, and trust me, i try to get a pic of Erie every time Im out and the rollers kick up, and a photo never shows the true chaos lol. No fun being out in that anyway, so good choice headin in. Get em next time.

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Sorry to hear about the waves Joey!! I know what you mean about pics not doing it justice...I've tried to take pics of HUGE waves too, only to see them on the camera later.


You'll get out again soon I hope...and have lots of fishies in your report.

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Yes joey i know what you mean.. :dunno::huh::o ..as i fish lake o...about 60 times per season i have seen and been in some rel nasty stuff....you should see lady o....when she gets mad....what you were in was nothing we have been out about 12miles when she decided to blow,so i have been in it all...you have to respect her or she will kill you. :blink::dunno: ...you did the right thing,when you feel uncomfortable its best to pull the chute for sure...oh ya is that lure a michigan stinger,NBK spoon...i have been using them for about 5yrs now,also get the same but with a copper color back instead of a silver back,and use the copper on dull or overcast days and the other in sun....cheers :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

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