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Fishing Pet Peeves


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Im a little bored at work and thought it would be fun to get a Fishing Pet Peeves Thread going.


Some of my Fishing Pet Peeves are:



1) why is it that sometimes when I am shore fishing.... (This happens mostly at Centre Island) another fisherman will come up right beside me and start fishing in my zone when there is tons of room?

I have no problems with people fishing beside me but, when there is tons of room for the other guy to go to, why does he have to come right beside me and fish? Move down another 50feet you sot and if this is "your" sweet spot... than wait for me to leave. Have some fishermans respect and stay out of my casting zone.


2) when passers by (non-fisherman) ask "did you catch anything" ?

Now this isnt a rude comment or anything and the people asking arent doing anything wrong. However, for whatever reason it annoys me because every single person has to ask it. And most of the time if you tell them, they could care less or dont seem to have any type of response to your answer.

me - "yes, I caught a 6lb bass"

layman - "oh"

whats up with that? ya I know, they are just being nice and making conversation blah blah blah. Well, it still gets annoying after the 3rd time.


3) the weather man who always seems to get it WRONG when I want to go fishing. Sunny day my ass, its freaking cold and the wind is so strong my lure comes back and hits me in the head when I cast.




So, anybody else want to share some of their own personal Fishing Pet Peeves?



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1) why is it that sometimes when I am shore fishing.... (This happens mostly at Centre Island) another fisherman will come up right beside me and start fishing in my zone when there is tons of room?


Maybe it,s your body spray,do you use AXE. ;):D:lol:



Mine is,HEY HOWS IT GOING,CATCHING ANYTHING HERE.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, NOPE.


or the guy that pulls up and drops anchor when they see you reel a fish in. LOL


I just cruise by,click MARK,and keep going til next time. :devil::canadian::angel:

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l hate sleeping in fairweather fishing partners. They beg you to take them out they want to sleep till 9 and as soon as a rain drop fall's they are heading to the truck. Peace Ken




Oh come on do tell,who??????????????? HEHEHEHEHEHE

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Jet skiers


People that see you catch a fish and than drop anchor right beside you :wallbash::wallbash:


People that back into the boat launch and than proceed to untie and load their boat with gear for the next twenty minutes.


People that complain when they are not catching anything..Just enjoy the time out fishing


Did I mention Jet skiers


Way too go now I am in a foul mood for the rest of the day

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It really bugs me when trib fishing that someone comes by, stands 3 feet away and then proceed to drift right in the pool I'm fishing! The tribs I fish are barely 10 feet across, so it's not like it's a huge pool or anything. I'll usually semi intentionally cross their line...or spook the fish and then leave. Bly has actually stomped across a pool in her waders when ppl do that to her....LOL.


Hmm...what else...I dont mind a little conversation, but when I stop talking or just keep saying "uh huh" and not even look at you, it's time to shut up....haha.

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Has to be the knobs that spend 20 minutes waiting to get to the launch then once there on the launch they start getting there boat and stuff ready.

If only I was pharooh!!!!

Off with there heads!!!!!!



my buddy once had a guy drill a hole 4 feet yes 4 feet!!! from his hole when he was catching perch, i had to hold him back from pounding him.....then again...why did I hold him back...hmmmmmmm

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I hate when idiots fly by in their nice big boats and almost cause you to tip your boat when anchored and fishing, and they have miles to go around you but choose to be a plick :angry:. They don't like it when you got a nice heavy jig on and whip it at them :devil: cause they are 30 feet away.

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Bite alarms for me, I think by the sound of it you dont have much use for them over there but here every man and his dog has them. The lakes we fish are quite small and someone will turn up to fish the other side of the bank. First thing that comes out of the bag is the bite alarms, all different squeaks, clicks, rings and sirens they spend 20mins setting them up and then cast out and place the rod in the rest and wind the dam thing right back in making a right din. Why oh why can't they set them up at home, I go fishing for the peace and quiet, not to listen to the latest offerings from Fox, optonic or whoever :wallbash:

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1 fishing partners that are late (without letting me know that they would be)


2 other boats who dont have or turn on there navigational lights when they are supposed to


3 idiots on the VHF channels being idiot-like

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when the person manning the trolling motor has no consideration for those fishing the back of the boat...


Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, excuse me,I believe I have proven that the back of the boat produces very well.

Terry, care to share on this. :whistling::whistling::thumbsup_anim::clapping::Gonefishing:



The front guy get the bad fish first.



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Morons who roar between you & a shoreline when your casting to said shoreline.


Morons who roar between you & a weedbed when your casting to said weedbed.


Morons who roar 30' behind me when the lake is 2 miles wide.


People who don't go fish'n because it may rain.


People who anchor right in the middle of a narrow channel.


The same jetskiers that rickster was talkin about.



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:rolleyes: When we are out not to far from shore in the canoe, and these speeding idiots I think are trying to make us overturn.....Don't know if I should say this but hubby waves a universal sign to them.....Second pet peeve is when my lure is bigger than the fish i caught and didn't really know was on there.....



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large boats who go by at 1/2 plane with the huge wake when I'm fishing with the kids

east winds


those with no ramp etiquette/waste parking spaces

people who leave the fish alarm function "on" for their sonar


bait shops that actually count to 12 (that place on the 400) when the price is already inflated

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when you are running the trolling motor

there is no back of the boat..if the guy in the back really wanted to catch fish he would buy a boat.......LOL just kidding


...and i did!!! lol


i'm talkin about when the guy on the motor is swinging the boat around all over the place cause he can't do two things at once...hehe...nobody touches my motor anymore but ME!

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