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Now don't laugh please


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Coming from England, I find it hard to believe the size of the rivers and lakes you guys have to deal with, whilst reading the posts it seems like everyone has got their own boat and trailer, you just hitch up and you are gone. I am seriously jealous.


Over here there is no point in owning a boat as you can't really use one except on the sea, there is no point, the lake owners supply the boats and unless you pay an extortionate amount they will not let you use your own boat. So it has become a play thing for the idle rich and you have to be seriously wealth to afford a birth in a marina on the Thames for instance. A mates mother and father bought a nice boat for £150,000 and all they do with it is 4MPH up and down the Thames between Walton on Thames and Oxford, lovely if you like that sort of thing but... why?


Now sea we seem to have plenty of, we are surrounde by it. I think the saying goes that anywhere in the UK you can never be any further than 120 miles from the sea :rolleyes:


I have posted below some lincs to my local lakes they are only 10 miles away from me, if you read the blurb, Rutland Water is one of the largest man made lakes in Europe, 3,100 acres and you can cycle right round it in an afternoon :whistling:


Dont get me wrong I love fishing there, Rutland Water is a lot larger than I was used to in Surrey, most of the lakes we used to fish you could cast to the other bank anyway and the pressure the fish get is phenomenal. One of the bid shames is that you can go to virtually every lake in England and know the weight of the biggest fish give or take a few ounces, the poor things are fished for relentlessly by some very talented anglers with all the latest baits and rigs that boggle your mind and the amount of bait that is put in to lure the Carp or what ever is obscene, all in the quest to catch Dolly or what ever the largest fish may be called now, yes thats right every fish has a name as well, well every one over about 20lb anyways. Not all the names are complimentary either some are just sad.


I guess what I am trying to get across is that it seems absolutely fantastic out there fishing wise at least, not sure about all that snow though :rolleyes: and to my knowledge there isn't anything to worry about in our woods except the obvious lunatics of course.


Hope I havent bored anyone too much, just the first of what I hope to be a regular thing speak soon. English


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Yeah for £50,000 or so people buy lakes, it was about 10 - 15 years ago big business, a small 5 acre lake, nip over to France and catch a few 40 or 50 lb carp and you are in business £ 10 - £15 per rod per day some anglers using 3 rods, 20 swims full from Friday to Monday and say 5 anglers on there permanently, cafe and tackle shop + beer no wonder some people didn't want to leave.


I meant to post up some links here.





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My brothers mother in law travels to England to visit family and to hear the stories of people TRYING to fish is outrageous but don't even think about Hunting . If you decide to come visit this side of the pond give us a little time and we can hook you up with a dream fishing vacation from the top of Canada's wilds to the depths of the Southerns Mason Dixie line. Thanks for taking the time for the reports we sometimes forget how fortunate we are with the wilderness we have and we take it for granite.




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That's nothing to laugh at English, that's just sad to me :( Hope you get a chance to visit here sometimes...as Art said, with a bit of time, no matter your destination, you'll have a trip of a lifetime.



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Reading that makes me realize how good we have it here. I have 16.5 boat that just :o fits in garage-we put 15-20 hours on engine fishing, tubing and just sightseeing around Kawartha lakes most summer weeks.....only cost is price of gas/oil and the occasional restaurant meal.

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I hear you English. I'm also from England but have been based in Toronto, Canada for the last two and half years. The fishing here is great. It's different from back home in many ways - lots more water to fish, lots of free fishing, more fishing from boats, many different techniques, more aggressive and less wary fish, lots of different fish species, plus a few familiar ones.


There is a chance that I will unfortunately be going back to live in England at the end of this year and I must say from a fishing perspective am not looking forward to it! :unsure::(:wallbash:

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I was in England, once. Spent a week in London and spent most of it gettin' down in those totally wicked nite clubs that put TO to shame.


So, lakes and rivers and fishing aren't really your strenghts. Every culture has its pros & cons. I was really impressed, for example, by the amount of reading you guys do. Everybody reads! I'd never seen movie-poster style adds for books before. They're everywhere. That also puts us to shame.


But we do have it very good here in the Great White (but slowly greening) North when it comes to land, forests, lakes rivers, etc. The thing that gets to me is how so many of us don't appreciate it. It's taken for granted. The Great Lakes are such a treasure, and yet there are libraries worth of research on Great Lakes pollution. I recently heard that each year, the city of Toronto dumps 90 million litres of raw sewage into Lake Ontario. If we want to keep fishing - it has to change or we certainly will end up like England, where fishing is far more excusive.

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Over here there is no point in owning a boat as you can't really use one except on the sea, there is no point, the lake owners supply the boats and unless you pay an extortionate amount they will not let you use your own boat. So it has become a play thing for the idle rich




I lived in the UK for 16 yrs so i know exactly what you are talking about!..Sadley the exact same thing is starting to happen here. My uncle had a home on lake couchiching the Cottage Assosiation up there wanted both him and his wife to sign a peice of paper to become a member and basically deny access to those that wanted to fish , water ski,whatever. He declined as he was not in agreement and was then snubbed by alot of other home owners on the lake with in his location. More & more we are seeing fishing ereas taking away from us! It is happening right in the lake side town i live in.


We do have some vantastic fishing here the best in the world in my oppinion, our lakes are so vast to most uk visitors they look like an ocean!...Which is what the 1st settlers used to call the great lakes INLAND OCEANS.


I have often said before that alot of the canadians take what they have for granted on there very own doorsteps and they do!.......Canada has everything AND WE ARE VERY VERY LUCKY!

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People out there "own" lakes?


Wow... Just imagine owning your own lake. I mean, some people here have ponds, but nothing compared to a whole lake.



LOL Most lakes over there are what us canadians would call a pond! ;)

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However, let's not create a false impression of a country that still has some of the most magnificent scenery there is...


Your absolutely right John, I've been to England many times and it's a gorgeous country !!


My dad & his family emigrated from Derbyshire in 1930, but unfortunately I never got up to see his old hometown....maybe someday though.

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I too left for a new life in Canada. No question that in my opinion this is the best country in the world, bar none. However, let's not create a false impression of a country that still has some of the most magnificent scenery there is...





Ahhh windermere visited there many a time. Indeed beautiful scenery but i am a little more partial to yorkshire myself! :D


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Ahhh windermere visited there many a time. Indeed beautiful scenery but i am a little more partial to yorkshire myself! :D



Ah yes, bye gum lass.......where men are men and sheep are nervous!


Used to date a girl or two from Richmond, Catterick too............

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Ah yes, bye gum lass.......where men are men and sheep are nervous!


LOL yup that they be!.. :lol: .know catterick up off the A1 just after ripon.....Used to live in a very very small village called Marton-cum-grafton not too far from them their parts! ;)

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LOL yup that they be!.. :lol: .know catterick up off the A1 just after ripon.....Used to live in a very very small village called Marton-cum-grafton not too far from them their parts! ;)


Boroughbridge/York/Harrogate area right? There is a pub around there called the Punch Bowl. Don't tell me you were an active WI member too......


You must have represented 10% of the population...

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Boroughbridge/York/Harrogate area right? There is a pub around there called the Punch Bowl. Don't tell me you were an active WI member too......


You must have represented 10% of the population...



OMG John get atta here!..Are you serious? I used to live right next door......LOL...I kid you not!.....Was a local there. Met catherine zeta jones and david jason in there when they were shooting a episode of darling buds of may back in the eighties.........Sat at the bar drinking with the pair of them....Look at catherine now big movie star and married to michael douglas........Hard to beleive because she was just in a UK tv series when i met her.....lol....


My parents live in harrogate have two younger sisters who also live there and my baby sister lives up in newcastle.

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OMG John get atta here!..Are you serious? I used to live right next door......LOL...I kid you not!.....Was a local there. Met catherine zeta jones and david jason in there when they were shooting a episode of darling buds of may back in the eighties.........Sat at the bar drinking with the pair of them....Look at catherine now big movie star and married to michael douglas........Hard to beleive because she was just in a UK tv series when i met her.....lol....


My parents live in harrogate have two younger sisters who also live there and my baby sister lives up in newcastle.



Okay i gotta ask ya! Did you know the spencers?


Also mandy and george? mandys mom was joan.

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Hi guys, with all my moaning about the state of fishing over here I may have given off the wrong image like, don't get me wrong I love England whats left of it anyway, as Nautifish says we have some of the most beautiful scenery in the world, not saying ours is better or not, because beauty is in the eye of the beholder, the lake district is purely magical, Wales and Scotland too. I guess you just have to be there to appreciate the atmosphere and all.


But we have our problems over here with the sucessive governments selling us down the drain to Europe, they won't let us have a referendum because they already know the outcome. There is virtually no border control and if you do make it over here, it takes the government so long to try and send you back you may as well buy a house and get rich. But get this if you don't have a passport? apparently they eat them on the plane on the way here?? Then they can't send you back because they don't know who you are or where you are from?? just apply for refugee status and you are in?? Something to do with the stupid human rights act which is supposed to protect the innocent but has been all bent out of shape by the crooked lawyers and now favours the criminals, the work shy and illegals get that!


As I said we have our problems but there are a lot of pluses. You are not going to get your house shaken to the ground by an earth quake or the roof ripped off by a tornado, forest fires are usually under control in a day or so and no one looses there house because of them, you can camp in the woods and not worry about getting eaten by bears or midges. In winter only in the most remote places you may be snowed in for a day or so and I don't think I have ever lost a days work because of it. It goes down to about -5 only on the coldest days ever nearly tropical I hear you say :clapping: Our summers are something else you can get all 4 seasons in one day but you are guaranteed it won't get too hot for long like it nearly got to 100F last year the hottest day on record but mostly you can be sure 80F is the hottest alright if you are not a sun worshipper like myself. Hardly any houses are built with aircon mostly for offices that stuff.


Any way back to the fishing,

I started off fishing like most lads when I was 4 years old for newts, stickle back, minnows gudgeon and bleak in the pond out back and canals and rivers locally, my grandfather thought it would be a good idea to take me fishing with him one day and that was that. And i have loved it ever since, I think I remember that we didn't catch much that day and as he lived miles away he left his gear at ours promising one day to come back and do it again but we never did. I used to practice in the back garden casting and that, I am sure most of us have done that at some point. I used to be allowed to go over the back on my own and we used to fish for newts in the pond with bits of chopped worm. When I was about 7 I used to be allwed down the local river which was 3ft deep and about 10ft wide so not much chance of drowning. I think back to what it was like then and it is a shame that kids over here nowdays aren't allowed out on there own until they are about 12 and older and that would only be to play next door or something like. If we caught a dozen fish then we had a good day, we had no idea really how to fish properly but all part of learning and life, happy days. The Thames at Weybridge was about 25mins on our pushbikes and a pint of maggots used to last 3 of us all daywe used to catch hundreds of bleak then basically the Thames then was slowly being poisoned by all the businesses pouring their waste straight into it. Thank god the NRA National rivers Authority was set up to deal with the problem, it took them a while but now there is a good head of carp in there and as I said earlier trout and salmon are back but in a small way still could take ages who knows.


007 Thigs have changed quite a bit here, if I were you I might think twice about coming back, but if you do hope it aaall goes well for you.


APLUMMA thanks for the offer maybe in about 5 years when the business is all ticking along nicely and the kids are a bit older that would be one of my dreams fulfilled.


Nautifish small world isn't it used to go out with a girl from Knaresborough, Yorkshire and I used to try and practice the accent lol nice website the pub has got if I am ever up that way I may pop in.


My mate Neil who recommended I pop in here and take a look lives in Durham, he fishes in Canada 2 or 3 times a year on Lake Temagami mostly, he has some mates from up that way who I presume get on here?


Thanks for not laughing all.


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For a high school trip (1988), I stayed with a family in Knaresborough for a week....we were participating the Harrogate International Music Festival. Couldn't understand a word anyone was saying...LOL.


I've really enjoyed your thread English...and I look forward to hearing more from you. Welcome to the board!

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