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Is the future electric?


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2 hours ago, CrowMan said:

. And again to clarify...most Lithium comes from Australia, not China...



If you look back on my post I said nothing about producers of lithium, I said supplies. However I was wrong, I should have checked before posting. That being said, as far as supplies go, Australia is 5th and China 6th. Here's the list https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/features/six-largest-lithium-reserves-world/

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4 hours ago, scuro2 said:

Elon Musk on Hydrogen motors


The video is 6 years old. Musk predicted it, hydrogen cars went nowhere. Two hundred hydrogen cars have been sold in Canada as of July 2022.

Toyota was all over this and avoided EVs. They still haven't got an EV model in full production.

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14 hours ago, CrowMan said:

Just for the sake of clarity...the hydrogen vehicles these two mfgr's are developing are still electric vehicles. They just use a hydrogen fuel cell rather than batteries to create/store the electricity. The vehicle is powered by an electric motor...it's not a "combustion engine".

Check your facts before trying to discredit!!!


11 hours ago, scuro2 said:

Elon Musk on Hydrogen motors

He's changed his mind.    Again check facts before posting a rebuttal!!!!

This is likely my last post in this thread.

That may change if there is more propaganda trying to discredit me.

Actually no; I'm just going to use this old acronym that was a user's name here many years ago!!!

what's his name. LOL

(Whoops I guess the monitor doesn't like the acronym)

Try again,

D. I. L. L. I. G. A. F.

Other old timer's of this site will likely remember this/him?


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11 hours ago, CrowMan said:

My background is in HVAC...

My background is automotive (45 years). My son has carried on in the automotive field and is an engineer, working at GM resource and development site in Warren Michigan.   

HVAC is NOT automotive; two different animals. Hydrogen would not work for home heating at this point and time. If hydrogen sits at an idle state (like between heat requests cycles) it would leek into the atmosphere. They haven't perfected a way to completely seal hydrogen in a confined vessel at an idle state. Even fuel cell vehicles loose their hydrogen if parked any longer than 15-17 hours.


Sorry for the double post. Thought I was editing the above???

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I thought that this what you were referring  to...BMW and Toyota together...


Lots of opinions on the future of technology....and since the future hasn't happened yet, they're just that opinions and not facts. It will be interesting to see where it all leads...

For now the market seems to be betting on EV's. The Toronto Auto Show opens this week with 36 different EV's on display.

BTW...please don't view a statement of opinion or fact as something meant to discredit...I value all opinions.

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1 hour ago, DanD said:


Thanks for the resect that you have shown!

I like a good debate!!!!!


Me too ! That's one of the reasons I'm here.

You mention your son. My son is an Environmental Scientist...Masters Degree from Queens. That may explain  some of our opinions...lol

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4 hours ago, DanD said:

Check your facts before trying to discredit!!!

He's changed his mind.    Again check facts before posting a rebuttal!!!!



I have respect for anyone's opinion. Look, I checked your video out. Twitter posts have a time stamp. The one on this video doesn't. There is no video evidence, surely Musk would have spoken about it. You can go to the Telsa website and there is no 2023 hydrogen fuel cell models. No news articles on this either. I'm totally into this space because I need a new car. I check the news daily in this space - zilch on Elon changing him mind.

"Again check facts before posting a rebuttal!!!!" - I'd be happy if you prove me wrong. Link to a credible news article on this from an established news outlet. There should be hundreds of such articles on this "news".

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Does it really matter??? 

It will be what it is; today, tomorrow and all the years ahead of us. The technology is forever changing.

1 hour ago, scuro2 said:

I checked your video out.

But its on YouTube it must be true!!! LOL

All I can say is that I'm so happy to be done working the automotive trade. I've seen my fair share of changes in my 40+ year working it. I also feel sorry for all the small independent shops that are still struggling. We are a dying breed of techs; not from lack trying to keep up with the technology; it just changes so fast.

I guess that's why my thinking is so biased towards keeping the ICE alive. The monies spent on EV tech would have gone a long ways with improving/redesigning the engine to run on most anything flammable.

Just think of it; you're on a crop tour with your buddies. Nature calls after a few brown pops (not that anyone does this anymore) and you stop. Instead of peeing in the ditch, you piss in the gas tank; adding another 100Klms to the night's tour. LOL  Yeah I know pee usually isn't flammable; but on the crop tours I used to go on I sure as crap wasn't lighting a match. LOL


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Speaking of us old farts  reminiscing... never mind the pee stops during those crop tours (jeez, we used to measure distance by how many beers to get there...Toronto to Wasaga was a six pack away), the vapors coming out the backside sure as heck were flammable...we used to joke about the blue flame special...lol

I guess the 19th century was the era of the steam engine. The 20th century the era of the ICE, and now the 21st century is the era of the electric motor.

Sure miss the days of being a backyard mechanic. My brother and I would strip an engine down to every last nut and bolt and re-build it just for kicks. It's sad that my grandkids won't be able to really have the same experience...they all want to build video games not motors.

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7 hours ago, CrowMan said:

It's sad that my grandkids won't be able to really have the same experience...they all want to build video games not motors.

There's still hope, it all depends how you program them... 

sheaintheshopnov102022 034.jpg

sheaintheshopnov102022 021.jpg

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You know what’s one component of cars ev or other that hasn’t changed? The disc brake.

whoever invented the caliper rotar combo is a bloody wizard, the invention was so good thay not a single manufacturer has a disc brake that is any different than the other. The literal only difference is the composition of the rotars and pads.

you want to teach your kid one of the most valuable life lessons? Teach them how to change out pads and rotars, it’s a universal knowledge, I learned how to do it back on my first car, and I’ve done them on every car I’ve owned since.

EV’s may throw a stick in the spokes though, I wonder if the regen system gets in the way? I know they still have standard rotar caliper combo’s but my understanding is that they can actually become problematic on EV’s because of their lack of use! They actually seize up prematurely because driving around city driving the driver rarely uses the brakes!

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5 hours ago, AKRISONER said:

You know what’s one component of cars ev or other that hasn’t changed? The disc brake.

whoever invented the caliper rotar combo is a bloody wizard, the invention was so good thay not a single manufacturer has a disc brake that is any different than the other. The literal only difference is the composition of the rotars and pads.

you want to teach your kid one of the most valuable life lessons? Teach them how to change out pads and rotars, it’s a universal knowledge, I learned how to do it back on my first car, and I’ve done them on every car I’ve owned since.

EV’s may throw a stick in the spokes though, I wonder if the regen system gets in the way? I know they still have standard rotar caliper combo’s but my understanding is that they can actually become problematic on EV’s because of their lack of use! They actually seize up prematurely because driving around city driving the driver rarely uses the brakes!

Occasionally, my wife let's me drive her new iX. Yes, braking is a bit of a learning curve...you basically learn to drive with just the accelerator (I was about to say gas...lol) pedal. Although the Beemer does allow you to adjust (0 to 100%) how much re-gen it's using to make it feel more "natural". The re-gen system actually makes the vehicle even more "environmentally friendly"...all that heat that the brakes create is no longer just warming  up the atmosphere....lol

Anyway, with the amount that you use the brakes on this thing, I'm sure it's going to be a long time between brake jobs. Just from a cursory look at the set up...the calipers and rotors themselves look identical to an ICE vehicle.

I will say this vehicle is incredibly fun to drive...the instant acceleration creates G's that feel like a big hand is pushing you back in your seat...and the handling with the low center of gravity makes this SUV feel like a sports car.

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3 hours ago, CrowMan said:

I'm sure it's going to be a long time between brake jobs.

You're 100% right you will not be doing brake jobs on the vehicle due to ware-out of the pads.

Along with what AKRISONER said, you will be doing brake work due to corrosion, seized components, brake rotors with heavy rust scaled; that if you do have to apply the brakes hard, it'll likely all but shake you out of the vehicle. After a couple of years, you may notice that the brake pedal seems to have a bit more travel then it did and once you do feel resistants' on the pedal it will likely feel a bit spongy. Monitor this and when you do notice this, get it in for a brake servicing! It may save you some money, if a tech can clean things up and maybe machine the rotors. I used to service the Canadian Food inspection Agencies vehicles here in London. They had a number of hybrid Ford Escapes. After 2-3 years the brakes looked like they spent their life sitting in a pond. The drivers had all the complaint I listed above. The brake pads looked as they were new thickness wise; but the friction material was beginning to separate from the pad's backing plate. The fix for that was to replace all the brake components at the wheels. An easy grand+ repair, if we could save the calipers.

So I'm just giving a heads up!  You say you don't drive the vehicle very often. That a good thing. Your wife will not notice the change in the brakes; due to it happening so gradually. If you can try and remember what the brakes felt like the last time you drove it and then compare it to how they feel the next time. Again if there is extra pedal travel and on a relatively hard braking, if there's a shudder, get it in for a brake servicing. This is not a knock against the EV, it's just the nature of the beast!!!!




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Yeah...like I said it's my wife car. I can't begin to tell you what she's spent on vehicles she's had over the years. She has champagne taste, buys new and keeps nothing longer than 3 years. She's always picked her own vehicles, but she's always worked so I won't deny her that if it's her thing...and believe me after 39 years of marriage it's been well worth it. Unlike some of my buddies, I still have the house and cottage...LOL

Me...for now, I'll stick with my Ram with a hemi.

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2 hours ago, CrowMan said:

39 years of marriage

Holy crap, it'll be 39 years this August for my wife and me!!!! Maybe there's more we have in common then we know? LOL We do know we can agree to disagree and still keep talking. LOL


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3 hours ago, DanD said:

Holy crap, it'll be 39 years this August for my wife and me!!!! Maybe there's more we have in common then we know? LOL We do know we can agree to disagree and still keep talking. LOL


..talking and listening. Dan I understand you better now just cause I kept my mouth shut when I didn't have anything really worth sharing. :) You showed me that ICE cars are a way of life for some people. I guess I kinda knew that but didn't see the real passion in it. Funny thing is if we met in person we might just get along.

I can fish with almost anyone who has a passion for it. Fished with a group of guys this summer including a QAnon believer. We were fine out on the boat.

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As always, most people will get along if they can be sensible. One of my best friends is a big QANON guy. Point being contrary to some, you just can’t take yourself too seriously and you will get along fine with anyone. 

Society is somewhat the victim of an artificial intelligence system that is running loose on the fact that conflict ensures the most engagement, more engagement means more ad $.


I have basically 0 doubt that if everyone on this forum aside from a very select few extra Crusty characters would get along if thrown in a boat and made to fish with one another. 

heck, join a bass club, you’ll get thrown in a boat with anyone…I’ve yet to have a co angler that I didn’t have something in common with lol.

I see a pretty healthy conversation about technology in here, what an absolutely wild world we live in, 15 years ago electric cars were basically a “concept” now you pull up to an intersection and one of the vehicles is going to be electric. 

some bad news out of ford, apparently they have ceased manufacturing the lightning due to a battery safety concern. Imo par for the course for FORD…I would expect even worse from my own truck maker RAM.

funny is the current line of chev ice trucks are having major major injector issues, you’d think they would have that figured out by now lol. 

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