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A Happy Healthy Holidays!


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There is no question that the year has been difficult.  Everyday we wake up and face life a little differently than we did before, and that is surely a stress for many...

No matter where each person stands in their beliefs to Covid, also be aware of another contagion which seemingly troubles more and more people.  It is called intolerance.  It is an illness born in moments of stress, anxiety, fear, helplessness or hopelessness, and is often one's self-defence in their attempts to ward off personal despair or misunderstanding.  We can honestly say that many days this past year have bothered us all, considering this moving forward, we just might find a better acceptance and some easier answers if we remain empathetic for each other.

Best wishes for a happy and hopeful, healthy holiday season.  Worry less in the moment about how much to give or how many to give to, and take on the Christmas spirit of simply giving and sharing the best of what you can and who you are. 

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As usual very well said Bunk 

All the best to everyone over the holidays and for 2021 

This year has felt like a grind at times but I also try to remind myself that I have much to be grateful for 

and yes cheers to you Bunk and all of the frontline workers out there.  


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Words of wisdom there Andrew. Merry Christmas to You, Bren and the rest of the gang. I haven't seen Summer for a good while now, is she off at school? Btw, I had to chuckle when reading about dealing with the bugs and crap bug spray. So I figure I can help you out with that for next spring. I'm more than willing to donate a 4oz spray pump of MaxiDeet at 98%. My sis in the US sent me up a box and I have more than I will ever use. We're maybe 20 min apart, you could even send the boss over sometime this winter. :)
Cheers man

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On 12/24/2020 at 6:16 PM, gordy28 said:

cheers to you Bunk and all of the frontline workers out there.  

Yes Bunk every well said!!!

Thank you Gordy for your wording of the above statement. Yes health care workers are defiantly up there as frontline workers; but there are many more professions  out there that have to deal with the public, on a one to one basis. The repair industry is one that I'm involved with. People need their furnaces, fridges repaired when it goes down. Me I need to keep my clients vehicles running and safe to use. We repair techs have to get close and personal with peoples stuff, let alone the person themselves. For my trade we have to go into their vehicles; vehicles that are very close quarters. Where we never know what we're going to find under the seat of a vehicle that we're repairing, lets say a power seat. Used (snot filled) tissues, dirty dippers, half eaten burgers and the worst thing I've had to deal with was a used tampon. My techs at the shop, have used so many antiseptic wipes and latex gloves trying to keep themselves and their families at home safe. So the next time you see a sign put up thanking the health care workers, remember they likely drove their vehicle to get the supplies to make the sign and then put it up. All I'm trying to say don't forget to give some thanks to the trades out there helping to keep things somewhat NORMAL! 

Sorry for the rent

Just want the trades to be acknowledged along with the health care.  


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On 12/25/2020 at 12:07 AM, smitty55 said:

Words of wisdom there Andrew. Merry Christmas to You, Bren and the rest of the gang. I haven't seen Summer for a good while now, is she off at school? Btw, I had to chuckle when reading about dealing with the bugs and crap bug spray. So I figure I can help you out with that for next spring. I'm more than willing to donate a 4oz spray pump of MaxiDeet at 98%. My sis in the US sent me up a box and I have more than I will ever use. We're maybe 20 min apart, you could even send the boss over sometime this winter. :)
Cheers man

Ahhh both girls moved on from YIG a couple years back now. They actually have a terrible reputation for how they treat their young staff. Both are happier in new jobs now.

And, that kinda deet sounds like it could be face melting, clothes disintegrating kinda stuff. lol. I'll know where to look if I need some of your nuclear power stuff Smitty! lol.. Happy holidays bud!

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To think that we grew up using that strength of deet. It sure does melt plastic and removes dye. Pretty sure I have one of those light green bottles of Muskol in the bottom of an old tackle box. It sure does work better and for longer than the 25% stuff we get now in Canada.
 Good for the girls. I know Jeff at YIG has a temper but I wasn't aware it was that bad. Cheers

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