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Real Estate in south western On.

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22 hours ago, Old Ironmaker said:

Mom and Dad are paying about the same in Hamilton, if they eat 25 bucks worth of food a week between them I would be surprised.  A Filipino at the Steel Plant who's wife was a RN opened a nursing home back in the 80's, they are now multi millionaires that own a chain of retirement residences and nursing homes. .  

I will have to mention that to my Lady. Thank you. To me I don't care how much it snows as we don't plan on being in Canada during the winters. For the price of 1 months rental property in south Fla. you can rent a home in south Portugal, housekeeper included for 4 months, or longer. The most expensive dinner for 4 of us, more food that can be eaten, copious bottles of wine included at The Algarve was 25 bucks Cdn. in 2015. Spain can be just as economical. Something like 3 bucks a bottle in Portugal. I just need to talk my Dr. into giving me 4 months worth of meds.

I believe that Spain is much cheaper than Portugal. My father in law wintered there for a number of years after having tried various locations in Florida. My wife and I would visit for March Break.

OL, if you are considering Spain, look in the Malaga area and specifically a town called Nerja. It is a beach town about 1/2 hour east of Malaga. 200 bars and restaurants that are in the down time during our winter. Lots to see within a couple of hours drive, menu of the day is $5.00 CAD and includes three courses and a bottle of wine.

You can surf cast the Med, day trip to the Alhambra, take a ferry at Gibraltar and hit North Africa for the day.

There is a "Canadian" village on the edge of town, it's a town house complex that is almost entirely filled with Snow Birds.

Beats the crap outta Florida!


Edited by Headhunter
one too many 0's!!!!
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Thanks HH. I have never been to Spain. A great option. We had a place in Fla. and sold before the recession then bought a place in Mesa Arizona for less than cheap during the recession, and sold last year, just too far and the US $ was a killer. The only advantage with Florida is you can drive there. With the Canadian $ today it isn't an option, besides anything beats Fla. It's a big world out there. Thanks again HH.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On topic, anyone know the average or low end market price for a 5+ bedroom house, preferably in Waterloo region (rural/country area preferred)? My sister-in-law came home from somewhere Saturday morning & found a eviction notice (Notice to Terminate a Tenancy at the End of Term) with the reason being late rent payments, rent gets paid but normally just up to like 3-5 days late due to getting paid at the end of the week (Friday). She have had enough with dealing with landlords so she's looking at renting to own a house, we currently pay $1800/month + Utilities on top of that(Hydro, Water, Gas, ETC.) for rent & would prefer to spend a little less than that. We have until July 31st to move, I think she's looking at like $340k for a house but if a down payment is required I'm not sure if we could save 17k in time for a 5% down payment on a $340k house & a $1800-3600 down payment would only allow us to get a $36-72k house.

Edited by Lord Letto
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On ‎6‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 7:03 PM, Lord Letto said:

On topic, anyone know the average or low end market price for a 5+ bedroom house, preferably in Waterloo region (rural/country area preferred)? My sister-in-law came home from somewhere Saturday morning & found a eviction notice (Notice to Terminate a Tenancy at the End of Term) with the reason being late rent payments, rent gets paid but normally just up to like 3-5 days late due to getting paid at the end of the week (Friday). She have had enough with dealing with landlords so she's looking at renting to own a house, we currently pay $1800/month + Utilities on top of that(Hydro, Water, Gas, ETC.) for rent & would prefer to spend a little less than that. We have until July 31st to move, I think she's looking at like $340k for a house but if a down payment is required I'm not sure if we could save 17k in time for a 5% down payment on a $340k house & a $1800-3600 down payment would only allow us to get a $36-72k house.

$1800 a month for rent is crazy..my mortgage is less than that by several hundred bucks.. eventually something has to give with this kind of market.. There's only so much money to go around...

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sorry. bit confused.is she looking to buy a home on her own or with you ? if together, then you should have more flexibility with mortgage cap. also sounds like her landlord was looking for a reason to evict her since she always paid, just a few days late. he'll jack it up for the next tenant. good luck in the search but I'm guessing K Dub area is not going to be cheap

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In KW a 5 bedroom home is nowhere close to 340K. That home doesn't exist sorry, anywhere in southern Ontario. You are talking close to or over a million.  Maybe a 2 bedroom townhouse for 340K, maybe.

Go to Comfree.com  and search. close to 100% of all homes are listed there as Real Estate brokers also put their listings on Comfree.

Being late in rent kills your credit rating,  3 to 5 days late is late. 1 day late is late. I would venture a guess she isn't going to qualify for a mortgage with only 5% down with the poor credit rating she now has. In a bullish real estate market that we have now rent to own is few and far between. I have had several tenants over the years. I depended on the rent coming in on time as I had mortgages, utilities, repairs, maintenance fees  and taxes to name just a few to pay on time and depended on that rent to pay them. I bet anyone would get pretty upset if their employer was 3 to 5 days late giving someone their pay. Same thing Leto. Sorry but I would evict her as well.  I'll leave it at that.

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3 hours ago, pics said:

$1800 a month for rent is crazy..my mortgage is less than that by several hundred bucks.. eventually something has to give with this kind of market.. There's only so much money to go around...

Don't move to Yellowknife!!!

Renting a room in someone's house is $900/month.

$1,500/month for a one bedroom apt.

I'm lucky in that I rent a 3 bedroom trailer with a pile of storage space for that money.

Generally they are in the $2,200-$2,500 range.

FYI, to purchase one of those sweet 3 bedroom trailers is in the $350,000-$400,000 range.

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I did a quick search of homes in KW. I was correct a 5 bedroom home in the area is over a million bucks. 400K for a smallish 3 bed townhouse.

We are putting in an offer for a century home, actually older 1839, in Prescott ON. Nice area and fair real estate prices compared to anywhere in southern On. It actually has 5 bedrooms. 3 in main house and 2 bedroom rental apt. attached to main house. It was the housekeepers quarters before Canada became Canada. A solid stone Heritage home on new 10 yrs ago floor joists, main beams, solid footings and foundation. The first thing I did was put on coveralls and climb under the place. 100X190 lot with home setback from the main road. I wouldn't want to change a thing on the exterior anyway. Converted to NG HVAC in the 90's. 250K. A few blocks from the St. Lawrence. and Golf Club.

Hey Big Dave, are eggs still a buck each like in the 70's when a dozen here was 59 cents?

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I don't know the price of anything. I just throw them in the cart and pay for them at the till.

I will check next time I'm in the store. Pretty sure they're reasonable as I buy 18 packs and am sure they don't cost anywhere near that.

Now, bush communities are a whole nuther story. You're looking @ $20 for a 2L of pop in a lot of them.

Regular price in YK is $1.99 and often on sale for $1.49 some times as low as $1.00.

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4 hours ago, Old Ironmaker said:

In KW a 5 bedroom home is nowhere close to 340K. That home doesn't exist sorry, anywhere in southern Ontario. You are talking close to or over a million.  Maybe a 2 bedroom townhouse for 340K, maybe.

Go to Comfree.com  and search. close to 100% of all homes are listed there as Real Estate brokers also put their listings on Comfree.

Being late in rent kills your credit rating,  3 to 5 days late is late. 1 day late is late. I would venture a guess she isn't going to qualify for a mortgage with only 5% down with the poor credit rating she now has. In a bullish real estate market that we have now rent to own is few and far between. I have had several tenants over the years. I depended on the rent coming in on time as I had mortgages, utilities, repairs, maintenance fees  and taxes to name just a few to pay on time and depended on that rent to pay them. I bet anyone would get pretty upset if their employer was 3 to 5 days late giving someone their pay. Same thing Leto. Sorry but I would evict her as well.  I'll leave it at that.

Right on the mark OI. Tough to hear, but they've cranked right down on lending rules, so that even if you could find a place for $340K, with no down payment and a rough credit history you'll be denied. Problem is the bank becomes your new landlord, and they don't put up with anything. My heart goes out to you, but your best bet is to find another rental with a landlord you can work with and begin saving up that down payment for the future. Easier said than done, I know. 

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lol $1,800 too much?

The tenant that lived in my 700 square foot two bedroom apartment that I own was paying 1,850 a month. No storage locker and I live at lawrence and dufferin, technically north york and not the city of toronto.

Most people with two bedrooms in the city of toronto are paying over 2 grand a month. A 1 bedroom apartment near transit in toronto is $1,200 minimum. 

340k is your budget, you are going to need to move to sudbury or north bay..and even then you wont get 5 bedrooms. 


Serious question, is there any particular reason you have to live in the GTA? Unless you have a really really great job, you can basically move the hell away and take a much worse job and have the same amount of money in your pocket at the end of every month because housing costs are so much cheaper away from the GTA.

I heavily considered moving to North Bay, buying a house cash and then living with no mortgage and a pile of equity that I would invest. I would then take a job making 25% less and still have more money in my pocket at the end of every pay period. Only reason i decided to stay in toronto is because I dont know anyone in north bay or sudbury. If your whole family is looking to move, its worth considering.

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I can't fathom living in the TO, Hamilton Niagara area with employment on the lower end of the pay scale. Why? Maybe to be close to family, friends maybe. It is more economical to move your entire family where rent isn't close to 2 grand. Post WW2 many young, and older folk immigrated to Canada and the US because cost of living was so high. You had a roof over your head but couldn't feed your family and vice versa. My Dad was born in Hamilton but when my Grandfather was sent to prison my Grandmother had to get her and her 4 kids back to Italy. At 20 my Father came back to Canada, 3000 or so miles from his Mother. Mom is from North Tonawanda NY, only a 75 minute drive. When I told them we were moving outside the area they didn't make a peep. As they say ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Letto you need to get out of Dodge(southern ON). My advice and a toonie will get you a coffee at Tim Hortons. 

Our offer was rejected 15 minutes after it was made. You guys know before the Lady that I share  kitchen with does.

Letto,  am more than happy to give you some advice, I have been in the real estate/rental business for 43 years. PM me if you wish. Read my saying at the bottom of my page.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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4 hours ago, DRIFTER_016 said:

I don't know the price of anything. I just throw them in the cart and pay for them at the till.

I will check next time I'm in the store. Pretty sure they're reasonable as I buy 18 packs and am sure they don't cost anywhere near that.

Now, bush communities are a whole nuther story. You're looking @ $20 for a 2L of pop in a lot of them.

Regular price in YK is $1.99 and often on sale for $1.49 some times as low as $1.00.

20 bucks for a bottle of POP!!!!!! Bootleggers charge less for home made Vino. I remember when many of the boys went West in the 70's during the Oil boom. It was a buck an egg. You pay less for eggs than we do. $3.00 a dozen for farm eggs. Buy at your own risk. I found a few unhatched chicks in my frying pan, what a stench. It must be nice to shop then ask "How much." I always paid cash before Interact or before they accepted VISA. I won't use Interact around here unless I have at least the same amount of cash in my pocket. We are still on land lines around here and it doesn't always work. I always calculate how much $$ the items were as I put them on the belt. I bet my wife as to how much, can't go over, come to think about it she owes me a few Samolians.

Letto, the original thread I started was about moving to SW Ontario. You should consider SW Ontario. You can get a nice 3 bedroom home there for well under $200,000.00. Employment is tough. If a family works hard, very hard and pools it's money you have a chance at home ownership. Rents are nowhere what they are in Southern Ont. I've seen nice homes, nothing fancy for under 150 in fact. I know people that have cars in their driveways that total 150K. I know a few mortgage brokers that lend unsecured mortgages, you won't get 1 for 4% though, closer to 10%. 150K at 10% is about $1500.00 a month PIT. PM me if you wish.

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10 hours ago, woodenboater said:

sorry. bit confused.is she looking to buy a home on her own or with you ? if together, then you should have more flexibility with mortgage cap. also sounds like her landlord was looking for a reason to evict her since she always paid, just a few days late. he'll jack it up for the next tenant. good luck in the search but I'm guessing K Dub area is not going to be cheap

We currently live together (my brother (works in metal decking, office for company is in Toronto) & his wife (my sister-in-law, works at McDonalds in Waterloo), their 2 kids (my nieces, currently going to school in Linwood), myself (unemployed, on OW), mom (unemployed, on ODSP) & uncle (moms brother, works with my brother doing metal decking)), She's looking for a house for all of us but mom is talking about moving out on our own cause she's tired of how we're treated (having to share a room in the basement, having to do all the housework ourselves, being blamed for bills being high because we're the only ones home all day while everyone else is at work & school, not having reliable transportation to go where we need to whenever (my sister-in-law is the one who sets up & brings mom to her doctors appointments, that she's lucky if she makes it or gets lab work she needs done before hand, nearest bus stop is like a 1.5-2 hour walk away so taking the bus is out of the question).

for housing, there's a few options I found in the <$350k range for 5+ bedrooms (the $1800/month rent we pay (Split between me, mom & my uncle that each pay about $400 for a total of about $1200 of the rent while my brother & his wife pay the remaining $600+ most of the bills (we help out where we can, I pay $25 every month to go towards the TV, Internet & home phone package (that got put in my name)along with $100 to go towards a bill that needs to be paid) is for a 5 bedroom, my brother & his wife share a room, my nieces have their own room, my uncle got his own room & me & mom share a room)).

Some 5+ Bedrooms for <$350k within a 1 hour drive (according to google maps) from my sister-in-laws work in Waterloo:

6 bed 2 bath for $179900 in Conn (north of Arthur, east of Mt Forrest): https://www.realtor.ca/Residential/Single-Family/19436058/9639-WELLINGTON-ROAD-14-Conn-Ontario-N0G1N0

5 bed 2 bath for $270k in North Perth (Atwood, about 10 minutes from Listowel): https://www.realtor.ca/Residential/Single-Family/19427809/134-KING-Street-North-Perth-Ontario-N0G1B0

3+2 bed 1 bath for $289900 in Brantford: https://www.realtor.ca/Residential/Single-Family/19529665/21-STRATHCONA-Avenue-Brantford-Ontario-N3S1T4

5 bed 2 bath for $299k in Ingersoll: https://www.realtor.ca/Residential/Single-Family/19525950/270-BELL-STREET-Ingersoll-Ontario-N5C2P3

5 bed 3 bath for $299900 in Hamilton: https://www.realtor.ca/Residential/Single-Family/19543211/11-GREENAWAY-Avenue-Hamilton-Ontario-L8L6C3

5 bed 2 bath for $309900 in Stratford: https://www.realtor.ca/Residential/Single-Family/19486645/97-CAMBRIA-Street-Stratford-Ontario-N5A1G8

5 bed 2 bath for $315k in Brantford: https://www.realtor.ca/Residential/Single-Family/19467448/129-Peel-Street-Brantford-Ontario-N3S5M6

4+1 bed 3 bath for $319k in Brantford: https://www.realtor.ca/Residential/Single-Family/19445880/129-ERIE-AVE-Brantford-Ontario-N3S2G3

3+2 bed 3 bath for $325k in Norwich: https://www.realtor.ca/Residential/Single-Family/19249397/99-LOSSING-DRIVE-Norwich-Twp-Ontario-N0J1P0

5 bed 2 bath for $334900 in Stratford: https://www.realtor.ca/Residential/Single-Family/19453810/170-ERIE-Street-Stratford-Ontario-N5A2M7

5 bed 2 bath for $338309 in Woodstock: https://www.realtor.ca/Residential/Single-Family/19200821/309-VANSITTART-AVENUE-Woodstock-Ontario-N4S6G4

7 bed 5 bath for $339999 in Hamilton: https://www.realtor.ca/Residential/Single-Family/19249740/222-WENTWORTH-Street-N-Hamilton-Ontario-L8L5V8

3+2 bed 2 bath for $349900 in Listowel: https://www.realtor.ca/Residential/Single-Family/19412658/625-RESERVE-Avenue-S-Listowel-Ontario-N4W2L3

3+2 bed 3 bath for $349900 in Waterloo: https://www.realtor.ca/Residential/Single-Family/19475276/B---509-Lonelm-Court-Waterloo-Ontario-N2L5C9

4+1 bed 2 bath for $349900 in West Perth (description says Dublin, Address in Google maps says Mitchell): https://www.realtor.ca/Residential/Single-Family/19478077/185-ONTARIO-RD-West-Perth-Ontario-N0K1E0

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4 hours ago, AKRISONER said:

lol $1,800 too much?

The tenant that lived in my 700 square foot two bedroom apartment that I own was paying 1,850 a month. No storage locker and I live at lawrence and dufferin, technically north york and not the city of toronto.

Most people with two bedrooms in the city of toronto are paying over 2 grand a month. A 1 bedroom apartment near transit in toronto is $1,200 minimum. 

340k is your budget, you are going to need to move to sudbury or north bay..and even then you wont get 5 bedrooms. 


Serious question, is there any particular reason you have to live in the GTA? Unless you have a really really great job, you can basically move the hell away and take a much worse job and have the same amount of money in your pocket at the end of every month because housing costs are so much cheaper away from the GTA.

I heavily considered moving to North Bay, buying a house cash and then living with no mortgage and a pile of equity that I would invest. I would then take a job making 25% less and still have more money in my pocket at the end of every pay period. Only reason i decided to stay in toronto is because I dont know anyone in north bay or sudbury. If your whole family is looking to move, its worth considering.

Dufferin and Lawrence? How ya doin neighbor?..

Spain vs Portugal money wise.. if you dont plan on being in the Algarve then Portugal is way cheaper. The Algarve is hardly Portugal too... great tourist attractions and beaches but food and wine? Go to the north!

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Lord Letto those prices you posted in most cases mean nothing.

Unless you see the place and check it out completely they just could not be livable unless your happy with a dump needing extensive work? Or maybe right beside a train track?

Listings are not always accurate.

Fixer upper generally means total gut job.

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As for some of the places you listed?

Atwood there is absolutely nothing there. Will need good transportation to get anywhere.

Stratford at that price & location will be an old ran down place. Also on a very busy main Street.

Dublin is about 10 mins from where I live. Place may be not bad but right on a busy highway in a place with nothing. No public transportation.  Virtually no services either for shopping, medical ect. Work opportunities there are almost zero but lots of work in Stratford about a 25 minute drive away. Better have your own car.

Of the places you listed some may be not bad but in out of the way places & others in larger towns being far less of deal but with more services and some places do have public transportation.


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To be very blunt, I don't think you're going to find a bank willing to lend someone in your situation money. And if someone is willing to lend you that kind of money run away from them because you're in for trouble. 

I'd recommend you look for an apartment to rent for yourself and your mother based on your income, somewhere with access to public transportation and maybe a better job market for yourself? Buying a house can't be a snap decision, you need a stable income and good credit at the least. Nothing wrong with renting until you can make the right purchase.

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For transportation, my sister-in-law drives a 2006 GMC Envoy & my Uncle drives a 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo (4.0 I6 Selec-Trac), they are currently the only licensed drivers as my brother currently got a suspended licence for blowing 80 over, as for myself I plan on going for my M1 & getting a line of credit from the bank (if I'm able) to go towards a cheap, old, used scooter or motorcycle along with the safety course & some gear (using the Loan and Line of Credit Calculator on my banks website (CIBC, Everyone else is with TD except for my Uncle who's with RBC) If I get $1724 & pay monthly over 3 years it'd be $50 per month with a interest rate of 3.45% that they're offering until November 18th 2018, with that I plan on using $480-500 for the safety course, $250-274 for gear & the remaining $994-950 to buy something to ride & put it on the road with a planned max insurance cost of $100 per month (Expecting $75-100 depending on what I get & coverage) & $40-50 per month for gas to have a total monthly cost of $165-200 to be riding on the road)

as for me & my mom finding a place to rent, given rental costs for a 2 bedroom in Kitchener-Waterloo (that I've found so far anyway) we might have to suck it up & go with everyone else, Apply for low income/subsidized housing or bite the bullet & pay more than what we're currently paying for rent ($800 per month, plus food & bills)

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Man my thread has become interesting to say the least. No problem though I'll take interesting any day. Letto when you said you were house hunting I presumed you all had employment. I don't have any idea what OW or ODSP is but assume it is monetary assistance. Use the proper name once then go ahead and use the acronym, even what is supposed to be professional news media does the same thing, drives me bonkers.

I don't know about the houses outside Hamilton as far as prices are, I know for certain the prices quoted for those places in Hammertown are about 1/2 of the market value, maybe less. The realtors advertise a ridiculously low price to get traffic from Toronto (T.O.herein to be referred to as Toronto), and fuel a bidding war. A close friend did the same last summer. A 3 bedroom on Magill St. where I had a tri plex rental 22 years back was advertised at $299,900.00. It sold for 540K and needed another 60K in reno's. No central A/C, oil furnace for radiated heat supplemented with electric heat, double brick with zero insulation. A freezer in the Winter and a Blast Furnace all summer. The house is over 100 years of and the basement always has 2" of water in it. The foundation walls are stone on stone. The place hasn't seen an improvement in over 40 years. Knob and tube and a 60 AMP service that no Insurance company will insure for fire. Heck I sold my tri-plex for $230,000.00 then and my rental income was $2200.00 a month. What is shown on MLS often has nothing to do with the market value. Many of the houses I saw would probably need 100 grand to make it livable. Sweat equity though can save big bucks but materials are going up every day for no other reason other than they can to match the housing boom.

To be blunt as well until you find good paying employment you shouldn't even be thinking about home ownership. I agree if living conditions with family are untenable Mom and yourself should rent a place on your own. One of the worse decisions one can make is to invest in property with Family. Even families that get along, sounds like yours doesn't. You will put what little money you can to contribute and never be on the deed. There are several agencies in Hamilton that I know provide good safe housing geared to income, Liuna is one, it's the Ontario Labour Union. Good luck going forward. And get off my thread. (just kidding Letto) Again good luck and happy fishing.

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3 hours ago, Tom S said:


3 hours ago, Tom S said:

And if someone is willing to lend you that kind of money run away from them because you're in for trouble. 


Talk about being late to pay 3 to 5 days, fergid aboud id. Your Mother is sick, too bad pay me, your Dog died, too bad pay me, you lost your job, good, now I own the house you have 40 grand invested in, it. Get out now.


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just repeating what was said...find a small apartment to rent for you and your mom, and get yourself a bus pass. Labour job and bust your ass. You should be able to make ends meet.

Stay the hell away from beer, smokes, weed and gambling and you should be doing just fine. Need something to do? Go fishing...even us crazy idiots that spend stupid amounts on gear could go catch fish on a $20 canadian tire set up if we really had to.

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Letto look at finding a small apartment in Stratford.

You should be able to find something around the $800 mark. At that price it won't be in a newer place or fancy. Maybe a walk up above stores downtown. Public transportation is available in Stratford.

Lots of work in Stratford so you will not be without a job unless you don't want to work. Many of these jobs will start in the $16 to $18 range. Factories in Stratford are bringing in workers from places like Sudbury, BC and Newfoundland due to worker shortages.


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On 6/7/2018 at 3:16 PM, Old Ironmaker said:

20 bucks for a bottle of POP!!!!!! Bootleggers charge less for home made Vino. I remember when many of the boys went West in the 70's during the Oil boom. It was a buck an egg. You pay less for eggs than we do. $3.00 a dozen for farm eggs. Buy at your own risk. I found a few unhatched chicks in my frying pan, what a stench. It must be nice to shop then ask "How much." I always paid cash before Interact or before they accepted VISA. I won't use Interact around here unless I have at least the same amount of cash in my pocket. We are still on land lines around here and it doesn't always work. I always calculate how much $$ the items were as I put them on the belt. I bet my wife as to how much, can't go over, come to think about it she owes me a few Samolians.

Letto, the original thread I started was about moving to SW Ontario. You should consider SW Ontario. You can get a nice 3 bedroom home there for well under $200,000.00. Employment is tough. If a family works hard, very hard and pools it's money you have a chance at home ownership. Rents are nowhere what they are in Southern Ont. I've seen nice homes, nothing fancy for under 150 in fact. I know people that have cars in their driveways that total 150K. I know a few mortgage brokers that lend unsecured mortgages, you won't get 1 for 4% though, closer to 10%. 150K at 10% is about $1500.00 a month PIT. PM me if you wish.

OK, 18 eggs are $5.07.  :)


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