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Yes, his business plan includes being the "minister of natural resources" as well as publicly stating he cuts nets and burns boats, and threatens sodomy to those of indiginous people.




well if thats the case the yeah, not sure claiming to be a minister of nr makes him anything, well anything more then a moron

i was referring to his status card crap...and now it looks like people are putting up kijij ads and fake posts so i am not sure of the whole truth as i do not believe everything i read as fact

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All I know is, if he banned NEWFIES, I be all over this too. NOT


I,ll back off now trying to figure out whos right and whos wrong here. All I wanted.


Nut bar, ya maybe. But he has a right. Not a LAW.


Dont lose sleep over it.


I wont.


We deal with some real ignorant people on simcoe all year long.

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well if thats the case the yeah, not sure claiming to be a minister of nr makes him anything, well anything more then a moron

i was referring to his status card crap...and now it looks like people are putting up kijij ads and fake posts so i am not sure of the whole truth as i do not believe everything i read as fact

Thats fair.


Hes been the topic of news stations and visited by police.


Its in their hands now

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All I know is, if he banned NEWFIES, I be all over this too. NOT


I,ll back off now trying to figure out whos right and whos wrong here. All I wanted.


Nut bar, ya maybe. But he has a right. Not a LAW.


Dont lose sleep over it.


I wont.


We deal with some real ignorant people on simcoe all year long.

I wont B.


Initially I posted this as a public service because alot of board members reside near or visit the area.


Maybe next time Ill just let it be, find out on your own???

Edited by manitoubass2
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I sort of have been following this on FB and yeah its a whole lot of crazy.

Did the company poster do wrong by saying all? Yes. Had he said all persons asked to never or not return due to what ever reason *as Terry said drunk and personally banned from said company* a whole different topic.

"White bucket" YES it has a stigma to Asian people BUT when I go ice fishing I use one to keep my stuff safe. True 100% that most hear that and or read it and think Asain. Sad but true. Some places in the world do have a catch and keep mentality no matter the size due to culture and this is why the Reg's are not printed in more than just English. Education!

Rick started this as a warning and from the looks of it, it's turned a bit into a let's take him down a peg type of post...

Sorry but if this was about a gas station selling you gas with 10% water in it I think it never would have gone this way.

AKRISONER made a very great post in this thread too... Just saying...

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Lol I know what it means just thought you were directing that at me(must be my tinfoil hat lol)


I cannot believe he hasnt removed his posts or made his account private???


Hes getting burned left right front a center(rightfully so) but geez


You??? lol, not a chance.


BTW, I hope that leg is healing nicely. :D

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I've seen a number of references to this guy having a right to choose who he permits to frequent his business. I just want to clarify that this is not entirely accurate.


If he were to say:


"All patrons are expected to follow the Ontario regulations while using our huts."




"No alcohol, profanity or disturbing other guests"


He would be in the clear. However, he specifically stated in advance he will not serve holders of a status card. It can be assumed that holding a status card identifies one as belonging to a visible minority. It is illegal to refuse to provide services on the basis of race. Therefore, he is in contravention of the law.


If a status card holder is refused service on that basis, he or she need only call the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal and he is in big trouble. That's no joke, they have as much or more power as the court. (imo they have too much power, but that is another post altogether!).

Edited by Dutch01
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Oh, he hit a musky with a bat.


*changes everything instantly*


this had me lollin


also dutch...i was going to mention something about what you said but I wasnt fully clear on the law myself. I also was understanding that it was totally illegal to ban individuals of a certain race from your business regardless of your reasoning.


Now i have my confirmation, thanks.

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with out a doubt the guy is a moron and most likely a racist


but when other operators state that everyone using their huts or flyin services must follow the sport licence or con licence limits

the only people who can do otherwise are people with a status card

so without them sounding racist they have done the exact same thing

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Think of it however you want Terry, illegal is illegal. Blatant racism is blatant racism. And apperently Canada has two Ministers of Natural Resources. One just happens to be an ex convinct from michigan running an ice hut rental business on the side with no licensing, the ither probably does most of her work from an office in Peterborough?

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Think of it however you want


i was just telling it like it is at many business*


not sure where you were going with your post


so i will not visit this thread any more

I understand many business operate under certain rules. You're correct. They word it properly and dont exclude entire races from using their business.


Happens up here too. Probably the one that gets abused moreso than anything is no alcohol. But almost everyone I know violates that rule. Worst they can do is call the authorities and or ban you from their services


If someone possesses a status card and keeps 6 fish instead of 4, there is nothing you can do legally to enforce your rule. Thats just how it is.


And I find it disturbing you have little issue with this guys actions other than he should have worded it better.


Come on man

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Facebook is serious business. If the guy had half a brain he could have gotten his point across without ruffling any feathers. But he didn't, lol.


Too funny.


Rick: Question for ya.


If you fish outside your treaty territory, aren't you required to have a valid Ontario fishing license and follow the regs (be it sport or con)?

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I understand many business operate under certain rules. You're correct. They word it properly and dont exclude entire races from using their business.


Happens up here too. Probably the one that gets abused moreso than anything is no alcohol. But almost everyone I know violates that rule. Worst they can do is call the authorities and or ban you from their services


If someone possesses a status card and keeps 6 fish instead of 4, there is nothing you can do legally to enforce your rule. Thats just how it is.


And I find it disturbing you have little issue with this guys actions other than he should have worded it better.


Come on man

Rick, I don't think Terry was condoning racism, you might be taking this personally because it is an issue close to home so to speak.


My personal recommendation is to keep in mind the wisdom of Buddha:


"Holding on to anger at someone is like drinking poison and expecting them to die"


This guy will get what's coming to him one day, in the meantime stop drinking the poison.


(That's not to say do nothing, but if you're not going to do something, let it be like water off a ducks back. You'll live longer)

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