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Weather Differences


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I always get a kick out of the weather guys down South putting out windchill warnings when it's only like -15 with the windchill. Up here in de Nort EH they don't issue a windchill warning until the temps drop below -50 with the wind.

Heck at those temps the kids in the K-6 school across the road from work are still out having a ball at recess!!!


Here's a little chart for your pleasure!!! :whistling:



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I spent 2 weeks in Oulu Finland, 45 K south of the Artic Circle back in the 90's before Global Warming. The first 2 weeks of December. I was lucky enough to be there for their " Little Christmas". I don't know all the details of that pre Christmas holiday other than to have witnessed them having a blast and drinking copious amounts of Vodka and Tar shots. The bars were turned into Casino's on Friday and Saturday nights, We had a blast in the evenings that started around 1PM really. I did have fun in Finland, indoors. A few of our group took a tour of the Artic Circle, too dammed cold for this guy, wind or no wind. By the way it is the same tar we fill cracks in roadways with. -20C is cold, not much different than -30. But when it was -40C even the Fins complained. I asked many a Fin why live in those conditions, pay $40,000.00 for a $20,000.00 Honda Civic and 200 bucks for a pair of Levi's and the answer was always the same. "This is my home". When I asked the same question of those under 30 years old it was always the same. "To earn enough money to get the Hell out of this God Forsaken waste land and move to Helsinki or better yet to Europe.


I don't know if calling southerners Pussies is accurate, perhaps a tad more intelligent as a species that can best survive in an environment best suited for life may be the best analogy. Choosing to live in a hostile environment that doesn't bode well for the best chance of survival of a species I do not understand.


It was -1 C here today and with wind blowing off Erie I was freezing cold. I am not good with the cold. Hot, like Blast Furnace hot is just fine with me. I don't and can't fathom why anyone could live where you do my friend. If I took you out onto the Blast Furnace Casthouse floor you would probably melt. There are Northerners and there are Southerners, I am a member of the latter. I know you love where you live most likely Dave, not for this thin blooded southerner.


Just the opinion of a woosy southern pussy.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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Of course Yellowknife wind chill warnings would be rated at lower temperatures than in Southern Ontario. You shouldn't need to be warned on a daily basis that your average everyday temperatures are much colder in Yellowknife than in Toronto. I'm sure if Toronto got as cold as Yellowknife on average, you'd see more people wearing jackets made out of seal and polar bear skin too.LOL


With that said, I do agree with your sentiments for the most part. I'm certainly not that old but I do remember what winters used to be like back in the 80's and 90's in Southern Ontario. My dad and I had a conversation about this yesterday morning.


I remember playing outside at lunch and recess in elementary school up until it got to -25 to -30. Most people actually knew how to drive when it snowed more than 5cm. There were times where I had to help my dad shovel the roof of our house because we got so much snow. My schools didn't have snow days until it snowed about 2ft and even then, it was hit or miss.


The people of southern Ontario have gotten used to mild winters and no snow. The climate is changing. To me, a snow storm meant that about 2-3ft of snow was coming. Nowadays, anything over 5cm is considered severe. The only things that remained the same are:


1. There's always a problem with the TTC when it snows

2. There's an hour and a half delay (minimum on top of your normal 45min trip) on the DVP if you decide to drive downtown in the morning.

3. You see at least a dozen cars in the ditch on the way to work

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Let us not forget the winters of 2012 and 2013. I have pics of 20 plus foot drifts here along the Erie Lakeshore. I battled a blizzard one night in February where my outdoor thermometer bottomed out at -40C. Our heat trace line was rated at -40. My wife could not get home from work and spent the night in Hamilton at my brothers. I filled every container, pot, pan, pail and cup so I could to run the shallow well pump every 10 or 15 minutes to keep it from freezing, did laundry all night to keep water flowing. I fell asleep at 08:00 and the line was frozen by 09:00. Did I mention I couldn't get the temp in here above 50F. I froze my Corleone's off. I called that night the Winter Games of 2012. Water lines in town and around the county split like a cracked egg that night.


I didn't shovel last winter and broom swept once in 2014. I don't have to worry about driving because I am retired, watching satellite images at mid night worried about my Lady driving home in a lake effect storm in the dark gives me accida, acid stomach. It doesn't matter if it's -20 or -60, that kind of cold can kill you as fast as a bullet if you get stuck outside in it. We don't know what kind of winter we will get until we get it. We drove cedar posts last December 24th to put up a corral for a buddies horses last year.


Just this afternoon I drove my 85 year old next door neighbour to Mount Hope airport to catch her flight to Florida for the winter. The only way to beat our winters is to move. What's the difference between -20 and -50? I know my water line won't freeze at -20, maybe. They have it made in the NWT and Yukon, it's a dry cold whatever that means. Thinking back to Finland -40 was bearable unless the wind picked up. That's what I was told because I was sitting in the bar after work, no way I left the Hotel unless I had to. I think I watched that movie where Arnold killed the Predator 10 times and Bruce Willis saved the world from the meteorite 5 times and knew the new Supervisory Computer system we were there to learn better than the Fins teaching it to us.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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It has to do with using Celsius as your measuring tool.lol. It sounds so dramatic to say it is 0 C instead of 32 F. The kilometer is the same thing you get 2 for 1 over MPH. (all said tongue in cheek) cold is just cold.




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Was ice fishing at Callander Bay in the 1990'S, outside thermometer hit the pin at -40 below, radio said it was -52 in the outlying areas of North Bay.

The nails that hold the 1/4 round wood trim inside the cottage were white with frost, that's inside the cottage, brrrrr.

Truck would crank over but it would not start for 3 days, when temps climbed to -20, my Chevy fired up. Had a block heater installed the next

week and that solved any future no starts for me.

Never experienced a cold temp like that before, we all got properly dressed for a walk after dinner but we didn't stay out for long, even our

"travellers" in our pockets were getting slushy.

Still had a good time though,

I'm like OIM now, cant stand the cold anymore, guess that's what happens to you as you age.

Just MHO.

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Canadian Temperature Scale:

+70 degrees Texans turn on the heat and unpack the thermal underwear.

People in Canada go swimming in the Lakes.

+60 degrees

North Carolinians try to turn on the heat.

People in Canada plant gardens.

+50 degrees

Californians shiver uncontrollably.

People in Canada sunbathe.

+40 degrees

Italian & English cars won't start.

People in Canada drive with the windows down.

+32 degrees

Distilled water freezes.

Lake Superior's water gets thicker.

+20 degrees

Floridians don coats, thermal underwear, gloves, and woolly hats.

People in Canada throw on a flannel shirt.

+15 degrees

Philadelphia landlords finally turn up the heat.

People in Canada have the last cookout before it gets cold.

0 degrees

People in Miami all die...

Canadians lick the flagpole.

20 below

Californians fly away to Mexico.

People in Canada get out their winter coats.

40 below

Hollywood disintegrates.

The Girl Scouts in Canada are selling cookies door to door.

60 below

Polar bears begin to evacuate the Arctic.

Canadian Boy Scouts postpone "Winter Survival" classes until it gets cold enough.

80 below

Mt. St. Helens freezes.

People in Canada rent some videos.

100 below

Santa Claus abandons the North Pole.

Canadians get frustrated because they can't thaw the keg.

297 below

Microbial life no longer survives on dairy products.

Cows in Canada complain about farmers with cold hands.

460 below

ALL atomic motion stops (absolute zero in the Kelvin scale).

People in Canada start saying, "Eh, Cold 'nuff for ya?"

500 below

Hell freezes over.

The Leafs win the Stanley Cup

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It has to do with using Celsius as your measuring tool.lol. It sounds so dramatic to say it is 0 C instead of 32 F. The kilometer is the same thing you get 2 for 1 over MPH. (all said tongue in cheek) cold is just cold.





I had a visitor up from Maryland this summer. He wanted to take a picture to show is friends how cheap the gas was up here... :clapping:

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