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Bit of a Rant


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Snap Peas are out of season Dude. So is fuel, hydro, NG, beef, pork, chicken, eggs, bread, water. WATER. Anyone that complains about the price of anything and I see an empty water bottle in their truck they are gettin' it. Pay a buck or more for 750 ML of water, everyone hydrates like they are crossing a desert to get to work or go shopping for God sakes. That's my rant.


Another one. If you don't think you are paying for the cardboard container your take out comes in you need to wake up. Same goes for plastic bags at grocery stores. They were free before? At 5 cents each that is Millions of $$$ of revenue lost if free. They just decided that you are charged for one just makes them look Green to Uncle Kate. You are going to see an Environmental surcharge on your groceries soon for the 15C A/C, 30C heat and for the hydro in the store. How much do you think it costs to get a store the size of the ACC to 15C?


I'm ranted out for tonight. I forgot this one, I CAN'T SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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exactly - seriously?

OMG, next they'll charge you for the take out containers. what will we do?

All these little things build up and have an impact on people who live on a fixed income. (not just retired people, but people who don't make much and never get raises).

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I understand they are out of season.


So are cucumbers, but thats my snack now. I get a whole cuc for a buck


But I miss my snap peas so let me be bitchy


I hear ya on sleeping. Maybe if I had heroin I might be able to sleep lol



Go to vancouver, the government hooks everyone up on you and me

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Nah Im good man lol. Im not touching heroin or any synthetic opiate over a tylenol 3.


I thought BC just had like clean nursing stations to inject??? They dont actually give out heroin do they?


docs are writing methadone and fentynol scripts for the profit. No one actually does heroine anymore its too hard to get.


Heres my small rant thats a bit off topic, but after living in the down town east side for 5 months ill explain where your tax dollars are being spent, we all have the right to know.


The purpose of safe injection sites is to provide users with a clean safe supervised environment to inject drugs. Hypothetically the most important part of these injection sites is to actually protect the general public. The junkies can kill themselves all they want, its the public that is truly at danger due to discarded dirty needles littering the streets and disease running rampant through that community.


Like most government run programs though, its a total farce and has actually put the public at more danger. I would argue that you would be better off letting the junkies use dirty needles and subsequently die from disease. Here is why.


What is advertised as a community safety project, literally has the complete opposite effect because the junkies are able to attain the "contraband/tools" in an "Injection Package" free of charge and then subsequently leave the facility. Ill make this very clear, this is not a "clean needles program" this is a full blown program where Needles, Cups to cook product, tourniquettes, cotton swabs and alcohol patches are provided to users. You literally are effectively enabling drug users....does a heroine junky need to be provided with a rubber band to make sure the drug works effectively? You tell me?


Effectively the only people being protected by this program are the users themeslves, the general public suffers because now the streets of the DTES are completely littered with contraband including used needles. You literally have to see it to believe it, but I did not go one day living there without finding at least 1 used syringe litering the ground at the local park, the sidewalk, the storefront or any other common area where children would frequent. Let me make this very straigt forward, when i say this isnt me going out into back alleys looking for used needles, this is me taking my dog for a walk to the park down a main road and stumbling across used syringe after used syringe.


Specifically the worst instances were 1. Going to the local playground/dogpark subsequently stumbling across the waste of an "injection package" including all packaging, tools and used needles. Stopping to call the local "needle hotline" witnessing a 4 year old child run directly towards said pile of used needles, me yelling at the childs parents to stop him and physically stopping the stranger's child from subsequently walking directly over a pile of used needles.


2. walking to work on one morning to literally find a pile of 20 used needles and the full blown "injection kits" littered literally across the entire sidewalk to the effect that I had to j walk to the other side of the road because the sidewalk was not passable. (remember this is on a main drag through downtown)


3. Walking through the main tourist area of gas town to stumble across a passed out user with used needles strung on the ground, with a injection needle still stuck in his arm and subsequently bleeding all over the sidewalk with a pile of vomit.


You can imagine attempting to walk my poor dog through this environment on a daily basis. Its pretty much a miracle that he was never stuck by a used needle due to his curious nature. I have many more stories including being verbally threatened at 3am by a heroine dealer on my front door step.


needless to say, as much as my life being totally thrown into shambles this past year...Leaving that situation and that environment was one of the most important things mentally I have ever done in my entire life.


sorry for hijacking the thread jimmer but a good rant about this program is somewhat suitable for this thread, but making people aware of this total farce of a program is important. Clean injection sites are supposed to have a purpose in protecting the non users in the community but they are completely failing due to typical Bull which allows these guys to have no rules and attain free contraband. isnt socialism grand?

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Thats brutal!


But im surprised you dont see it everywhere.


I see it here in the small towns of emo and fort frances. Because here(Ontario) all this stuff is available, to the user for free, at any health unit.


Ive got pics on my old phone of 100's of used needles scattered in a small sandfilled kids park. Also, when my ice fishing shack was broken into, yep, full of needles.


That fentnyl prescription is insane!!! My neighbour in pinewood was/is severely addicted to them. Shes like 33 and looks in her early 60's. The kicker? She has a 4 year old daughter, still BREASTEFEEDING while she has 2 or 3 patches on. Why was she on that stuff? No clue as aside from her addiction and annoying peristance to ask us for rides constantly nothing seemed wrong with her physically. I called family and childrens services but I only seen them visit once and she still has her kids so I dont believe anything really happened there.


3 or 4 people died here recently all in the same weekend due to fentnyl laced oxycodone. Stuff is incredibly dangerous.


I hear your frustration but find it a little disturbing you're fine with users killing themselves off. Just my opinion but thats a pretty harsh/inhumane way of thinking my friend

Edited by manitoubass2
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Heroin seems to be the drug of choice amongst addicts around here, it is the cheapest I've read. They can't steal enough to afford Fentanyl and Hydro Morphone. 1 Fentanyl patch goes for $100.00. My Dr. had me on the patch 7 years ago, not good, not good at all. The Pharmacy my wife works at has a Methadone program. It is a town of 10,000 people. I was surprised. I am naive though when it comes to this crap.


Akrisoner, you are talking about Vancouver. Every major city I have visited in this world I have seen evidence of intravenous drug use laying about in the city centres, each and every one. Including Tehran Iran where it is punishable by death. They huddle in alley ways doing it. They don't care, they are already dead.


There are many people that have to take some off these heavy duty opiates. Thankfully I am off them now. Never, ever tell anyone including your kids they are in the house. Destroy all evidence of them, bottles, receipts, list of meds given by the Pharmacy. If someone looking for them knows you have them though a 3rd or 4th part they will do anything to you and your family to get them. A couple I know well in their 70's out here experienced a home invasion to get the wifes OxyContin she had for Cancer. She had loose lips. He lost the use of his right arm when he took a point blank shotgun blast to it. Somehow it still had a strip of muscle and bone holding it on and they saved it. It is there more for decoration because he can't even lift it an inch.


Man talk about a hi jack, I'm sorry, again, but I think it is an important message I have to tell.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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If someone is crippled in an auto accident or is suffering from a fatal decease we all donate, raise funds may things to raise money to fight the decease. But when it comes to drug addiction we wish they would all over dose and save society from them. What is the difference between a broken body and a broken brain? If anyone thinks someone with an addiction wants to be addicted you are wrong. Why not round them all up and put them in a Concentration Camp?

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What is the difference between a broken body and a broken brain? If anyone thinks someone with an addiction wants to be addicted you are wrong. Why not round them all up and put them in a Concentration Camp?


Not talking about those that use it for medical reasons, but for those who use it "to get wasted". You have the choice whether or not to use the stuff, your call.

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Not talking about those that use it for medical reasons, but for those who use it "to get wasted". You have the choice whether or not to use the stuff, your call.




its difficult for me to feel any sympathy for them when they rob, threaten and place my family in danger...


yes manitou its unfortunate, but i draw the line when i become a victim of your choices in life.


in 5 months, my car was broken into, my gym locker had the lock cut off of it, my car had the catalytic converter stolen off of it, and finally I was verbally threatened with physical harm in my own home...


Iron...yes there is evidence of it in every city, i live in Toronto and see it every day, but the magnitude is multiplied by about 100x in the down town east side, you literally need to see it to believe it.

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Once addicted no one wishes to be addicted. Addiction leads to a life of crime against society and puts undo immense pain on those close to the addict. I don't make excuses for them, if they are convicted of a crime lock them all up for a long time. Unfortunately that isn't the answer because drug use during incarceration can be greater than on the street. I don't have an answer. people that are much more educated than I and is their lifelong calling to solve addiction don't have the answer either. All I am saying is that they need a chance to get better. Addiction is a medical condition but we don\t treat addicts the same as others that have a decease. We have empathy for one group and utter distain for the other. I may have a different outlook because I have seen good people die of drug addiction that were once good members of society.

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