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The menacing elephant in the room - Donald Trump?


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Is this really what you want to discuss on a fishing thread? It reads like a pack of trolls talking about something that you have no say in. I am really close to locking all political threads since they seem to bring out the worst in people on this forum. Here is fair warning 2 people on this thread are going to be on modQ if they continue trolling members and fanning the flames of debate.


Hopefully this is all I need to say


Be CIVIL post FACTS not dribble from the internet and agree to disagree before typing an insult.






Only 2... :lol:

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this is not surprising. If you are a republican candidate your focus is on getting elected to congress. I would press republicans at this point to forget about trump and worry about what goes on in congress where the real decisions are made.



The point about how he is a business bully is one that I have never considered but makes total sense. You hire a subcontractor with smaller capital, refuse to pay them and then cut them a deal for a much smaller portion of the agreed upon amount. You then indicate that unless they accep that offer they will have to sue you which inheritably slows everything down and costs you a pile of lawyers fees.


and what keeps contractors working for you is that you threaten any whistleblowers and potential new contractors see having their project with the Trump Label as a huge selling point so you just keep making people jump through hoops and bully everyone. Incredible.

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New Trump statement on several new economic policies: "...an end to the estate tax, exclusion of child-care expenses from taxation, and a 15 percent cap on all business income tax. He is also promising to use executive powers to impose a moratorium on new agency regulations. On trade, Mr. Trump underscored his opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. He also wants to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement and label China a currency manipulator. And on energy policy, Mr. Trump said he would tear up the Paris Climate Agreement and halt the United States’ payments to United Nations global warming programs".


Also promised recently was to double Hilary's 275 billion commitment to infrastructure spending and lower taxes. All in all these promises should put the US much further into debt.

Edited by scuro2
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I watch it with some amusement, and cant help but think whats really gonna change with either in power

I wouldn't trust him with a bottle rocket let alone the power to launch a nuke!


Google image the "Trump Tower in Toronto" and have a look at the peak of the building. I sure does look like the building is giving the city the finger! Why, cause he wanted his building taller and was told how much it was going to cost to move all the towers from the one building to his so he cut it short but left a 'peak'

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I think a lot of Americans need to educate themselves on the Clinton's starting about 1978. A few documentaries out there that are several years old about Bill and Hiliary.


...or you could educate yourself with another "documentary- :) " titled, "This documentary will get Donald Trump elected".



Something does not compute, in the video Trump over the years laments the ever rising deficit yet as soon as he is in a position of power he makes promises that will create massive new debt with tax cuts mainly for the rich, huge tax cuts for big corporations, and 1/2 trillion dollars of spending on a giant infrastructure program.


George Bush called that sort of reasoning Voodoo Economics.

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Yoko Ono: I Had an Affair with Hillary Clinton in the 70s

Aug 3, 2016


I wonder who Hillary would pick as an intern.

I don't think it should matter, in 2016, if someone had a same sex relationship in the past. That should not disqualify someone from running for office.


Trump on the other hand, had been accused of raping a 13 year old at a home owned by his good friend Jeffrey Epstein. You know, the convicted child pornographer Jeffrey Epstein. Here's how Trump sees his molester buddy (direct quote):


"Ive known Jeff for 15 years", Trump told New York Magazine in 2002. Calling him "a terrific guy", Trump continued, "Hes a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about itJeffrey enjoys his social life."


Now, the Clintons have some connections to this guy too, I'm not gonna lie. But to say Hillary is unfit because she slept with a woman 40 years ago while giving Trump a free pass on his past is a joke.

Edited by Dutch01
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I don't think it should matter, in 2016, if someone had a same sex relationship in the past. That should not disqualify someone from running for office.


Trump on the other hand, had been accused of raping a 13 year old at a home owned by his good friend Jeffrey Epstein. You know, the convicted child pornographer Jeffrey Epstein. Here's how Trump sees his molester buddy (direct quote):


"Ive known Jeff for 15 years", Trump told New York Magazine in 2002. Calling him "a terrific guy", Trump continued, "Hes a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about itJeffrey enjoys his social life."


Now, the Clintons have some connections to this guy too, I'm not gonna lie. But to say Hillary is unfit because she slept with a woman 40 years ago while giving Trump a free pass on his past is a joke.

She just covered up two sexual assaults committed by her husband

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Donald Trump represents the worst aspects of the USA. His businesses are built on Bull and snake oil promises and have no substance. He licenses his name, but puts very little of his own money at risk in any/all of his business ventures. He has somehow conned the American people that Trump means luxury and success. In reality, the Trump brand is like K-Tel. But I guess that is the land of Honey-Boo Boo and Duck Dynasty. I guess if you keep telling stupid people the same thing over and over again, they start to believe it as fact. Do Americans realize that their entire political system is becoming the laughing stock of the rest of the world? The cruel irony may be that Donald Trump is complaining that the political system is broken in the US, and yet that is the reason he has been able to get to where he is.


Here is a prediction for you: Donald Trump loses in November and then immediately blames everyone else around him and launches a lawsuit against the GOP to recover the money he invested in the election.

Edited by Canuck
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Donald Trump represents the worst aspects of the USA. His businesses are built on Bull and snake oil promises and have no substance. He licenses his name, but puts very little of his own money at risk in any/all of his business ventures. He has somehow conned the American people that Trump means luxury and success. In reality, the Trump brand is like K-Tel. But I guess that is the land of Honey-Boo Boo and Duck Dynasty. I guess if you keep telling stupid people the same thing over and over again, they start to believe it as fact. Do Americans realize that their entire political system is becoming the laughing stock of the rest of the world? The cruel irony may be that Donald Trump is complaining that the political system is broken in the US, and yet that is the reason he has been able to get to where he is.


Here is a prediction for you: Donald Trump loses in November and then immediately blames everyone else around him and launches a lawsuit against the GOP to recover the money he invested in the election.

I agree with you completely, but to be fair its on both Clinton and Trump. That these two are the "best candidates" the system could come up with should embarrass all Americans, left and right. Edited by Dutch01
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Anyone that jumps in as an independent would win

I think that Hillary cut a deal last time, she wouldn't fight Obama for the nomination, but she got to be next. It's obvious from the leaked emails that they were never going to let Bernie be their candidate. I think that's a huge mistake. He's not perfect, but I think he'd do better than Clinton against Trump. One possible "silver lining"; maybe the DNC cut the same deal with Bernie (ie. he's next) in order to get his endorsement for Hillary (and avoid a big lawsuit I'm sure).


Pure conjecture on my part but it's at least plausible, and you can't say that about almost anything that Trumps says ?

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Anyone that jumps in as an independent would win


There are alternatives. Gary Johnson seems like a reasonable candidate; he is technically a third party candidate rather than an independent. He is polling much better than most third party candidates, which is probably a reflection of Trump and Hillary.


The Green party is also running a candidate. There may be others.


If there was ever was a year to vote for an independant or third party candidate, this is it.

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