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It's a kids game played by men, the men came out yesterday. The slide was old school, the way the game is to be played. The punch, again old school and it should be handled by the players. Things will even out.


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After that slide...deserved


perfectly legal slide for the last 100 years. nothing wrong with it. take a closer look at the replay, odor actually tried to throw the ball at Jose. want to see how dirty odor is? watch the video here http://www.sbnation.com/lookit/2015/10/3/9446765/rangers-angels-odor-slide-disgusting


that was just last year. all jose did was slide hard between odors legs. he could of just run right through him if he wanted to

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The slide was illegal, not dirty. If he wanted a dirty slide he should have had his spikes up at knee level or into his pills. The punch Bautista got from Stinky had nothing to do with the slide, and everything to do with how butthurt the Rangers are from last October. Good on them for holding a grudge for 6 months and then getting your shots in while they're on their way out the door.

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perfectly legal slide for the last 100 years. nothing wrong with it. take a closer look at the replay, odor actually tried to throw the ball at Jose. want to see how dirty odor is? watch the video here http://www.sbnation.com/lookit/2015/10/3/9446765/rangers-angels-odor-slide-disgusting


that was just last year. all jose did was slide hard between odors legs. he could of just run right through him if he wanted to

And that is 100% a dirty slide. I think Stinky suffers from small dog syndrome.

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Pretty low to do it in his last at bat after how many games played against each other this year!

Funny, we here at the house had taken to calling him stink boy, since last fall!

Wondering if there will be any fall out from MLB and possible suspensions?


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Spikes down and on the bag? Jose should have hit him with his shoulder I guess. Dirty is sliding 4 feet to the side of the bag. Odor also tried to throw low as Jose came in. I'd put the first pitch in his first at bat right between his shoulders and then drop him as he came to the mound but that would be tough since Odor runs backwards while "fighting".

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"That was one well executed right cross by the Latino fighter. It didn't get the left hander on the button as it hardly wobbled his opponents legs."


That quote could have been made on any Friday night of "HBO Boxing".


20 game suspension for Odor and 5 to 10 for others that decided to get involved other than to separate guys, more for Pilar, he went in with clenched fists.

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Spikes down and on the bag? Jose should have hit him with his shoulder I guess. Dirty is sliding 4 feet to the side of the bag. Odor also tried to throw low as Jose came in. I'd put the first pitch in his first at bat right between his shoulders and then drop him as he came to the mound but that would be tough since Odor runs backwards while "fighting".

I noticed that later on as well. He made no attempt to throw the ball to first. His first priority was to hit Bautista in the face with the throw.


I'll bet there are quite a few suspensions forthcoming from that little fracas. The more I think about it I doubt Bautista gets more than a game - he really didn't do that much wrong. I hope Odour gets 15-20, which I think is deserved considering he was probably going to try to fight Bautista even if he was rounding 2nd while Smoak was on a homerun trot. Pillar is likely to get something as well. Maybe Donaldson too. He came in and tackled like 3 players all at once and spent quite a bit of time on the bottom of that pileup.

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The slide was illegal, not dirty. If he wanted a dirty slide he should have had his spikes up at knee level or into his pills. The punch Bautista got from Stinky had nothing to do with the slide, and everything to do with how butthurt the Rangers are from last October. Good on them for holding a grudge for 6 months and then getting your shots in while they're on their way out the door.



and the ONLY thing illegal about it was that he didn't make an attempt to maintain contact with the bag, i mean he slide straight into the bag and over it then popped up on the other side

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"That was one well executed right cross by the Latino fighter. It didn't get the left hander on the button as it hardly wobbled his opponents legs."


That quote could have been made on any Friday night of "HBO Boxing".


20 game suspension for Odor and 5 to 10 for others that decided to get involved other than to separate guys, more for Pilar, he went in with clenched fists.



odor for sure, fines for donaldson, pillar and gibbons, probably fines and suspensions for the rangers coaching staff as well. and bush will be fined/suspended

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I think they did respond and that's why they got ejected and face suspension and or fines. Odor was also behind his whole team as well.




Not sure about the suspensions. A few games for position players and a handful more for a pitcher and that's about it. Although Gibson might get more since he was ejected earlier and returned to the field.

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The question im asking is why didnt any blue jays go nuts?


Someone punched your main dood in the face.


How do you let that slide?

Watch the replay again MB and you will see Donaldson come flying in on left side of your screen. It looks like he takes a couple of guys out with him. I think they stood up pretty well.

At least to these "grumpy ole eyes". :whistling:


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Watch the replay again MB and you will see Donaldson come flying in on left side of your screen. It looks like he takes a couple of guys out with him. I think they stood up pretty well.

At least to these "grumpy ole eyes". :whistling:


Oh I seen that, but tackling 3 guys is not =to a shot square in the jaw.


Frig, walk out calmly, pick a guy on the outside of the scrum, and lay it to him

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I didnt say hit him from behind


Pick a guy and go at it


I didnt either. Still would be a cheap shot. Let the two fight it out. I never stepped in for a buddy no matter if he was losing or winning. They wanna go at it, let them go. Buddy grabbed batista and took him away. Never threw a punch at him. Just tried to settle things down. Smart move IMO. Now if he cracked him too, then it,s a free for all, but he didnt. I give that guy credit.

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I didnt either. Still would be a cheap shot. Let the two fight it out. I never stepped in for a buddy no matter if he was losing or winning. They wanna go at it, let them go. Buddy grabbed batista and took him away. Never threw a punch at him. Just tried to settle things down. Smart move IMO. Now if he cracked him too, then it,s a free for all, but he didnt. I give that guy credit.

Thats the point, he didnt get to fight back.


Ive never stepped in a buddies fight either but I will if someone interfers maliciously.


But yeah, I can see your point.

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If we accept the narrative that the bat-flip was such an egregious offence to baseball mores and that the Rangers and their fans feelings were so badly bruised hurt that retribution in the form of a baseball between the shoulders was the only revenge. Then that should have been taken care of in the first at bat... or game.... or series... or first game at home to appease those fervent Rangers fanatics. Nope. They waited until they knew they didn't have to face the Jays again and waited until the last at bat. And it wasn't that crybaby pitcher, who's neck is still sore from watching that ball rocket over the fence. He sure talked a lot back in October. He had his chances but didn't back up what he said. Big tough talkin' pitcher who doesn't have to bat was really quiet.


The league now knows exactly what the Rangers are about. They look for the easy way out.


I'm going to get tickets for the first game in Toronto next season.... I just hope someone without enough power and who is too small to play firstbase but with not enough arm to play anywhere but 2nd is still in the league.

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