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Shooting in binbrook


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^^ This





Is why they do it and know they will get only a slap. We dont have the jails to keep all these birds locked up. They know they will get what, 2-3 months out in 1 month. The criminals are winning each day.


Sad that a life was taken, dont condon it,but these guys know what they are doing and the little price to pay for it. This fellow paid the big price. Will it deter others, hell no.

Edited by Brian B
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Man I just commented the other day, that's a lot of board and batton on that garage, then I see it on TV today. It's just sad, I will reserve comment other than tp say you want my truck here's the f ing keys. I told you the story of the oldtimer in Hamilton that killed a teen for stealing his tomatoes.

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Having had a truck stolen before I have zero sympathy for the deceased. The way I see it is if he wasn't out there trying to steal somebody elses vehicle the whole situation never would have happened.

Back when I had to report my truck stolen I was told that even if the police were to catch this certain group of auto thieves in the act upon fleeing they will not be persued because they are known to carry weapons and wont hesitate to endanger innocent lives in a high speed chase.

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Some of the posts here really bother me.


Have I had a vehicle stolen? No, but ive had me house broken into twice.


Yeah I used a baseball bat, but only to disable an immediate threat.


I have guns too, and was within my rights to use them.


But imo its just not worth it unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY!


FNA had a good one, if you draw a gun are your ready to pull that trigger? (Well not those words exactly lol)


I know for one I dont wish to take anybodies life(especially over some petty crap)


Your harming yourself and your family almost as much as the theif(now victim)

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So people who steal should be put to death??? Justice should be blind not stupid.

Obviously you haven't been a victim, be a victim five or six times and tell me you haven't had enough.

Hit me once, OK, Hit me again, OK, after 3 times not OK, after 5 times your whole out look will change your behaviour.

Sorry, but it's human and animal nature. You poke a dog with a stick and think it's funny, NOT

As some have stated, could you still pull the trigger, I don't think I'd have the balls, :worthy::dunno:


I think the victim will have some sleepless nights. Just look at the cop that took his own life this week. NOT Funny.

Edited by Fish Farmer
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Sorry Manitou but, "I have guns too, and was within my rights to use them. " ,you don't have a "right" to use them at another person. Although I understand why one would and I could probably justify it, it is illegal. YOU DO NOT HAVE THAT RIGHT! This is NOT the USA.


I agree with Fish Farmer 100%

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I know were dealing with a attempted truck theft and the thief lost his life.

So too has the shooter. It's basically over for him for the next decade or longer.

He most likely loose his house, his job, his good name, his credit rating and god knows what else.

Within a split section a decision to shoot and possibly take a life has taken his.


A few years ago my wife and I were awakened by a pounding on our side door.

I got up and demanded to know what the person wanted. Just as the words were coming out of my mouth, he starts pushing in on the door - I yelled for my wife to dial 911. He must of heard that but a minute later he's now at our sliding door off the deck. I grabbed a knife and was prepared - this guy was intent on getting in - and I was scared.

My neighbor across the street woke up hearing the pounding and the screaming. He appeared with rifle in hand and the guy took off dropping his phone on the road.

(During the 1st door and the slider, the operator was online with my wife. She could hear the noise and the yelling.)

The OPP arrived 40 minutes later and the officer looked disinterested. Since it was snowing he said "no need it's a waste of time fingerprinting"............huh.

He grabbed the cell phone and left.

(Our house is 20 minutes from the main OPP headquarters in Orillia.)

I lost a lot of faith that night - not just in the officer that arrived, but the whole department.

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Just an FYI don't grab a knife. You never know if a guy is trained to use it. I tell my wife to grab a casserole dish, the big heavy glass ones. One shot to the noggin and he's down.


Sorry about your experience Miami. It pisses me off to no end when coppers show up and not give you the time of day for something legitimate

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And a simple production order (warrant) will get subscriber info and you got the guy. Unless it's a throw away. Smdh.

Well, you might have the owner of the phone but all he'd have to do is claim the phone was stolen!


A bat or casserol dish might be a good choice if you are young and fit, I'm still in pretty good shape for my age. I was trained in unarmed combat, I was pretty good. I am also smart enough to realize that in a physical confrontation with some young punk they would have the upper hand. If someone is prepared to rob me then they probably aren't going to worry about some old man or woman getting in their way.

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Well, you might have the owner of the phone but all he'd have to do is claim the phone was stolen!


A bat or casserol dish might be a good choice if you are young and fit, I'm still in pretty good shape for my age. I was trained in unarmed combat, I was pretty good. I am also smart enough to realize that in a physical confrontation with some young punk they would have the upper hand. If someone is prepared to rob me then they probably aren't going to worry about some old man or woman getting in their way.

Yeah, to make matters worse it seems like alot of break ins these days are drug fueled.

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Yeah, to make matters worse it seems like alot of break ins these days are drug fueled.

Very true, there have been a slew of home invasions in the area as of late, one guy was killed in ancaster in his home and his son beat, apparently drug related according to a couple friends who know the family though I have no real clue how much of that is reliable

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Obviously you haven't been a victim, be a victim five or six times and tell me you haven't had enough.

Hit me once, OK, Hit me again, OK, after 3 times not OK, after 5 times your whole out look will change your behaviour.

Sorry, but it's human and animal nature. You poke a dog with a stick and think it's funny, NOT

As some have stated, could you still pull the trigger, I don't think I'd have the balls, :worthy::dunno:


I think the victim will have some sleepless nights. Just look at the cop that took his own life this week. NOT Funny.

I'd rather have the headache dealing with the insurance provider getting another vehicle rather than dealing with the courts for manslaughter or 2nd degree MURDER!......but that's just me lol.

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I think people around here are tired of these thefts.. the police know where the trucks go and who is doing the crime. Since it happened to me 20 odd years ago, there has been no real effort to stop it.. I just don't get why it is acceptable to pass this skill on to the next generation ..

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