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homemade detox ideas


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anything pre-made is bad...


go to a grocery store, anything that is cooked, packaged or made on site is bad for you. Avoid carbohydrates after 1pm. this includes fruits.


Chicken breasts...fish....and all of the green vegetables you want. Eat fruit too but avoid eating it late in the day. Aside from that if you stick to that your body will detoxify the heck out of itself.


Drink 8 glasses of water a day at a bare minimum. Its not hard to conceptualize, but difficult to stick to.

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Imagine your body like you are living in a lot cabin in the heart of Ontario with no electricity and at the centre is the wood stove (or your stomach).


As soon as you wake up you want to get the fire started. But if you try with a log, it won't work. Kindling and newspaper (don't know where you get newspaper in the bush, bear with me). So that's fruits, veggies, something light no later then 30 minutes when you wake up.


Now you want to keep that fire hot. Don't want it going out on you and having to light it again and you don't want to smother it. So lots of small pieces of wood throughout the day (veggies, lean meats, fish but not big meals). As the day gets longer you don't want a heavy fire burning before bed so, in the evening hold back from putting too much wood on the fire (not big meals in the evening).


Should work really well. Cranks your metabolism to the max.


Don't intend to do 'detox' but Ill use those tips the next time I start a fire! Thank you! :lol:

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Huzzsaba, I commend you for wanting to get healthier.


I will share what I teach my clients who want to loose weight:

There are 3 parts to detox:

1. Pre-detox - getting ready by getting rid of the junk around you. Not just what you ingest. Everything that you think is bad can go.

2. Detox. There should be only good stuff in and around you. Maintain for 3 weeks.

3. MOST IMPORTANT: What is the permanent state that you want to achieve after detox? Don't go back to the bad ways.


Try to form new good habits. After detox you will be ready to have a cleaner way of living. Go with your new found tastes.



Canada food guide is a great place to start for eating habits.


The Canada food guide has caused a lot of weight problems because 1. It was designed for another era. 2. People don't know how to use the guide properly.



This diet is the one put out by Dr Poon as well. He's the guy that called Bernstein a quack.


There is a lot of good advice out there. It all boils down to eating less bad stuff (processed), and more good stuff (fruits/veggies).


As long as you are honest to yourself about what is good and bad, you will get healthier.



TLS Weight Loss Coach

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I'm 35 I've spent the last 2 years really working hard on being healthy and trying to undo the damage caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. I've read a ton on the subject and found that everyone has their own ideas and someone elses solution wont always work for you. Spend a month at a time trying different things and see what works for your body and lifestyle.


My biggest tip - drink as much water as you can!


I aim for 3-4 litres a day and I feel more energetic and healthy than I ever have!

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lots of fishing & snowmobiling seem to do it for me . :worthy::canadian: ...a good detox from everyday life..... :Gonefishing:



Agreed on the fishing. I've walked a lot this year in the name of fishing! And a good mental detox.

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Huzzsaba, I commend you for wanting to get healthier.


I will share what I teach my clients who want to loose weight:

There are 3 parts to detox:

1. Pre-detox - getting ready by getting rid of the junk around you. Not just what you ingest. Everything that you think is bad can go.

2. Detox. There should be only good stuff in and around you. Maintain for 3 weeks.

3. MOST IMPORTANT: What is the permanent state that you want to achieve after detox? Don't go back to the bad ways.


Try to form new good habits. After detox you will be ready to have a cleaner way of living. Go with your new found tastes.




The Canada food guide has caused a lot of weight problems because 1. It was designed for another era. 2. People don't know how to use the guide properly.




There is a lot of good advice out there. It all boils down to eating less bad stuff (processed), and more good stuff (fruits/veggies).


As long as you are honest to yourself about what is good and bad, you will get healthier.



TLS Weight Loss Coach



Thanks for all the replies. I have been struggling with weight for a long time. I lost 100lbs one year but we all know that's probably the worst thing to do. I'm not too bad right now most people think I'm around 180-190 but I'm slightly over that. I try everyday to eat healthy and have been able to maintain my weight but would like lose another 30 lbs and keep it off long term. I do find that drinking lots of water helps. I have to be honest I haven't read every post here yet, but I will read them all and follow the best of recommendations.


Thanks :good:

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The simple formula is this burn more calories than you take in. If you plan on eating something that is loaded with calories then you exercise before your splurge on calories. Some bodies are comfortable on 2000 calories per day other need more. it really depends on how active you are. The easiest thing to do is to drink a large glass of water before you eat the first bite of any meal. This gives you less room to fill and it also will help digest food properly.




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Some bodies are comfortable on 2000 calories per day other need more. it really depends on how active you are.



It also depends on the individual's metabolism. Some people will get, say, 500 cal out of a meal whereas another will get 400 out of the same meal. The calories quoted for given amounts of food are just averages.

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I could provide some real insight on this(being a nutritional consultant practioner by trade)


Kinda funny to hear some of the responses( I know you all mean well however)


If there are more specific questions post em up or pm me if you so choose.


And ie. Metabolism is the rate at which cells die. So if you want to die faster, by all means use real scientific methods to do so

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I could provide some real insight on this(being a nutritional consultant practioner by trade)


Kinda funny to hear some of the responses( I know you all mean well however)


If there are more specific questions post em up or pm me if you so choose.


And ie. Metabolism is the rate at which cells die. So if you want to die faster, by all means use real scientific methods to do so


How do you explain slow metabolism and fast metabolism? I believe my metabolism is slow and most people will say to that a fast metabolism rate is what is needed for the body to lose weight.

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I've lost 40 pounds in the last year simply by cutting out most sweets and not eating nearly as much bread as I used to. I've always been a walker but now I try and do 3 miles every day where before it was only a couple times a week.


We're on a dirt road 1.5 miles from the hiway with almost no traffic so it's a great place to walk. It's tough walking in the winter though as it's usually very slippery but there's a gym in Youngs Point just a couple miles south of here so we'll be going there thru the slippery months.


And I can absolutely guarantee I'll never be over weight again.

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I've lost 40 pounds in the last year simply by cutting out most sweets and not eating nearly as much bread as I used to. I've always been a walker but now I try and do 3 miles every day where before it was only a couple times a week.


We're on a dirt road 1.5 miles from the hiway with almost no traffic so it's a great place to walk. It's tough walking in the winter though as it's usually very slippery but there's a gym in Youngs Point just a couple miles south of here so we'll be going there thru the slippery months.


And I can absolutely guarantee I'll never be over weight again.

Thanks for sharing. your experience makes me want to try even harder to reach my goal. :clapping:

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How do you explain slow metabolism and fast metabolism? I believe my metabolism is slow and most people will say to that a fast metabolism rate is what is needed for the body to lose weight.

Well most of the slow vrs fast metabolism is just pure myth.


It has more to do with body types, then diet and activity levels.


You have ectomorphs, endomorphs etc and that plays a much bigger role.


I could write about 6 thousand lines on the topic.


DNP is one of the only compounds, or triidothronine that will actually alter metabolism in a human(and DNP is a derivitive of TNT, yes the explosive, its very very dangerous)


Then there is also thyroid function, hormone levels, neurotransmittors, leptin, grehlin etc all involved.


Its a very complicated situation but its very easy to lose bodyfat if you have someone on your side that understands all these factors

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I've lost 40 pounds in the last year simply by cutting out most sweets and not eating nearly as much bread as I used to. I've always been a walker but now I try and do 3 miles every day where before it was only a couple times a week.


We're on a dirt road 1.5 miles from the hiway with almost no traffic so it's a great place to walk. It's tough walking in the winter though as it's usually very slippery but there's a gym in Youngs Point just a couple miles south of here so we'll be going there thru the slippery months.


And I can absolutely guarantee I'll never be over weight again.



Lew, ex firefighter,going to the gym. My good Diane,your going to have a buffed out hose carrying man. Lucky gal you. :lol:


Good on ya Lew. I too will be back at it. I will be just going light though. More pool for me.

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Well most of the slow vrs fast metabolism is just pure myth.


It has more to do with body types, then diet and activity levels.


You have ectomorphs, endomorphs etc and that plays a much bigger role.


I could write about 6 thousand lines on the topic.


DNP is one of the only compounds, or triidothronine that will actually alter metabolism in a human(and DNP is a derivitive of TNT, yes the explosive, its very very dangerous)


Then there is also thyroid function, hormone levels, neurotransmittors, leptin, grehlin etc all involved.


Its a very complicated situation but its very easy to lose bodyfat if you have someone on your side that understands all these factors

Thanks! that explains a lot. It helps to understand why some people could eat so much and not gain any weight when people like me can eat little and not lose much. Not making excuses, but I do come from a family that is not the thinnest of people so we must work harder.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is the season to drink and be Meerrry.


This woman is 51 yrs old. She is TV health guru Gillian McKeith, advocating a holistic approach to nutrition and health,

and promoting exercise, a vegetarian diet which is high in organic fruits and vegetables.

She recommends detox diets, colonic irrigation, and supplements.unnamed.jpg

This woman is also 51. She is Nigella Lawson... a TV cook, who eats meat, butter, chocolate and desserts .....

and, she washes it all down with wine!unnamed (1).jpg



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