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Who is going to pull the trigger?

Big Cliff

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I was under the impression that women widowed or not with children, then men with families were always going to be given priority... I doubt the original goal was to just take in 25000 18 to 40 yr old men of fighting age exclusively like the neocons have been spouting.


If Trudeau wasn't nervous about keeping his promise he would stupid....


The logistics of doing something so huge so quickly, the hate on all sides of the issue, and finally the terrorist attacks last week. Would make any sane person be concerned and trying to do everything possible to have a safe outcome.


The sign of real leadership is following through even when faced with potential dangers and tough obstacles. Something we haven't had in a leader in quite a while at any level in this country.



I gotta say im impressed that trudeau seems to be reasonably assessing the situation.


That alone speaks volumes(at least to me)

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If war comes to our shores Ill be in a hurry to join.


Off shore, no thanks.


I will fight for my family and fellow citizens, not elites and banksters


And drifter





Honest question,


you wouldn't have fought in world war 1 or 2 then? neither of these wars occurred on Canadian soil.

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In politics the elected official who promises to do something for a select race/group of people is nothing more than buying votes. rarely is it done for the good of humanity. I can site countless promises of the Obama regime that he has delivered at the expense of the american people and our future debt.




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In politics the elected official who promises to do something for a select race/group of people is nothing more than buying votes. rarely is it done for the good of humanity. I can site countless promises of the Obama regime that he has delivered at the expense of the american people and our future debt.




Obama should be impeached and tried for war crimes.


Hillary belongs in prison as well.


the best of the worst is rand paul.


May "god" bless america if trump is voted in.


My guess, since hes tight with the clintons, is he pulls a ross perot to split the vote

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Obama should be impeached and tried for war crimes.


Hillary belongs in prison as well.


the best of the worst is rand paul.


May "god" bless america if trump is voted in.


My guess, since hes tight with the clintons, is he pulls a ross perot to split the vote

Sorry dude, Rand is a wacko too. EDIT: to clarify, I believe you have to be the Republican kind of wacko to want to be part of that party.


The only one worthy of consideration, and he'll never win because of it, is Bernie Sanders.

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I was under the impression that women widowed or not with children, then men with families were always going to be given priority... I doubt the original goal was to just take in 25000 18 to 40 yr old men of fighting age exclusively like the neocons have been spouting.


If Trudeau wasn't nervous about keeping his promise he would stupid....


The logistics of doing something so huge so quickly, the hate on all sides of the issue, and finally the terrorist attacks last week. Would make any sane person be concerned and trying to do everything possible to have a safe outcome.


The sign of real leadership is following through even when faced with potential dangers and tough obstacles. Something we haven't had in a leader in quite a while at any level in this country.



So, Toronto Police have to stop profiling, but its OK for the Prime Minister,,,cause he is just trying to help

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Security risk aside, I think they should give preference to women and children anyway. Not sure what all the hubbub is about on that.


They are not just giving preference, it will be exclusively women and children and families.. This is a new development and shows they are worried about the wrong people getting in to Canada. I'm worried too, to be honest.





The sign of real leadership is following through even when faced with potential dangers and tough obstacles.


I chopped up one of your posts again. :)


So we agree there are potential dangers. We agree the cost will be in the billions of dollars. I still say "why?". We are possibly putting Canadians in danger and spending huge dollars on this when we have people that need help right here?

Edited by chris.brock
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So, Toronto Police have to stop profiling, but its OK for the Prime Minister,,,cause he is just trying to help


Not sure how it is a NEGATIVE kind of profiling by giving women with children and men with families first...


Not for nothing but for the ideal situation in my opinion would be to arm any fit single males of fighting age to the teeth train them how to fight and have them go kick some isis butt and take back their own country...

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Sorry dude, Rand is a wacko too. EDIT: to clarify, I believe you have to be the Republican kind of wacko to want to be part of that party.


The only one worthy of consideration, and he'll never win because of it, is Bernie Sanders.

Rand certainly isnt his father(Ron)


But hes good on alot of issues, as is sanders.


Neither will come close to winning however

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They are not just giving preference, it will be exclusively women and children and families.. This is a new development and shows they are worried about the wrong people getting in to Canada. I'm worried too, to be honest.




I chopped up one of your posts again. :)


So we agree there are potential dangers. We agree the cost will be in the billions of dollars. I still say "why?". We are possibly putting Canadians in danger and spending huge dollars on this when we have people that need help right here?


I don't have the answer of why we let some of our people slip through the cracks.... I don't know why CEO's need to make 300 times on average what the worker on the floor does in North America now. Back when CEO's were happy making 8 to 9 times what the folks on the floor made North America was a manufacturing power house.... now not so much. The experts tell us we are better off and we haven't voted in anyone who says different?


I don't know why as I said we have given corporations who are not people despite what the goofs on the Supreme Court in the U.S. think, 684 Billion in welfare in the last 20 yrs while we still have children living in poverty, homeless folks, and people dying while waiting for health care... The same thing applies it is a democracy and we haven't voted in anyone who thinks this wrong enough to stop it.


We have also always borrowed money in the last 40 yrs to send as aid to war torn or disaster hit countries around the world no matter what party was in charge... because nobody WE put in charge would NOT do it... (also I don't recall any government getting dumped in the next election because of it)


I am aware that a few radicals could slip though, and it could turn out to be a deadly mistake. However, since 911 the "free" societies of the world have given up so many freedoms for our "safety". We have peed away TRILLIONS of dollars we had to borrow to fight them over there and gotten no where. We have added layer upon layer of security all because the boogeyman might come do something.


One freedom we gave up fishing related that burns me to no end, is that when I was a kid we could walk out on the north pier at Goderich and fish for perch when a boat was in. Since 911 that is verboten, because a boat might be sabotaged....?


If we keep backing down from doing the right and just things that were not even up for debate for 911, then they have won, without doing anything. I believe the vast majority of the people in the camps are running from the terrorists. Just as I believe if they were from any other area and religion this wouldn't even be a discussion. They need help we need immigrants lets make it a win win situation.


Part of doing that will be good screening, just as vigilance from people here once they arrive. Now it is coming out that French authorities didn't connect the dots before the attack and they might have stopped it they had.... So keeping an eye out and reporting anything strange would be advisable and if that is profiling lets keep it up because it is also common sense in today's world.

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One freedom we gave up fishing related that burns me to no end, is that when I was a kid we could walk out on the north pier at Goderich and fish for perch when a boat was in. Since 911 that is verboten, because a boat might be sabotaged....?


To keep it fishing themed, I agree! Try fishing border waters, such as the Niagara River or Lake Erie....few extra steps involved these days.

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One freedom we gave up fishing related that burns me to no end, is that when I was a kid we could walk out on the north pier at Goderich and fish for perch when a boat was in. Since 911 that is verboten, because a boat might be sabotaged....?



The one big fishing loss I noticed after 911 was access to the warm water outlets at the nuke plants.

Used to love fishing B chute up @ the Bruce in December.

We could motor the boat all the way up to the wall of the plant and run the drift all the way out into the lake.

The fishing was off the chain back in the day. :(

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They are not just giving preference, it will be exclusively women and children and families.. This is a new development and shows they are worried about the wrong people getting in to Canada. I'm worried too, to be honest.


Chris, I've been following this issue very closely and to my knowledge the Liberal party has not previously released a settlement plan, so it's a bit disingenuous to say they changed it to exclude single males. Their plan is being released publicly tomorrow for the first time.


There are three different agencies vetting these refugees (UN, RCMP, and CSIS), so while it's always possible someone could slip through, I think we are not leaving due diligence behind as we move forward.

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Not for nothing but for the ideal situation in my opinion would be to arm any fit single males of fighting age to the teeth train them how to fight and have them go kick some isis butt and take back their own country...

While that sounds good in theory, it's what got us into this mess in the first place. The USA was so eager to arm Syrians against Assad, they ended up arming the people who became ISIS!


You are right about one thing though, It has to be people from the region that put boots on the ground if there is a ground assault. It has to be Muslim nations. Infidels marching on the caliphate is exactly what Islamic State wants.

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Chris, I've been following this issue very closely and to my knowledge the Liberal party has not previously released a settlement plan, so it's a bit disingenuous to say they changed it to exclude single males. Their plan is being released publicly tomorrow for the first time.




Yes, maybe a little premature to bring this up. We'll see tomorrow.


I do think we could be leaving due diligence behind though, processing the status of 900 refugees per day.


I'm just using info from the media because I'm not there and that's all I've got.

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Yes, maybe a little premature to bring this up. We'll see tomorrow.


I do think we could be leaving due diligence behind though, processing the status of 900 refugees per day.


I'm just using info from the media because I'm not there and that's all I've got.

Fair enough point, however I've seen direct quotes from RCMP and CSIS directors saying they can do it quite readily.


That's IF you take them at their word!

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Why does everyone hate Chris Christie? I like that guy.

Also (mostly) like Obama, so maybe I'm in the minority around here.

Chris Christie wants to double down on the war on drugs.


The USA spend more on marijauana prohibition than NASA. Think about that. One of the premier scientific bodies in the world is less important to the USA than keeping people from using a plant to feel better.


Chris Christie is out of touch.


PS: not trying to open up the drug war can of worms!

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Yeah, I'm a little NIMBY. I don't know where you guys are. The GTA and Hamilton are going to see a lot of the influx.


I don't think Rainy River will be a priority for ISIS to set up sleeper cells. :)

Hahaha. Nope. They wouldnt stand a chance here anyways. Everyone is armed to the teeth?


If isis does anything in canada look at ottawa or toronto

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