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Not sure how to post a link, but apparently an OPP officer purposely hit a 21 year old dog thinking he was killing a coyote in Collingwood. Many people disgusted/disappointed with his actions. He then proceeded to shoot it. Video was posted by a resident on you tube.


Don't point your anger at the cop who thought he was doing the right thing

Point it at the owner that let the dog run freely


It was not only the cop that thought it was a coyote it was the people watching and the person that called it in as a rabid animal


Wasn't intentional???


Doing the right thing??



Shoot the "coyote" if it was deemed dangerous..... don't run it over.... bad judgement call by the officer.




if doing the right thing is running over a blind deaf 21 year old dog 3 times,then I have nothing more to say. It was intentional he backed up and run it over . The lengths at which people will defend anything cops do amazes me.


Knew a gal that did that during her drivers test in grade 11. Not allowed to back up so they went around the block and hit the dog again. She failed, as did this officer.


Domestic pet or rabid coyote I think it was inhumane what he did. He could have dispatched the dog with his sidearm if he was to scared to get out and investigate.


Yes, he could have got out and shot the animal, however, hes in a residential neighbourhood, where there have several complaints about coyotes killing pets, the dog was over 20, deaf, with dementia, it was dark, say the officer tries to shoot the animal in middle of the street, and misses, and hits a bystander? what then? the officer i believe was trying to both maim/kill the animal by running it over, so that the risk of a miss when the animal was shot was not there


Not the first time something like this has happened. Last year I witnessed an RCMP officer in B.C. shoot a youbd deer crossing a road closed from both sides. Some people wonder why I'm not a supporter of our police...

  On 10/22/2015 at 12:48 AM, BowSlayer101 said:

Not the first time something like this has happened. Last year I witnessed an RCMP officer in B.C. shoot a youbd deer crossing a road closed from both sides. Some people wonder why I'm not a supporter of our police...

Have you ever had to call 911 for police assistance because of an emergency? Have you ever been in a car accident where police showed up to take care of the scene? What would you do if you showed up and had to arrest a billionaire for killing 3 children and thier grandfather because he decided to drive home drunk?


Some people wonder why I'm not a supporter of ignorant people...


yes they are cops not co s, have u never made a mistake in your occupation, really but when u have an issue with your property who r u going to call, the cos apparently according to cliff u might have to wait a few weeks, stop the bashing, maybe some of u should change your occupation and your underware, grow up maybe your jobs should be in the public eye its easy to judge behind a glass screen


if u don't like supporting our police go and live in another corrupt country and see what happens u will wish u lived in Canada, u don't know your freedoms till u lose them


Tell that to ww1 and ww2 vets and the military officer who lost his life in Quebec and the other officer who died in Ottawa, I believe his memorial is tomorrow Bowslayer if u don't like living in Canada leave, and Wayne I am surprized

  On 10/22/2015 at 12:45 AM, FloatnFly said:

the officer i believe was trying to both maim/kill the animal by running it over, so that the risk of a miss when the animal was shot was not there


After running over it he got out and shot it. So the danger of a miss was still there. Can a cop 'miss' if he's essentially aiming at the ground?


I dunno, as an alternative for shooting it ? I haven't seen the video so just wondering how similar this dog looks to a coyote. If the dog was a snarling mess of teeth I would understand the extreme prejudice...


I believe the officer did what he thought was best with the info. he was given. I also believe they didn't want to shoot in case they missed. It's an unfortunate incident.


the dog looked be some kind of sheppard/husky mix, so in the dark, it most certainly would have looked like a wild dog, could have had rabies, the mange, probably confused from dementia, not an easy situation to be in


Tough call, you have reports of a wild animal from people thinking its a coyote/wolf, what any of us would do in the same situation is hard to say

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