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Stony Report

Guest Johnny Bass

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Guest Johnny Bass

Decided to hit Stony for some pickeral and musky action. Got there around 7:30, paid $20 and launched.This is my second time there. We decided to cover new water. Water temps were pretty cold between 64-67 degreees.


We started driving(slow) around and I hit my first stony rock! Lucky the boat is ok. Gotta love Alumacraft!!!


I start casting my special spinner bait for musky's. I get a follow! I'm thinking finally I see a Stony musky. But it was really short and rather fat. My buddy says it could be a monster pickeral. So I switch to a jig and grub.


So I started jigging the weedline and sure enough, I hit a pickeral. About a lb but its a start.





Then a few jigs later, I hit another pickeral(3-4lbs). This one is snagged on the cheek. Comes off.We continued jigging along that weedline(11fow) with no more success.


Then we see the MNR approach us. He asks for our license, and go figure, my buddy just bought a new tackle box and forgot his license. They radio in and see he has a license so they give him a warning for not having a license. But they said he has to stop fishing.


My friend suggested I keep fishing and he watches. I said no way. We head back to the marina ask around, and BONUS, there is a place that sells licenses up the street. I unhook the trailer from the truck and send my buddy to go. Comes back and he has a license though they only sell the expensive one up there. SO an hour later and $20 later we are back on the water.


We decided to head for familiar water. I was approaching my spot and noticed we had just ran over a hump. Turn back and work the hump.(14fow)with weeds. I start casting my magic spinnerbait and wham! Get a hit, bring it in, mr. pickeral. About (3-4 lbs)22 inches.




I was debating whether I should keep this one and decided to put it in the live well.


Then we work the actual spot and I hit another pickeral in 12 FOW.




Kept working the area. We were in 10 FOW with thick weeds. I start bringing in LM bass so decided to move.


We then tried to find a place where we had luck last year. We couldn't find it. Worked a few humps with no luck. Stony is HUGE and very confusing. We constanlty got lost and constanlty were asking for directions.


We stopped to ask a guy where we were and he said Clear lake is that way. I asked where all the musky's are and he said HEYYY musky dont open till July first on Stony. Check my regs on board and he is full of Bull.


The next guy we talk to tells us that clear lake was the opposite way and sure enough it was.


We wasted a few hours finding our way back... When we got back we decided to try fresh water again.


I put on the magic spinner bait and I get a follow. Again. it could have been a musky but it could have been a pickeral. Flash was too fast. I"m wondering where all the Stony muskies are.


I keep casting and wham!I bring in Mr pickeral.




I keep casting because I know I seen a bigger follow. Wham! I get a hit, its fighting strange and starts heading for the surface. Its my first Stony Musky. Small but I'll take it!!!




Then I decided to try a spot that drops from 6 feet to 40 in a hurry! I cast my magic lure(discontinued) and SNAP!!There goes the lure of the day.


We decide to go back to the waters that produced in the morning. My magic spinner bait was black. I had a white one with one size down. Didn't know if it would work but decided to use it.


Sure enough after about 30 casts? WHACK! Bring it in and its a 3-4 lb pickeral! My buddy is taking a leak so I have the rod in one hand and the net in the other. The pic gives a head shake and he is gone!


Then on the very next cast. WHAM!!! Lots of head shakes, I'm thinking its another pickeral.

Nope another small ski, though this one is a different breed of musky.The first one had bars. This one is like a GB Musky. Purple, green tinge. Gonna get a new Camera in 2 months.




We tried for a little while longer, it was getting dark, so we called it a day.


All in all it was a good day, other than the few problems we had. I caught the Stony grand slam.With the jigs, I caught Lm Bass, SM bass,Sunfish, Bluegill, Perch(lost a huge one), Rockbass, Pickeral. And of course the 2 Musky on a spinner bait.


I also had some equipment problems. The reel I had the jig and grub on is the reel I fried the gears on last fall on a musky. The gears skip while I'm fighting fish! Made me loose a few pickeral while jigging.(at least 3-4).Though it was the only other reel I had hooked up with lite line. The 6 foot Berkley's lightning rod handled it self well.


The BPS tourney special rod for $30 really sucks in my opinion. Although now I have learned to utilize it. You have to crank your reel FAST!!!! Still, no back bone at all!!!


I was having Camera problems so I replaced the batteries. I had taken a few pictures and seen a water moccasin in the water. He came right up to the boat! I tried to take a picture and al the pictures got deleted. I then put the origional batteries in and they were working now. So I retook all the pickeral shots(thats why the backgrounds look the same). I also seen Loons with a baby one smaller than my fist and a school of baby geese.


Anyways once again. Sorry for the long report.

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Nice report JB. Glad you finally caught up with those musky. Too bad you lost some time on the water getting your bud a new license though. I'm not sure why the MNR told him to stop fishing after they confirmed that he was in fact licensed to fish.


Corn Nug

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Hey JB nice report and watch out for rocks,they bite.LOL Glad no damage was had. You got to love these guys that tell you something they no nothing about themselves.We had the same thing last weekend.Buddy comes running out and asked what we were putting in the livewell,we told him pike,he says nothing is open here yet,OK MORON,then why are we fishing a pike tourney run by your local Volunteer fire fighters. Shuts mouth and walks away like the LOOSER he was.


As for getting lost,you got to get a hand held gps with mapping.It has served me well.Just head back the way we came and on a safe trail.



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I'm not sure why the MNR told him to stop fishing after they confirmed that he was in fact licensed to fish.


You must have your lic. on you at all times when fishing. Ran into the same thing,even knew the CO. Buddy forgot it so he still said no fishing.

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Guest Johnny Bass

Yes. Sounds like a stupid law. I guess its to make the MNR's life more easier??Or someone must have abused that law...


Brian, this is the second time I got lost there! Once you get into those Islands thats it.


My boat has been more than I could've asked for. Though if I could change anything? First I would get a Eagle or Lowrance(preferably)fishfinder with GPS. The hummingbird fishfinder I have is useless for marking fish. Only good for depths and bottom structure.(but I have heard good things about the new coloured screen hummingbirds)And second I would get a Yamaha 4 stroke. And a boat a few feet bigger. I'd like more standing room for the guy at the back of the boat. I'd also consider a dual console so I could get the canopy also.

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I'd also consider a dual console so I could get the canopy also


CANOPY????????????????? LOL


I found the same thing on Muskoka John. get in those islands there you lose yer bearing,but with the mapping I was able to atleast get myself out .Im looking for a new sonar/gps so I can get the new muskoka chip.That will make life so much more easier.

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Excellent report! Glad to see some success. I fished Stoney on Saturday but we didn't even come close to what we were expecting, one small pickerel for a mid afternoon bounce. I should have followed the boat that was bringing in some fish! You are right about the Stoney navigation, it's tricky. I was fishing from my buddies boat which has the Lowrance 510 with no map. We wanted to fish the shoals toward Clear Lake with a paper map, but couldn't find them via the marked waterways. The friday storm followed us up to Bancroft and I think one little cloud chummed around to hover over the boat on Saturday. Great to get out anyway.

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Excellent report! Glad to see some success. I fished Stoney on Saturday but we didn't even come close to what we were expecting, one small pickerel for a mid afternoon bounce. I should have followed the boat that was bringing in some fish! You are right about the Stoney navigation, it's tricky. I was fishing from my buddies boat which has the Lowrance 510 with no map. We wanted to fish the shoals toward Clear Lake with a paper map, but couldn't find them via the marked waterways. The friday storm followed us up to Bancroft and I think one little cloud chummed around to hover over the boat on Saturday. Great to get out anyway.




Not sure which shoals you mean as everything through Hell's gate is shoals :D ....should be able to find area you want next time off chart in that link-refrence against the buoy.


I get lost every time out on Stony, even with charts....something about that lake and all islands....I see where sun is, looking at compass and even refrencing the main channel buoys it always feels like I'm going the wrong way.

Edited by Zamboni
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Guest Johnny Bass

Actually the shirt was off for most of the day. I have an amazing tan(except for the racoon eyes).


The pictures I took earlier got deleted somehow so I had to retake all the pictures of the pickeral that were in the live well in the evening when it was a little colder.Thats why 3 fish have the same back ground.


And yes, I had a map too and still got lost. Everytime we finally thought we were going the right way and asked someone??We had to turn around. :wallbash:

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Awesome report, I have only fished Stony once, but it was great.


Keep up the good work!



I had taken a few pictures and seen a water moccasin in the water.



Are you sure it was a Cottonmouth, in Ontario?? That would be crazy!

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Guest Johnny Bass
Great report Johnny!


So, now that you lost the discontinued lure - what was it?


Sorry. I am in the process of hunting them down.lol I have 3 left!!!!!(found another one and bought it!). 1 large one and 2 smaller ones.


My friend has more than me but I doubt he will sell any! Although he was also using it on Saturday with absolutely no luck.

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Too long ???


You crazy dude ? :wacko:


You're reports are fantastic.

We need more reports like this one around here.


You did well considering the lack of proper navigational aids and being lost

out there.


Thanks for sharing the experience Johnny.

I look forward to the next report. :)

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