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New and improved gun registry? NO!


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That was posted in dec 2014


brutal idea. Reversing the registry twice would be such a massive waste of money.


As if they'd want me to register my 40 year old wooden stock .22 and a war time 303.


I'm glad the Liberals are against it, they would lose my vote immediately if they even considered returning it.

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That is my sentiment exactly.

Libs wasted $2 billion so lets waste some more!!! :(

I have 2 paries left to vote for, the Libertarian and Green.

Eenie meenie miney mo!!!!! :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:


YES the Libs spent 2 Billion dollars and in the end the program was scrapped by the Cons who really wasted the money LOL... No question, though it was problematic and didn't work programs that are all stick and no carrot seldom do.


Now, If some of the money spent wastefully, went to people who fed their kids, put gas in their in the car at the local station, bought groceries, grabbed a hamburger at a restaurant I was cooking at and eventually paid their taxes is that really more or less wasteful than any other government spending?


If however it went into a corporate bank account in the Caymans then that somebody should be shot by each and every gun that was registered twice LOL


I personally have 2 family members who were PROUD of the fact that they had them "crats" going around in circles trying to register up their guns.... They mislead, misfiled and generally did everything they could do to make the process more difficult that it needed to be. Then they would have a wobbly pop or 6 and moan and complain about the high cost, of the program,..... You can't make this stuff up.... and NO we don't talk anymore.


The only 2 problems I had with the gun registry were very simple. Other than I never heard of a criminal sitting down to register a gun before they headed out on a crime spree. I did see the logic in enabling police to know if possible if there were guns in a home during a crisis too, though.


1) My first problem when I heard it about the NEW registry was.... When I bought my guns I had an FAC and I filled out the forms at the store to buy them. WHAT did I do that for if that paper NEVER went anywhere, the kid at Canadian Tire that watched me fill out the forms seemed so on the ball at the time?

2) If they wanted the guns registered that is great but stop with the stick and give out some carrot.... They should have PAID for it by giving the person they wanted to "voluntarily" register the guns, a same as CASH 20.00 tax credit for each gun and have the info sent in with their taxes.... Better compliance would have resulted and the CRA already had a friggin computer network that could HOLD the data and it is semi secure sorta LOL.


The only penalty if you didn't register and for whatever reason got caught with guns and or not properly stored guns but committed no other "offense" tack an extra 500.00 for each gun onto their taxes. CRA gets their money from honest folks so it would work. Also of course confiscate them and after 2 yrs let them buy them some other persons guns at auction if they want. Don't turn them into a "criminal" save the jail space and court time, hit them where it hurts honest people the most in the pocket book...


However, if you got caught with an illegal handgun or unregistered or stolen registered gun in the commission of a crime. Oops your bad and the next 10 yrs of your life are going to involve some very tense shower times, no time off, no early parole you did the crime you DO the time.

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and then they'll ban fishing cause it is cruel and barbaric, no one needs to fish for food in this day and age. Catch and release is even worse cause you are torturing the fish only for sport.

They are not P3TA...... This is pure fear mongering, they will not ban fishing or hunting.

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They are not P3TA...... This is pure fear mongering, they will not ban fishing or hunting.


No, they are not opposed to harvesting animals and fish for food, but I would not trust them not to follow countries like Germany and Switzerland and ban catch and release fishing.

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No, they are not opposed to harvesting animals and fish for food, but I would not trust them not to follow countries like Germany and Switzerland and ban catch and release fishing.

Please provide facts to back this argument, I'd personally like to see them.

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Can you find who sponsors/supports/lobbies them?? If you could, you would find clues as to the things they might try to do. Regardless, I don't think they have enough MP's to even form a government.


I like them as an opposition party. It would be nice to see them get a few more seats this time around.

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Please provide facts to back this argument, I'd personally like to see them.


They support a similar Animal Welfare Policy which was used to ban catch and release fishing.



"In Switzerland and Germany, catch and release fishing is considered inhumane and is now banned.[5] In Germany, the Animal Welfare Act states that "no-one may cause an animal pain, suffering or harm without good reason".[6] This leaves no legal basis for catch and release due to its argued inherent lack of "good reason", and thus personal fishing is solely allowed for immediate food consumption. Additionally, it is against the law to release fish back into the water if they are above minimum size requirements and aren't a protected species or in closed season."


In season , above the minimum size or makes the legal slot size , it's dinner by law.

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I think hes asking for proof that the green party would lean towards similar laws.


I might be wrong though

Rick, you would be correct. I want to see where the Greens have stated such.


Just because their Green doesn't mean their vegan hippie socialists...



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Rick, you would be correct. I want to see where the Greens have stated such.


Just because their Green doesn't mean their vegan hippie socialists...




No, but what party do you think the vegan hippie socialists belong to ?? Maybe they outnumber the sport fishermen in the Green Party.



Could Bass Tournaments be included in #8, BTW I find myself in agreement with most of what they say, but find it a little like C-51, the power is there is overstep the original intent in the wrong hands.

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No, but what party do you think the vegan hippie socialists belong to ?? Maybe they outnumber the sport fishermen in the Green Party.



Could Bass Tournaments be included in #8, BTW I find myself in agreement with most of what they say, but find it a little like C-51, the power is there is overstep the original intent in the wrong hands.

I see what your saying.... However I disagree with what you see intent in...


That said, I have sent an email to the Green Party regarding this.


I will reply here once I receive an reply.



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