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Back Country Lake Trout Report May 2015


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Bit of a delay in posting this report , had some technical issues to work out but better late then never.

We had our annual boys weekend away chasing lake trout around on a central Ontario back lake in May

and as usual it was a blast with lots of fish and good times had by all . We arrived at our camping spot mid

morning after a long truck ride/quad ride . The trail in was pretty straight forward with just a couple washouts

and blow downs to clear away (standard procedure after a central Ontario winter) The site was just how we

left it from our last trip 7 months prior , clean and a bit of fire wood to get us going .








The weather for the first couple days was a bit dreary but it didn't stop us from laying a beat down on some beauty

lake trout . This trip my one friend seemed to have them dialed in or is pretty lucky because he was really hauling them

in even though he was sitting in the middle seat and we were trolling most of the time .














Trolling was the pattern for the week with water temps in the mid 50's . The jig bite was on as well but just wasn't as

consistent . The next couple days brought clearing skies and calm winds , not the best for lake trout fishing but it didn't

slow them down any . The lakers were all in shallow with the 15' - 20' depths being "money" Out of all the lake trout we

caught (and we caught a lot) not one was deeper then 40' . They were all relating to rocks and rock points , not the usual mud

bays that we have caught them in the past . Troll over a rock point and bang , fish on . It was like that all week .










One of our last days there it was sunny , calm and felt like we were in a furnace . Which was nice after a long winter and

the couple days before being a bit dreary . The fishing slowed a bit that day so we spent most of it around camp relaxing






Camp table picture , as everyone knows after a week in the bush these tables can get pretty messy :canadian:




The lures of choice for the week were a 1 oz bucktail jig , egb spoon , cleo with an upgraded treble (red feathers really helped)

and to get these spoons down to the 20' mark a 3/4 oz inline weight . For me the egb was the money lure . As you can

probably tell , you needed something red on the spoons that week to be really effective .




The last night came with some beautiful weather and great friends around the camp fire having a "few" drinks and laughs.

As well , telling the usual stories of the "one that got away" and of course a fresh lake trout fish fry . Delicious !!!






Hope you guys enjoyed , I know I did . Next trip in should be August for some big smallmouth and jigging deep water lakers .









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Gotta love that kinda fishing and fun 4X4. You're lucky to have a few buds I'm betting were friends from highschool or college that you're still doing these annual treks into the wild with. Great report... and that campsite and set up are MINT!


Quite the damage on that EGB too. lol.

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Thanks guys , ya it's a sweet spot for sure . A little piece of backwoods heaven .

Forgot to mention that the EGB had an added red feathered treble on it as well that

got destroyed on this trip .

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Yes, I did enjoy, thanks.


I maybe mistaken, but is that the lake where you guys caught the same laker year after year?

Yes it is chris , no luck this time but we will be back there again in August .


Good report. Nice pics too. That sure looks like one sweet spot. Gotta love it. Tks for sharing.

I really like that bucktail. Were you tipping it?



No , I don't tip the jigs in the spring . The lake trout seem to like a smaller profile in the spring , but in late August/September I tip with a 4 " fluke or Gulp minnow .

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