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How do they keep their jobs?

Big Cliff

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Big Cliff, I have been on this site for a few years now and have come to know you as a man of respect and kindness. You are the person to give the shirt off your back to someone that doesn't have one. But sometimes you come out with some opinions that even though I respect I have to shake my head at. We are of the same age and grew up at the same time. Do I want kids to grow up in a time similar to ours? I hope to hell not. I won't go into one of my lecturers diatribes but I will tell you this. I lived in the days where Mr. and Mrs. Cleaver lived across the street and we played with the little Beaver and Wally. I over heard Mrs. Cleaver tell the Beav when she didn't know I was in the driveway that she didn't want those dirty Italians playing on their side of the street because all the good Canadian neighbours will talk.


When the Police and Firefighters march in a parade what are they doing but showing how proud they are to be what they are? Do members of the Knights of Columbus join in a parade to try and make people believe in Roman Catholicism, or the Orangemen march to sway you to become Protestant? No they are showing that they are proud of who they are and what they represent. So what's the difference if someone marches in a Gay Pride parade? Not much.


Would I rather have my child today learn his or her sex ed. and the importance of respecting members of the opposite sex by a professional educator in school or learn it behind the steel scrap yard where pre teen and teen boys pay Joan Doe who turns out is mentally challenged a nickel to cop a feel?


I didn't think so.


Just my opinion.


Johnny D

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You know, I was never taught sex ed. I got that lesson from my parents.


I was scared to death of sex haha. Frig I cant even remember when I lost my virginity? Probably 17-18.


My daughter just turned 14 and shes already boy crazy.


13-15 year old are pregnant all over the place.


Age of maturation has seemingly changed quickly too. No girls in my school had boobs until high school.


To be honest, I wish sex ed was left to the parents(id prefer that)


But how many parents are void in their childs lives nowadays? And im not talking deadbeat parents im talking 2 working parents that are short on time to make ends meet.


We live in strange times...

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Big Cliff, I have been on this site for a few years now and have come to know you as a man of respect and kindness. You are the person to give the shirt off your back to someone that doesn't have one. But sometimes you come out with some opinions that even though I respect I have to shake my head at. We are of the same age and grew up at the same time. Do I want kids to grow up in a time similar to ours? I hope to hell not. I won't go into one of my lecturers diatribes but I will tell you this. I lived in the days where Mr. and Mrs. Cleaver lived across the street and we played with the little Beaver and Wally. I over heard Mrs. Cleaver tell the Beav when she didn't know I was in the driveway that she didn't want those dirty Italians playing on their side of the street because all the good Canadian neighbours will talk.


When the Police and Firefighters march in a parade what are they doing but showing how proud they are to be what they are? Do members of the Knights of Columbus join in a parade to try and make people believe in Roman Catholicism, or the Orangemen march to sway you to become Protestant? No they are showing that they are proud of who they are and what they represent. So what's the difference if someone marches in a Gay Pride parade? Not much.


Would I rather have my child today learn his or her sex ed. and the importance of respecting members of the opposite sex by a professional educator in school or learn it behind the steel scrap yard where pre teen and teen boys pay Joan Doe who turns out is mentally challenged a nickel to cop a feel?


I didn't think so.


Just my opinion.


Johnny D

Johnny, not always agreeing with me is a good thing! Perhaps it is my age, up bringing, or just the fact that after putting in almost 40 hours of work in three days just to try to keep our heads above water I get a little too sensitive when I see the things that I mentioned in my OP.


I always welcome discussion as long as it stays civil and I am always open to listening to and trying to undestand other peopls point of views. Often I have learned from posting on this board that there are things I hadn't thought of prior to posting, I haven't always agreed but I do try hard to understand things from other peoples perspectives. Learning is good even at my age! :)


I choose to accept that some people, for what ever reason feel that it is their right to practice gay sex but I don't stand out on the street or up on stage going "I am hetrosexual, how wonderful is that"? Perhaps that is why I resist when the Premier of our province thinks that her sexual orientation should be a priority and brodcast all over the world; just not very professional in my books!


I wish I could say something here but I'd be banned. :blahblah1::ninja:

I think Cliff is right on here. :worthy::worthy:

I better get away from this key board :wallbash:

Sometimes it is harder to say what is on your mind and leave yourself open to judgement by others than it is to keep your mouth shut and just go with the flow. The older I get the easier it is becoming to say what I do think which, if it is a problem then it is likely somebody elses problem LOL.


It has been a problem in Canada for way too long. We are so afraid of offending others that we would rather just keep our heads down and try to make everyone else happy. Believe me, one thing I have learned is; it doesn't work! If you don't say what you think then you are relying on others to say what they think and govern your life. Where would women be today if a few hadn't spoken out? Say what you think as long as you don't let it become personal!


You know, I was never taught sex ed. I got that lesson from my parents.


I was scared to death of sex haha. Frig I cant even remember when I lost my virginity? Probably 17-18.


My daughter just turned 14 and shes already boy crazy.


13-15 year old are pregnant all over the place.


Age of maturation has seemingly changed quickly too. No girls in my school had boobs until high school.


To be honest, I wish sex ed was left to the parents(id prefer that)


But how many parents are void in their childs lives nowadays? And im not talking deadbeat parents im talking 2 working parents that are short on time to make ends meet.


We live in strange times...

Things have changed so much since I was a child, we didn't have the same level of communication that the kids have today, heck I can remember getting the National Geographic magazines so we could see pictures of bare breasts. OMG if you managed to score a Playboy magazine... oh you were the hero of all your buddies :)


These days it's hard to find a show on TV that doesn't show full frontal nudity and any child can get their fill of sex on the internet (regardless of what some of you parents think of your "parental block").Most 12 yearolds already know way more about sex than I did at 18 (in many cases they've already had more sex than I did at 18).


I guess I am old fasion and I still feel that a marrage should be between a man and a woman. I still believe that it is a man's responsibility to support and take care of his family and it is a woman's place to support her man and take care of her family. Their jobs might be different but their roles and responsibilities are equal and the same. I think that god gave us the equipment and the natural instincts we have today for a reason!


To me it is just part of nature, female fish lay eggs, male fish provide the sperm, it's how a species survives.


Oh WTH. If it makes you happy, just do it! :)

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Teen pregnancy has been a problem for many, many generations. When we were kids pregnant girls moved away to convents, aunts and uncles places out of town, went to boarding school and the reasons that weren't around for 4 or 5 months go on and on. I have 3 wonderful nieces that are in their 30's that were all adopted as well as 2 first cousins in their 60's that were adopted.


Teen pregnancy isn't anything new.


M2B2, you must have changed because it sure doesn't sound like you were afraid of sex for too long, what do you guys have now, 8 or 9 kids????

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I hear you Cliff. I love it when we can all voice our opinions and not stoop so low that name slinging is needed to make a point no matter how much one may want to. Me included. Our politicians might want to start taking the high road, I can't wait for this next election, they will all be doing it and all that it shows is how immature they ALL really are.

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Teen pregnancy has been a problem for many, many generations. When we were kids pregnant girls moved away to convents, aunts and uncles places out of town, went to boarding school and the reasons that weren't around for 4 or 5 months go on and on. I have 3 wonderful nieces that are in their 30's that were all adopted as well as 2 first cousins in their 60's that were adopted.


Teen pregnancy isn't anything new.


M2B2, you must have changed because it sure doesn't sound like you were afraid of sex for too long, what do you guys have now, 8 or 9 kids????

I was an adult at that point OI and already was comfortable with my life.


All our kids were planned.


Thats how I wanna live my life. I wasnt at the bars pickin up herpes and wondering who was in my bed the morning after lol


And I have 6 kids. 2 of my own with my ex, 3 from my wife from a previous relationship, and one together

Edited by manitoubass2
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And one more thing. I believe it is MY right to instill my values onto my children. But moreso morals.


Our children have great teachers and im super appreciative of that!


But if a teacher is going against my morals I have an issue with that. Actually a very serious issue. Their job is to teach subjects, NOT MORALS.


but, I do have a break in that rule. Arts, sport and language.


Those are vital programs that teach creativity, strong bonds and solid morals.


But in all honesty, if/when my kiddos have kids, ill love em just the same?

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And I agree that a government official should never use race, religion, sexual orientation at all while in office.


Im no homophobe though. Gays have been around as humans themselves.


Heck, even animals have those tendencies.


Dogs for example. Ive seen it numerous times. Did their owners teach them that???




If any of my kids are gay I do not care one bit

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And one more thing. I believe it is MY right to instill my values onto my children. But moreso morals.


Our children have great teachers and im super appreciative of that!


But if a teacher is going against my morals I have an issue with that. Actually a very serious issue. Their job is to teach subjects, NOT MORALS.


but, I do have a break in that rule. Arts, sport and language.


Those are vital programs that teach creativity, strong bonds and solid morals.


But in all honesty, if/when my kiddos have kids, ill love em just the same

Your right

there is a commercial on tv for investments or banking I believe, they show two guys in one bathroom stall the one with his pants down, that is wrong, I dont care if it was two women or a man and a woman, some things go to far and it is not always right, its like education the media as well should keep certain things private to respect all, I really feel sorry for the young ones

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I'm sorry but I have to chime in again. The government no matter which party ,has absolutely no bussiness on how we bring up our own children. We elect them to run our cities provinces and country..They have no right to get into our and our childrens private lives. My wife and I have brought our son just fine without the governments medling in our private lives. This sex education thing was not on the agenda during the election campaign. Politicians should do the job they were elected to do or get out of Dodge.Rant , over and out.

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Governments have no business allowing teachers to voice to our children their viewpoints on their moral values. I think the church has no business in either our government or schools. Even though I was raised Catholic my Mom would not let us go to the catholic schools that were a lot closer to us and most of my friends and cousins went to. The sexual preference of anyone in public should remain private. Anyone can celebrate anything they want, as long as not a single penny of my tax dollars support it. Yes any parade or festival will use my tax dollars somewhere down the line for extra policing etc. That incenses me. Just because I am a bit more tolerant of things like the choice of a woman to control her own right to life or otherwise to a Gay Pride parade for a baby boomer doesn't mean I think it is right to me morally or jives with my religious or political beliefs. I always like to play devils advocate in a civil manner.


M2B2, If there is indeed life after death I want to come back as my parents grandchildren or one of your kids. You are a good guy, you know I call you kiddo but that's an age thing not a maturity thing. I give everyone I meet 100 points, they can go up or down from there. You are hanging in at 107 points.

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Don't they say 1 in 10 people are gay? If that's true, and based on tv culture I'd say it is, then why not teach it in school? I see many people in the public that shouldn't have kids; I'd rather rely on the schools to teach kids these things, than their lunatic, lazy, worthless parents. When I was in school, being gay was a bad thing and we were brutally mean to anyway who wasn't straight as an arrow... man were we mean and I regret it. My dad was a teacher and he had strong anti-gay attitudes as well!..not anymore.


The culture based on 'traditions' and religions is absolutely counter-intuitive, both to science and to society. I'd rather over-liberal weirdos over right-wing brainwashed idiots. I fall in the middle somewhere I think.


There is definitely waste in Government, and Hydro one drives me friggen nuts, but government also has a role in society as much as the economy.


I agree that financially this provincial government has screwed up big time and I'm personally feeling the pinch in taxes, higher rates etc. and will not vote for them next time (nor did I last time!). I can however, separate the financial failures from the positive gains in some circles of society and the environment.


The current federal government has been good to me financially, but they are creating a culture that I feel is anti-canadian and it's pisses me off so I won't vote for them either.


Life is hard to balance,there are a lot of things to get over and move-on from. I'm very happy with my life at home, so the things I can't control don't bother me so much.


Hear,hear!! Right on!!

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I taught biology to every high school grade for over 30 years. Sex education was taught as part of sexual reproduction. We dealt with reproduction in fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Humans are the same as most other vertebrates in that they have the same "issues" and orientations as other species. What we're after in teaching this is tolerance and acceptance.


We're not teaching to push any particular viewpoint just a more inclusive society. It's OK to be yourself regardless of your sexual orientation or identity. Most parents don't have that discussion with their kids (I know I didn't). It's much easier dealing with the subject in a classroom where the kids feel more comfortable to comment and ask questions.


Has all this helped ....yes! The fact that the average post on this thread is tolerant suggests we are a more tolerant society. You should have heard my dad's views on these topics. Fortunately I had teachers that opened my mind so I could decide for myself.


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Here's my view, and I'm not going to say any more because I may say something I'll regret. To everyone saying that it's not the government's place to instil morals on your kids, I will agree, to a point. However, when parents believe it is their right to teach children to discriminate, be it against a race, religion (or lack thereof), sexuality or anything else, all that can come of it is more closed minded thinking that only separates us all and causes other unacceptable behaviours that I'm sure no matter when you grew up would not be considered right if directed toward someone "normal", like yourself. I don't care for Wynn myself, but I'll say this, it is absolutely government's job to do what is best for each and every one of us and to make sure that we all live the best lives we can, the only way for us to accept each other is to recognize that not all people think the same. The amount of hate for people who are "different" I've seen in schools by kids at a young age is sickening and if parents aren't willing to raise their kids to respect others then what option does the government have but to at the least present the other side of the story; that others may not act or think like you, but in the end, we all live in the same country, we all fly the same flag, and we all bleed red, and that people should be judged only upon their actions, and not by who they are born as.

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I just wish I could sit down and watch some tv shows that does not involve at some point some sort of gay relationship going on, it just seems to be getting pushed out there in your faces by Hollywood I guess, in the hopes that it will eventually become the norm or something..I don't care about others sex orientations, but really don't appreciate it shoved in your face all the time either.


All of these law makers, politicians and other all knowing gurus that seem to know what is good for us all, should have spent more quality time with a fishing pole in their hands :D

Edited by Chris In North Bay
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I just wish I could sit down and watch some tv shows that does not involve at some point some sort of gay relationship going on, it just seems to be getting pushed out there in your faces by Hollywood I guess, in the hopes that it will eventually become the norm or something..I don't care about others sex orientations, but really don't appreciate it shoved in your face all the time either.


All of these law makers, politicians and other all knowing gurus that seem to know what is good for us all, should have spent more quality time with a fishing pole in their hands :D

We'll never see the LGBT community outnumber everyone else, because it's simply not as common in nature as people who are straight. All that everyone behind this is pushing for is us to stop making such a big deal about it, whether you like it or not these sexual orientations have always been around, but it's funny, when we ostracized them and told them they were going to hell for being who they are you just didn't hear about it, strange right? These are PEOPLE we're talking about, and thinking they're any less human than others is a terrible thought. These relationships aren't being shoved in your face, do you notice when a man and a woman are together? I bet not, because we've accepted it as the norm, to truly accept others we must get used to seeing these things without reacting.

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If you think you feel you are the old age of 30 Chris what in hell are you going do when you are the ripe old age of 31? That hilarious Chris.


My mother who always said she wasn't prejudice is the most racist person I have ever known. She was born in New York City in 1932. She was raised by Italian immigrants in an Italian neighbourhood in Brooklyn that moved to the Buffalo area after WW2. I can tell you a hundred stories of how we were subliminally taught to be racists. For some miracle my 2 brothers and I are not. One story that sums it up. When I was in grade school the teacher asked the class " What is your favorite nut to eat ?" I replied " N word toes." I cringe typing it. I had no idea what that meant. My teacher did and kept me after school. In the 60's if you saw someone Black in Hamilton he played for the Tiger Cats. That is racist in itself but 99% true. My dad worked with a man at the steel plant that was Black and guess what? He was a former Ti-Cat. I can't believe we didn't end up being card carrying members of the KKK, so it doesn't mean we all are a product of our environment, thank goodness. My Mother was just as bad as the racist woman across the street. Your hair would curl if I told you some of things my parents taught us. They were more than happy for us to bring a girl home when we were older as long as they weren't N word ers, slant I's, wet backs, paki, Nazi's or Jewish, Prodestant was OK because they all started out as Roman Catholic. It might be OK if they weren't Italian except northern Italians, that was the worse, don't ask me why. Man I can hardly type all that, my apologies to all my friends.


How in God's name did I survive her? Still am, she's 84 and still at it, bless her.

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OI Chris isnt near 30 lol.


Im the total opposite of you. My family was not racist at all.


When my gramps left the war his good friend and partner in the war was native. Hes smuggled back a dutch women.


He played hockey with my gramps and boy some of the looks(ive only heard through stories)


Later on I learned about racism in high school. Even then I never bought in. Again it was the natives, most hated them. But it was weird because wven the natives hated other natives from different reserves? Never really learned why? I know now as adults we travel from rez to rez for pow wows and everyone is super nice.


I dont know many asians up here, ive worked with some and same crap. Super nice people. Worked with french canadians, hard to work with but super nice people. Travelled europe, super nice people.


Just finished working a project about 9 montha ago and 3 guys were from africa. Probably the best dudes I worked with. Talk about a sense of humour and good food! I still message those guys for a laugh now and again


Like Chris said were all just people. No big deal

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