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C.U.P.E and the T.O. Star


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Did any of you see the Cupe ad in the Star today :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: And the Teachers :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:


You bought the lies, now we all have to live with them thanks a lot :sarcasm: :sarcasm: :sarcasm: :sarcasm:


If this gets tossed so be it.

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They're doing this now so they can make sure they can afford the teacher's salaries until the next election. I also liked the caption on the poster "A respected leader makes an appalling decision"

Edited by netminder
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I am thinking it because most teachers and cupe voted liberal because the cons promised to cut their pay and jobs if voted in

and he is saying, now cupe/teachers can live with the fall out of having a libs in power


but that is just a guess on my part

Edited by Terry
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This post is about all the people and organizations that backed the Fiberals into a majority gov last election. On how they called Hudak and the Tory's no good for Ontario.

Hydro increase, hydro sell off, teacher strikes.


And now the fun begins

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if I am not mistaken, CUPE has always backed the NDP and is a major contributor to their election fund

and I saw noting in the ad the talked about the teachers


which would make this whole argument and thread ...silly

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Terry, this is not strictly focused on the Teachers, but on all who voted in this bunch. And now the ones who backed them are having issues with them that is starting to effect all of us who are going to end up paying the bills.


I hope you don't consider paying more for everything in the near future "silly"


Is there a process in Ontario to Impeach a Premier/ remove a party from power ? I don't know. That is why I ask.



Edited by davew3
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Terry, this is not strictly focused on the Teachers, but on all who voted in this bunch. And now the ones who backed them are having issues with them that is starting to effect all of us who are going to end up paying the bills.


I hope you don't consider paying more for everything in the near future "silly"


Is there a process in Ontario to Impeach a Premier/ remove a party from power ? I don't know. That is why I ask.



again as stated CUPE openly and IS on record as a union that supports the NDP and always has , so again that makes your statement and 7 laughs silly and meaningless

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I am a teacher. And I don't trust any politicians really. I just want to teach kids, have fun with my family and fish as much as I am allowed to. I am tapping out in this thread. I am done getting fired up about things like this. Life is too short.

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What I don't get is the bias....


When every politician since electricity was invented let Ontario businesses use it for less than it actually cost. No one complained. This left HUGE debts for future ratepayers to deal with. Ironically even more so because a lot of the businesses that sucked on the teat of cheap Hydro as a lure to keep jobs here, left anyway.


When Harris and Eves sold off the assets for Hydro to their buddies leaving us taxpayers with the stranded debt, it was supposed to good for us. Anyone with half a brain KNEW it would lead to HIGHER rates in the future. But no one got near as bitter as everyone is now.


When Eves continued to let us have Hydro for under the market cost no one complained, even though that added to the provincial debt and the debt retirement charge.


When Eves took and spent the money taken in from the DRC instead of putting it toward retiring the debt to make his last budget look balanced no one complained....


Now I don't agree with the Liberals decision not to build the gas plants that cost us 2 billion for nothing but the truth is. NO PARTY was going to build those plants. After the richy rich nimbys complained and they ALL ran candidates who said they weren't going to build them. Why is no one screaming for those few people's heads who complained on platters? Also why is NO one is screaming for the heads of the people who cashed cheques for doing nothing for those plants. That to me is just as much of a crime as what the gutless politicians did.


I also DO NOT agree with paying more for green energy than, for other sources, but again PEOPLE are cashing those cheques too. I have (ex)friends who went insane trying to get in on it by borrowing money to put up solar panels and some of them did. They also have to take some responsibility for accepting that money in my opinion. What is especially galling is they have the audacity to complain about the upcoming rate hike. I said really why don't you take down your solar panel then? That isn't going to happen....


While I am no fan of higher electricity prices, I firmly believe we now have to pay what it really costs. To punt it down the road with artificially lower rates now only to have pay for later with interest is no answer... The problem is how do we determine what is the REAL cost, without speculation and million dollar CEO salaries?


I don't think any political party or the corporations can put aside the corruption and greed to ever make it fair for ratepayers again. It should have never been privatized since it is a necessary commodity not a luxury.

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I am a teacher. And I don't trust any politicians really. I just want to teach kids, have fun with my family and fish as much as I am allowed to. I am tapping out in this thread. I am done getting fired up about things like this. Life is too short.

Im curious to know if you trust your Union reps who handle your contracts........

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The Toronto Star along with all the pubic service unions gave us this government we can not afford and now they live with it. It is going to be a great couple of years we have in front of us with all unions blaming the government they put in power not living up to any of the promises they were given. Welcome to the real world

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