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NF - Kicking myself pretty hard right now.


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So i'm getting on the highway to go pick my son up from daycare. And I see the rear right tires blow out on a tour bus ahead of me. And the flames start shooting out from the wheel well. Lots of smoke, and debris in the air, as you would expect from a blowout like this. And the bus was leaning over hard, almost like it was going to tip over. It was swerving around the road a bit as well. The bus driver did an amazing job getting it over to the side of the road, considering it was beside the busiest on ramp in barrie, in the middle of rush hour.


I passed the bus and noticed a very small fire coming from the wheel well. I had a few seconds to decide if I should pull over along with the bus, and help the driver (not knowing if maybe this bus was full of children on a school trip or something...).. And in my head, maybe the driver doesn't realize there's a fire. Or maybe he does, and he's going to run back with a fire extinguisher? I don't know what their policies are with fires. Likely to loose the bus to the fire, but get the passengers off safe and sound..?


Any ways, by the time these thoughts ran through my head, it was to late to safely pull over. But the first aider in me was kicking my self for not stopping and helping out.


I just watched the news to find out the details. Turns out there was only 11 gamblers on the bus heading to Rama. And they all made it off safe and sound.


Still though, I am kicking myself for not pulling over. I know I would have just got in the way, but it would have been quite the experience to see this coach bus go up in smoke. Hey, you never know... Maybe if I was screaming at the driver for a fire extinguisher, maybe.. Maybe I could have doused the fire, and the bus could have been saved... My mind wonders to much....


I always tell myself, I would never drive by someone in need of help. I feel like I could have helped out here, if I had just been a little more composed. But I bet some of the more experienced EMS guys here (Lew) will tell me I did the right thing by just continuing on my way, and avoiding the astronomical late fees for picking my son up late from daycare..



Sorry for the long winded post... This has been on my mind all afternoon, and I need to vent, and OFC tents to be my outlet for random vents!

Edited by N.A.W
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It is always a tough choice when you see something like that and you only have seconds to decide, can you help or will you just add to the problem by being in the way? Since you didn't have any specific training in handeling a fire or any medical experience I would say you did the right thing.

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I know I would have just got in the way,


Don't worry about it Nick, nobody was injured and the bus will be insured. Not much sense in stopping if you feel you couldn't have done much to help with the fire anyways.

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A working fire extinguisher in the cab was the law here for trucks, I would like to think it is the same for buses. That rascal cooked! Never had a tire fire, but I understand they can be hard to put out. I would think that the driver would be able to see smoke or flames coming from the rear tires of the bus in his mirrors.

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You did the right thing, by not trying to make a panic stop; especially on a 400 series hwy. The bus was lucky to get pulled over without incident; you may not have been. It was also a blessing that everyone got off the bus; but the headlines could have read 13 die from bus explosion; you being lucky #13.



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In situations like you described if you do not have anything physically to add be it a fire extinguisher or medical aid you would be in the way. I drive a full size van for a living and carry 2 fire extinguishers on board hoping to never use them on my vehicle but i have used them on a few others cars over the years. I do it because many years ago I had all of my worldly possessions in a 1968 mid engine van and the engine caught fire when I pulled into a mcdonalds for lunch. I had nothing to extinguish it with so I went into the Mcdonalds jumped the counter and grabbed the extinguisher off the wall yelling I will be right back. It saved my van and its precious cargo and I went back in and asked the manager what I owed him for the use. He replied nothing just pay it forward.




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Your attitude is admirable. No one got hurt so don't beat yourself up; next time you'll react differently, not saying you should, but obviously doing so is important to you. Maybe this will make you feel better. After reading your post I'm going to add a fire extinguisher to my vehicle.

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Thanks for your comments guys!


I think I may also go grab an fire extinguisher for me car as well. It doesn't take long for a small fire to turn in to a total mess.


Looking back at this situation, there was no real reason for me to stop, other than to watch this bus go up in smoke. Which as stated, on a 400 series highway, in rush hour, on a busy stretch... What's the point right!

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Very often at accidents or fires or whatever, passersby like to stop just to watch what's going on. Trouble is though, all they do is get in the way and more times than not they block the way and emergency crews have trouble getting to the scene which just delays fixing whatever the problem is.


If you can be of immediate assistance and nobody else is around, go ahead and stop and do what you can, but if all you want to do is gawk at those in trouble, do everyone a favour and just keep on going.


You made a good decision Nick.

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Its often a knee jerk reaction to assist. Everyone is safe and the ending was a happy one. You mentioned that you were picking up your son, what if you did stop and you got into trouble yourself. Your little guy would be at daycare wondering what happened to his dad. There is no right or wrong decision. I have often thought of what would I do when put in different situations. I do often think that fate decides what you choose to do. I'm glad you didn't rubber neck and had intentions of assisting.

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The funny thing was, about 1km ahead of the bus on fire, there was an OPP officer in the process of pulling a guy over for speeding. I'm wondering if the cop would have got the call for the fire, before issuing the ticket! Might have be that guys lucky day!

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I bet if the situation looked worse you would of screeched the tires to a halt and sprung into action - don't beat yourself up for it. A small brake fire, not much you could of helped with anyways, like you say, you would of most likely just got in the way.


Have a beer brotha :good:

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He's good. He dislocated some joint in his elbow. I guess it's quite common for young kids. Popped it back in, good to go! He's a tough little man.

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