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Body cameras for Cops


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i'm glad the media is showing true video's...whether that be their own, or a by standards cell video.


we all just finished watching cops murdering, then planting evidence on a dead body (after hand cuffing the dead body), then having all the blue bloods lie on their reports to cover up for their fellow blue blood.


we didn't get video of Michael Browns murder....if we did, lots of protest would have been avoided, and Darren Wilson would be in jail.


cops and government place CCTV camera's all over the place, all in the name of public safety.


its time to start following the cops with cctv... all in the name of public safety.


how many times have we heard "don't worry, if you don't have anything to hide, then you shouldn't worry about the cops...."


now we get to say the same thing to them.... "don't worry mr copper, if you don't have anything to hide, you shouldn't have anything to worry about..."


irony at its finest.


Big Brother was once watching us.


Now Little Brother is watching everyone.

And for that, I feel safer.

Planting evidence? You've been subscribing to freethought project and cop block.


Mike Brown was a violent felon who robbed a store, attacked a cop and tried to take his sidearm. Not only did witness evidence state that so did forensic science. He was cleared three times but the witch hunt couldn't indict.


You my friend need to stay off the internet because not everything you read is real

Edited by FishnNAutographs
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again, keep telling yourself that.


whatever lets you sleep at night.


blue blood runs thick and strong no doubt....but blue blood is not as strong as the public in which they are hired to protect.



now the blues get to think twice before they do anything..."little brother is watching".

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oh, and it really bothers me that you think I "follow" the freethought project or cop block.


i'm not sure what either of those even are.


I read all news sources. the ones that discuss the planting of evidence are sources like nytimes and the mirror (UK).


here's a simple picture...cause we know its easier to follow pictures than words.....it should help you understand what you are trying to protect. and no, nothing from freethought or cop block....




I said it before, and I'll say it again....blue blood runs thick.


any professional worth a dime would see what was done and try and apologize for their "own" and advise that the actions of a bad few don't represent many...but that isn't what you did....


instead you suggest planting evidence was only seen by someone with a tinfoil hat on....


I guess we can see who REALLY needs to have some "free thought" of their own!!!

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Actually it was edited for a spelling mistake but that's okay.


I don't need to edit my actions. Contrary to popular belief not all cops run around violating peoples rights and doing what they want.


You cite one incident. I didn't say I support it or anything on it. But to throw an entire profession under the bus for something that didn't even occur in Canada is rediculous.

I had contact with thousands of people in thousands of different situations and not one complaint or investigation against me. Nor have I ever witnessed any wrong doing.


The media sensationalizes these few incidents and then suddenly everything police do is wrong.


Take the shooting in Kitchener last week. Waterloo Region has had 3 fatal police shootings in 40 years and suddenly there's nothing but police brutality?? Give me a break.

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Here's my opinion on the investment, you'll have to wait, most services in Ontario don't even have dash cams. The cost is enormous. I believe that a fleet of cameras and storage and hardware for a fleet was around 4 million if I can remember right

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There would be associated savings with them.


Less people would challenge "resisting arrest" and the like in court if they were shown the videos of them doing it. So, court and lawyers costs should go down.


Less "frivolous" lawsuits tying up the court system complaining of brutality and the like.


These puppies pay for themselves actually.....


What was that stock name again...?




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