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I need someone to agree with me, even if it's anonymous people over the net. :)


I love my daughter. For only 10 years old she's fearless, incredibly smart, and unbelievably strong willed.


Back in November she announced to us that she was no longer going to eat meat - although she didn't tell us why.


Not too surprisingly she's stuck with it and been true to her word. My only stipulation was she must have some source of protein in her diet and she's managed to do that. Every week she plans a menu for herself and either me or my wife takes her shopping and gets her what she needs. She also cooks all her own meals herself too. As I said I'm very proud.


Now yesterday she tells me she's entered a regional competition and will be doing a 5 minute speech in front of hundreds of people. Again I'm so proud of her. At her age there's no way I could've done that. Like I said she's fearless.


Here's the problem. Earlier today she tells me her speech is going to be about how hunting and killing animals is bad.


This goes against everything that I believe in and the very way she's been raised. I tried to explain why it wasn't a good idea and gave her my reasons, but she's ultra stubborn. A lot like me. :)


I finally snapped and put my foot down and told her she had to find another topic to talk about and she lost her mind.


Both her and my wife are currently ganging up on me right now and I'm wondering if I did the right thing.


What do you guys think? How would you handle the situation?


It sure is true that they don't give you a handbook when it comes to raising a child LOL!

Posted (edited)

Sometimes it's best to just hide in the corner Mike!!


My brother's oldest is the same way.. vegan since 14, or so, and 20 years later still won't eat anything that "has a face". Needless to say when she comes to the lake we don't go fishing... because it's cruel.


Hopefully with yours it's just a phase...

Edited by irishfield

The teenage rebellion is strong in this one... and early. You are going to have to out-logic her on this one. Been there done that .....unsuccessfully


I think she's entitled to an opinion Mike, just like you. If you forbid her to say what she believes in I think your making a big mistake. It's a free country and we're all entitled to say what we feel.


There ya go, you asked for our thoughts LOL


Be proud of her, as you have been, and suck it up.

She has chosen a different path, and the harder you fight, the worse you will come out of this. To compound the issue you have stepped in between the mother and her child. Truly 'No Mans Land!

Your daughter came by her determination honestly.

It is what it is.

And for sure it isn't worth trying to show who has the final word. IMO.


if this was anybody but a family member, I'd just rip their logic apart...but the family connection calls for a finesse approach


I think the best approach, is to let her give her speech...anything but will only make her more determined, and she's already iron willed by the sounds of it


I'd take the video camera, so when she eventually surely changes her mind on hunting, thanks to her outdoorsy fathers' upbringing, you can replay her childhood speech for many years to come, it'll be a good laugh


I get what you guys are saying, but she's still only 10.


I do agree she's entitled to her opinion and I HATE imposing my will. But when do you stop being a parent?


I suspect you're right Wayne, she's been influenced by someone that's for sure.


A friend of mine one of her daughters went the same route. Finnish background so lots of reindeer meat . .

She went vagan.

I have four daughters 25-37. Always ate what was on the table and I bought. They even ate the fish they saw me clean.

Mike today kids have more information than what tou/I had, it could be a fad or maybe she has information that tells her it's the healthy way.


As for the writing she wants ro convert you lol it will never happen.


People are agaist the seal hunt our native friends need it to live. Maybe this would be a better subject for her to write on how they only take what they need and protect the rest.


I understand your predicament Mike, but I would have to agree with the others and let her go through this her own way.


I plan on having my daughter fully involved in my hunting trips as soon as I possibly can.


Tough call, if she doesn't agree with your logic and arguments for it regardless, she won't change her mind and her choosing to not eat meat and sticking with it is a sign of her feelings on the topic

  On 3/3/2015 at 10:49 PM, Roy said:

Side question...how is her brother dealing with this?


Brendan doesn't care one way or another, unless I'm cooking bacon. His bacon quotient has gone way up since his sister stopped eating it LOL!


Anyhow I think I\m going to give up. I'm going to give her a call and tell her its her choice.


i think we all know what its like to be a rebellious teen. an authority figure, especially a parent telling us 'otherwise' just adds to the fire.


like you already did, i would tell her that you disagree with her opinion, formulate your best counterpoint to explain why, then try to explain that it's ok to have differences of opinion. leave it at that and then go outside and scream.


if you 'forbid' anything you'll just push her further away.

Posted (edited)
  On 3/3/2015 at 10:54 PM, Mike Borger said:

I'm going to give her a call and tell her its her choice.


Now your getting it Mike, it's HER choice. She may be a child but it's HER belief and you can't force that out of her.

Edited by lew
  On 3/3/2015 at 10:56 PM, Raf said:

i think we all know what its like to be a rebellious teen. an authority figure, especially a parent telling us 'otherwise' just adds to the fire.


like you already did, i would tell her that you disagree with her opinion, formulate your best counterpoint to explain why, then try to explain that it's ok to have differences of opinion. leave it at that and then go outside and scream.


if you 'forbid' anything you'll just push her further away.

I would like to say id do this in the same situation... But my girl is only 5months so im a ways out

  On 3/3/2015 at 10:55 PM, manitoubass2 said:

Im at a loss for words...


Why's that?


  On 3/3/2015 at 10:56 PM, Raf said:

i think we all know what its like to be a rebellious teen.


Well see that's the thing, she's still only 10.

  On 3/3/2015 at 11:05 PM, Mike Borger said:

Well see that's the thing, she's still only 10.

She sounds like a pretty mature 10 year old to be forming such strong opinions? I hear your frustration.


She never ceases to amaze me. In an attempt to stick with what she believes in and appease her old man, her topic is now "Why trophy hunting is bad and meat hunting is good". :)


I really think she's going to be a lawyer because she wins EVERY single argument. LOL!


She's an amazing young girl.

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