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Ways to save money-NF


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Great topic!!!!


What are we willing to give up in order to pad the bank account??? There are four areas where most of us bleed money.


  1. Car and boat payments. There is no need for them. Period. There are plenty of perfectly safe and capable vehicles out there for a FRACTION of what most folks pay, and they can last a LONG time with proper care and maintenance.
  2. Restaurants. Sure they are fun, but you literally pay 10 times the price for the food .... and all you get is some convenience and atmosphere.
  3. TV, internet and smartphone services. Should we really be paying $250 a month just to disconnect from reality?
  4. Consumer spending. It's sickening how much we spend on clothes, electronics, furniture, etc ..... and sometimes with a *gasp* credit card.

It takes sacrifice and diligence to save money. Everyone has to decide how much of sacrifice they are willing to make.

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simple solution for most people - live within your means.


but sometimes hard to do given today's society norms.


trick is to find a balance that suits you - life is meant to be lived - but wasting your money and spending more than you should can make life very difficult.

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Great tips... I use Kijiji for finding firewood.. I'm now hooked up with a fellow that has 10 acres that he let's me cut from. I just had to remove some of the dead stuff from his back lot that he wants to expand.. turns out that it was all red oak. I just renewed my mortgage at the lowest rate the bank will give me and all my credit cards are paid off. Of course my long suffering wife would like a real vacation for once so I better start saving....

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  1. Restaurants. Sure they are fun, but you literally pay 10 times the price for the food .... and all you get is some convenience and atmospher


Wife and I go out for dinner EVERY Friday night without fail.


There's around 12-15 restaurants we have on our list and we kinda rotate them on a regular basis. Sometimes it's an in-expensive Chinese buffet and other nights it'll be prime rib with all the fixins & wine.


It's a great night out and the Mrs. calls it date night LOL.


Sometimes it's just the 2 of us and other nights there may be 10 of us but it's always good and well worth whatever the heck the cost is.

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yes you definately have to live a little Lew. I don't think a night out once in a while hurts too much, its the mcronalds a coupla times a week or timmies and a bagle every morning that adds up quick and can be avoided.

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You know what else saves money?


I cook for a large family as most you know.


Dont throw anything away, in fact cook extra where you can and make pre made meals for your kids lunches instead of buying garbage snacks etc.


all the local kids always say our kids have the best lunches lol.


If you have kids or not. Cook or prepair fillers with meals. Rice can be a delight if you cook in some broth and season. Use salads as well. Make use of potatoes, cheap, delicious and easy to prepare 100 different ways

Edited by manitoubass2
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If your on a fishing trip and plan to keep. Fish multi species.


Nothing wrong with a stinger full of walleye, pike, crappie or whatever floats your legal boat.


I do this when I can because my large family. 4 walleye is but a mere snack lol.


Ive grown fond of a 5 lb pike. Lotsa meat and good for broth.


Save your fish frying oil, your frybread making oil, your fried potatoe oils.


They save on oil and with every use the flavor gets better

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If your on a fishing trip and plan to keep. Fish multi species.


Nothing wrong with a stinger full of walleye, pike, crappie or whatever floats your legal boat.


I do this when I can because my large family. 4 walleye is but a mere snack lol.


Ive grown fond of a 5 lb pike. Lotsa meat and good for broth.


Save your fish frying oil, your frybread making oil, your fried potatoe oils.


They save on oil and with every use the flavor gets better

You better be careful, somebody's going to kidnap you and cuff you to the stove.. :clapping:

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I drive a lifted gas guzzler ..I buy what I want ..when I want it..I have no kids..a great wife ..we live ..we save..I work hard long hours ..if I want that 700 combo that pretty blue st croix will be in my hands..I'm only going around this crazy globe once ..no point going without..wait till your retired to live..no I'll live now and retire when I retire

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I drive a lifted gas guzzler ..I buy what I want ..when I want it..I have no kids..a great wife ..we live ..we save..I work hard long hours ..if I want that 700 combo that pretty blue st croix will be in my hands..I'm only going around this crazy globe once ..no point going without..wait till your retired to live..no I'll live now and retire when I retire


Why not cut back on the wasteful spending so you can retire sooner, spend more time with that great wife, and not be stuck working such long hard hours?


It's exactly like you said .... we only go around once. Time with loved ones is a whole lot more important than expensive toys.

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I agree, you got to live, life is not a contest about how many things you can do without,

I don't believe in saving everything for when I retire, I might not be physically ( or mentally ) able to do most of things I enjoy now.

We have decent household income and a pretty good pension plan, no kids.

Live within your means and save a little for the future,

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Bigugli Please elaborate on your method of feeding a family for one hundred bucks a month. I don't believe it's possible. I spend more than that on fuel to get grocery's a month. If you could share your secret it would make 65 a far less scary thing.

Edited by Hoppy
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I worked with this girl one time and somehow she received $5000. Cant remember how, but anyways she told me she was going to put it into her mortgage. I told her she's crazy. If she did that then I can almost guarantee her monthly payments wont even make much of a difference. I told her to enjoy it and us it on a sweet vacation or two cause you never know what could happen tomorrow. Of course she didn't listen and put it towards her mortgage. Oh well

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I worked with this girl one time and somehow she received $5000. Cant remember how, but anyways she told me she was going to put it into her mortgage. I told her she's crazy. If she did that then I can almost guarantee her monthly payments wont even make much of a difference. I told her to enjoy it and us it on a sweet vacation or two cause you never know what could happen tomorrow. Of course she didn't listen and put it towards her mortgage. Oh well

That was very smart of her. As it would come directly off the principal reducing how much interest she pays to the bank over the lifetime of the mortgage... A smart lady.



Edited by Gerritt
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I worked with this girl one time and somehow she received $5000. Cant remember how, but anyways she told me she was going to put it into her mortgage. I told her she's crazy. If she did that then I can almost guarantee her monthly payments wont even make much of a difference. I told her to enjoy it and us it on a sweet vacation or two cause you never know what could happen tomorrow. Of course she didn't listen and put it towards her mortgage. Oh well

Spend now to save later, I'm 24 and own a house mortgage free because I did just what she did, working long hours and little spending, but now I can afford a renovation to increase my home value when I sell and can actually afford another house in the market (in Hamilton the way it is, basically doubled in the past 5 years) and now I can take vacation

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I worked with this girl one time and somehow she received $5000. Cant remember how, but anyways she told me she was going to put it into her mortgage. I told her she's crazy. If she did that then I can almost guarantee her monthly payments wont even make much of a difference. I told her to enjoy it and us it on a sweet vacation or two cause you never know what could happen tomorrow. Of course she didn't listen and put it towards her mortgage. Oh well

Some people have their priorities in the right direction..

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I worked with this girl one time and somehow she received $5000. Cant remember how, but anyways she told me she was going to put it into her mortgage. I told her she's crazy. If she did that then I can almost guarantee her monthly payments wont even make much of a difference. I told her to enjoy it and us it on a sweet vacation or two cause you never know what could happen tomorrow. Of course she didn't listen and put it towards her mortgage. Oh well


75% of my savings went into extra mortgage payments since 2002, you should see what I have now:) Very wise girl.

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It is pretty easy to disagree with me if you haven't seen what I have seen. I work in a field that helps out guys recover from a stroke, deal with MS, or some sort of disease that has taken away there independence. Regular dudes like yourself where everything seems alright and then boom. My whole point is that if I ever come into $5000 I'm going to spend it on myself and loved ones and not on my mortgage so I can knock down the principle. Anyways thanks for your input. Take care

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The more I cut expenses and invest the savings, the sooner I can quit the corporate world.


I might not be "living it up" with expensive trucks and boats .... but I'm on target to quit my job at 50 and live off my investments quite comfortably, and debt free.


My goal isn't to have expensive toys or huge bank accounts .... its to spend as much time with my friends and family as possible.

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The more I cut expenses and invest the savings, the sooner I can quit the corporate world.


I might not be "living it up" with expensive trucks and boats .... but I'm on target to quit my job at 50 and live off my investments quite comfortably, and debt free.


My goal isn't to have expensive toys or huge bank accounts .... its to spend as much time with my friends and family as possible.

And a very worthwhile goal indeed.


Pretty much exactly what I have planned for 55.

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Geez you guys should just take the easy road and win the lottery like I did???


(And thats a joke, no I cant pay off your mortgage lol)


Honestly, we make good money. Obviously saving some of that is important and why we do what we do. But there is something very gratifying about foraging with your family, or baking breads together etc.


Id love to have a 60,000 truck and a brand new bass boat but honestly, its just not needed, so I feel no need to do so.


Plus this way of life teaches our kids alot. And gives them far greater odds at not only succeeding in life but also to take care of themselves and others if need be, IMO it breeds a better person.


Same with hunting and fishing etc. You just tend to appreciate nature and friends and family that much more.


I coulda stayed in the oilfields and been retired at 40. But the cost would be on my wife and kids. I mean really one year I worked 362 days in a year. Nothing less then a 12 hour day.


Not alot of time to enjoy life with your family doing that

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A friend of mine was telling me about a young man he knows,

He does not go out on the weekends, has no girlfriend, doesn't eat out or even buy coffee, has no hobbies, I think he says he is like 25 and his goal is to be mortgage free by the time he is 32.

I admire that young man's displine, I wish I had 10% of that when I was at his age :)

But what a shame, he should enjoy his young days a little, he will never feel or see that age again.

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