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I’ve been fortunate to have enjoyed numerous fly in trips, many to some pretty far flung exotic locales. This year in particular has been incredibly busy, but I still enjoy flying into the Chapleau region. The lakes in and around the Chapleau Game Preserve are generally smaller and more intimate which means they’re easy to fish. They also teem with fish, mostly fat walleye and girthy pike, but what really draws me back time and again is the easy drive from southern Ontario. It’s close enough to home that I can shoot up for a quick four or even three night trip. It maximizes your time and offers angling action distilled to its purest level. Pack a few clothes, some food and fishing tackle, drive to the jump off point and away you go. Nothing to concern yourself with beyond fishing for the next few days.

For the last few years I’ve made it a yearly tradition to bring one or both of my kids along on one of these short forays, and they’ve loved the experience every time! The short length of stay and the easy drive is perfect for kids and we’ve always had a blast. This summer was no exception and recently we enjoyed another stellar trip. As many of you know I’ve been partial to Park’s Fly In Fishing operated by Martin and Jennifer Wearn. This past season they’ve expanded their operation in a big way acquiring 14 more outpost camps from Air Dale Flying Services. A number of these new camps are considered “deluxe” with hot/cold running water, showers and a host of other amenities. Looking at our new options I randomly chose John’s Lake as a destination. The camp looked really nice and the lake being just a shade longer than 3km’s appeared big enough to hold my interest.

What made this trip extra special was the company. Joining me was my young fish crazed son Brendan, my very good friend Joe K, his young son Cameron and my next door neighbour Joe S. and his young son Alex. Life can be funny sometimes as there’s actually a connection between all 3 of us. Joe K. and I have been close friends since we were 10 years old, we grew up together. When I moved into my current house and met my new neighbour I was floored. Joe S. was someone who both Joe K. and I had gone to grade school and high school with. He’s been a great neighbour, has become a good friend and our two boys are now good friends. They say it’s a small world and sometimes that rings very true. It’s fun when you can make references to stuff that happened 35 years ago and both guys you’re with get it. There’s a deep connection and it’s extra special as all 3 of our boys get along great and love to fish.

The drive to our jump off point was seamless and after spending a night in a motel we were at the airbase bright and early for our scheduled 7am flight.

There would be no weather delays as it was a crisp clear morning perfect for flying. After quickly loading the plane we snapped a pic of the three amigos on the dock.

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It was a spectacular flight into John’s with all 3 kids chattering excitedly the entire way. Upon approach I shot this short video as we circled the lake and landed, giving a birds eye view of the lake and our home for the next 4 nights.


Upon landing we quickly settled in and unpacked. While we figured out the water system and got that up and running the kids ran around the shoreline collecting leeches in a cup, fishing from shore and just exploring.

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The camp was an absolute beauty. Perched on a rocky point overlooking the lake and as neat and clean as a pin, it was easily one of the nicest I’ve ever visited!

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One of the things I love about fishing is the challenge of finding fish on brand new waters. Even on a fly in lake there will be key spots and specific patterns that work best and solving that puzzle is always fun. After rigging our rods and getting all three boats ready we each embarked on our quest to crack the code on John’s lake. Brendan and I headed for a prominent point near a creek mouth and had instant success trolling a crankbait in 20’ of water.

Often I’ll run worm harnesses and bottom bouncers when prospecting for walleye - they’re a great search tool. We used them with great success as well but ultimately they proved more trouble than they were worth. Once the fish were found which didn’t take long, simply casting jigs and plastics with light spinning tackle was deadly and far more fun!

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The other guys enjoyed similar success with all of the kids getting in on the action.

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Arriving back at camp in mid afternoon we had kept a bunch of smaller eater sized walleye for a fish fry. After cleaning the fish and getting a fire going Brendan helped me as we cooked them up to golden perfection.

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Heading out in the evening I found two prominent mid lake shoals and threw a couple of markers on them. Mid lake humps are classic summer spots for walleye when you can find them, and we consistently caught fish there for the balance of our trip.

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Back at camp that evening we kicked back and enjoyed a bonfire overlooking the lake. The amazing thing was there were no bugs! In fact this particular trip is the only I can ever remember where we didn’t have to spray the cabin, use mosquito coils or even use any bug repellent! I can only assume it was because of the hot dry weather. Whatever the reason it was a pure joy.

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The next 3 days were virtual carbon copies of the first: Sunny and warm and almost flat calm. Normally I’d prefer a bit of cloud and wind, but the fishing was just as hot. Pretty much at will we could go out and catch walleyes. Most were in the 15-18” range but many were in the 22-26” range. Largest I caught was a fat 271/2” fish. Joe S. received top honours with a thick 291/2” fish. My guess is if we’d have pinched the tail it would have been 30. Those are darned nice walleye anywhere you fish!

We’d brought a flat of worms with us but I barely used them. After the first hour of the trip we used 31/2” Northland Impulse paddle tail minnows on 1/4 or 3/8oz jig heads almost exclusively. Honestly they were lethal and imo produced just as many fish for us as the other guys tipping their twister tails with worms. Mixed in with the walleye were countless small to medium sized pike. There were a couple of weedy bays on the lake that produced fish non stop for the kids. Brendan in particular loves casting spoons for pike, doesn’t matter if they’re not huge and he had a riot! I did manage three fish that hit the magic 40” mark, the largest 42”. Cool thing about the 42 was it came on our last evening on what was the last cast of the trip! (I called it).

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While most of our walleyes came on plastics Brendan caught a ton of incidental ones while casting oversized spoons for pike. Without a doubt the fish weren’t too fussy on this lake!

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Here’s a series of short videos that highlight some of the action!

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(please put a shirt on LOL!)

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We were also fortunate enough to see some wildlife including a very accommodating cow moose (saw it several times in the same bay), a bear swimming in the water and all kinds of eagles. The kids flipped out over the bear!

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Here’s a couple of videos of two of the larger pike we caught, including the one on the last cast. Both were incidental catches on light walleye rods and put up a heckuva fight!

One of the things all of the kids enjoyed was learning how to start/stop and drive the boats. Being such a small lake and with such calm conditions it was a perfect opportunity to teach. Brendan’s done it before, but not to this extent and he loved it! I know he was feeling pretty proud of himself.

With the super hot weather and surface water temp’s of 73 degrees we did a lot of swimming while we were there. The kids loved it after I convinced them it’d be in a leech free zone HAHA! There were plenty of flat smooth rocks all over the lake and anytime we got a bit overheated we’d motor over, tie off the boats and jump in.

On our last evening me and the two Joe’s poured some drinks and fired up the bbq in an attempt to induce a meat coma while watching the kids play. As a meat lover and a dad I’m not sure if it gets any better than that.

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All in all it was an almost perfect trip. This one was all about the kids and every single aspect was a huge success. The weather, the lack of bugs, the facilities and the easy fishing - it was everything we had hoped for.

Just like every other morning our last dawned clear and calm. With everything packed and on the dock we had time to savour the sunrise and enjoy a coffee before the plane picked us up.

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For anyone that might be interested in the camp here’s a short video tour I shot of the facility. If anyone’s looking for a short getaway this lake and camp will be hard to beat!!

The Air Dale website is still online and you can see all of Martin and Jenn’s new lakes at www.ontariowilderness.com

Their direct contact info is on their current site, www.outpostcamps.com

As usual if anyone has any questions about the camp or the lake I’m more than happy to help!

A big thanks go out to our wonderful hosts Martin and Jennifer. Thanks guys, we will be back!

Also thanks to my friends, their sons Alex and Cam and my own little guy Brendan. You made the trip a special one and I know we’ll do it again!

Hope you enjoyed the recap,

Cheers,  Mike

  On 8/16/2014 at 8:40 PM, Fishenforcer said:

What is your stance on adoption? ;)


Well I already adopted Bill and he eats a ton and drinks inhuman amounts of beer. I can't afford anymore.


Mike I just can't imagine how fun that was for those kids. Not only a fly in trip with great fishing but being with peers while doing it. There is not many kids that age that get to experience a trip like that with adults but to have two other friends there your age would make a trip like that unforgetable. You and the Joes deserve some high parenting grades as I'm sure a trip like this will have an impact on all three of these boys life in a positive way.I'm sure you guys had a great time as well and their enthusiasm had to have been infectious.


Hi Mike


Another Great trip and fantastic report.


Huge congrats and hats off to the 'Dads' yourself, Joe K and Joe S for taking the time and making the effort to take your boys on a trip such as this.


The plane ride, fishing, cooking on an open fire, roasting marshmallows, driving a boat, jumping off the rocks and swimming, catching leeches and just hanging out with their friends


They will remember it all.


My boys are in their mid thirties and still talk about trips we did 25 years ago



A fantastic experience







Thanks guys I'm glad you enjoyed! There will come a time in the not so distant future when my son will be joining me on every trip. I'm headed to the Sutton River next week and he's been bugging me relentlessly to bring him along on that one too, but I can't. He's got a pretty fierce passion for the sport already, I feel equal parts proud and fortunate. :)

  On 8/18/2014 at 12:49 PM, limeyangler said:

STUNNING report, will have to come back to it on night shift. Awesome pics and vids. My wife and I are sitting here discussing a fly in next year !


Thanks Simon! When you're ready to plan something drop me a line, I can help.

  On 8/18/2014 at 5:29 PM, davis said:

pretty awesome, as usual

did you fly out from Wawa?


Thanks! This time we flew with White River Air, but that's not likely to be the norm. It's more an option for them when there's nothing else available. Usually they fly out of either Hawk Junction or Chapleau.


Excellent compilation of video and photos! Much appreciated, I know it must be a pain taking all those photos and videos while you're on a fishing trip. Your son was looking a bit fed up, lol! I am so lazy I rarely even bring a camera into the boat.


The idea of a four day trip is great, but often the listed rates are not far off from a 7 day trip. I assume if you're flexible on when and where you go, you might get a reasonable deal. I figured 65% of the full week rate is reasonable in that situation.


On your four day trips, do you just drive all night to reach the air base in the morning?


Another perfect trip, the look on the boys faces are priceless. Looks like it would be perfect place to take young boys on their first fishing trip. I'll consider this one as my Grandson is approaching 11 years old. Great videos....as usual :Gonefishing:

  On 8/18/2014 at 6:35 PM, FishLogic said:

Excellent compilation of video and photos! Much appreciated, I know it must be a pain taking all those photos and videos while you're on a fishing trip. Your son was looking a bit fed up, lol! I am so lazy I rarely even bring a camera into the boat.


The idea of a four day trip is great, but often the listed rates are not far off from a 7 day trip. I assume if you're flexible on when and where you go, you might get a reasonable deal. I figured 65% of the full week rate is reasonable in that situation.


On your four day trips, do you just drive all night to reach the air base in the morning?


Brendan never gets tired of fishing. If he looks fed up it's probably because he was ticked that I was reeling in fish LOL!


These short trip are my favourites, I've done a ton of them. Any longer on a smaller lake like that and I get bored. By the end of four days of fishing non stop I've had enough too. You can get a deal if there's an open slot between two groups, but it's a non issue for me. I'd be happy to pay full pop for a shorter trip assuming the fishing was good.


I never drive through the night, I won't do it. I always drive up the day before.


  On 8/18/2014 at 6:40 PM, NewHips said:

Another perfect trip, the look on the boys faces are priceless. Looks like it would be perfect place to take young boys on their first fishing trip. I'll consider this one as my Grandson is approaching 11 years old. Great videos....as usual :Gonefishing:


John's is a perfect lake for kids imo!

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