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Scotty Downrigger customer service


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Maybe my expectations are too high but I recently bought 2 new Scotty riggers and a couple weeks back lost one of the thumb screws that hold them down to the base while removing them at the dock.


I decided to contact Scotty customer service after having read a story posted on Spoonpullers about a Cannon user who had contacted Cannon regarding a part they needed and without even asking, the Cannon rep agreed to send it to them free of charge. I was hoping maybe Scotty would be as supportive to their customer and thought I would test this out by calling them about the screw I lost. I also wanted to take the opportunity to tell them that I thought their design was flawed.


So I called and spoke to the rep. I explained my problem and suggested that they should maybe reconsider designing the screws so that they do not come out all of the way (kind of like a stopper to prevent losing them over water). The rep suggested to me, as she says she has suggested to the number of others who call her regarding the same issue, to remove the riggers over land. This is obviously not practical when docked somewhere but nonetheless this was her answer to this seemingly common issue.


I then asked if the company could send me two replacement screws given that I am a recent owner of the riggers (having previously had cannons) and am just getting used to them and may likely lose another in the future. She explained that she could not as this was an aftermarket part that can be purchased at a number of locations. I told her that I realized that I could just purchase them at a retail store somewhere but explained that after spending more than $1200 on two riggers and having just purchased a new boat I was not at all concerned about spending another $10 or $20 on these screws, but was more curious if the company I chose for my riggers would stand behind their product and support their customers in this situation. She once again insisted that she couldn't send me any and told me that I would need to purchase them.


This is when I explained to her my original motivation to call - I told her about the cannon story that I read on a fishing forum that I was part of. I told her I was very disappointed in the outcome of my call and that I was second guessing if I had made the right decision to go with Scotty. I told her that I was hoping the company would do something that may cost them maybe $5 in postage and parts to keep a customer happy and more importantly, loyal...but I was wrong. It was at this point that the rep told me to hold on....she came back on the phone after a few minutes and told me that she did not want me to be disappointed and that she would send them to me. It was unfortunate that it took all of that to get the rep to finally agree to send me the parts. I was not impressed. Nonetheless, I waited for the part and when the package arrived about a week later, I found 1 thumb screw (talk about being cheap)! After requesting and thinking I was getting 2 screws, I got one.


Some may think I am being petty, but I think the story speaks loudly to the company and what they think of their customers. I am very disappointed in the company and will seriously reconsider buying Scotty again in the future. Companies spend countless amounts of money advertising and trying to acquire new customers, only to lose them over something as silly as this. I hope they have learned from this but only time will tell. It may also be possible that I was unfortunate to speak to someone who was not experienced in customer service or just had a bad day, and this was not typical of Scotty...but regardless of the reason for the responses I got, it left a bad taste in my mouth and thought it was important to share it.

Edited by fisher
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So you fat fingered a thumb screw and dropped it in the lake, then you called Scotty and thought they might want to know you think they should re-design their baseplate in order to keep the screws intact? Then you pulled the 'Well I just dropped $1200 on a pair of Scotty riggers' which made the rep feel bad, so she goes out of her way to send you a replacement (Which again, was not the fault of the rigger, the design or Scottys at all) and you complain that they only sent you 1, instead of 2?


You should have been a big boy, gone to Canadian Tire and bought replacements yourself.


Are you the type of guy that runs over a nail on the road and blames the tire company?

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I think I summed up your experience perfectly. You lost a screw and thought for whatever reason Scotty should cover it instead of driving 5 mins down the road to Canadian Tire for a replacement like anyone else would.

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Fisher, I see your point. Some companies will bend over backwards to keep customers happy. Even for a inexpensive replacement part. Those are the ones to stay loyal to. At least you can get parts easily from a local dealer for Scotty.


I own 4 Walker riggers. Try getting customer service and spare parts for those now. Too bad, because I really like using them. Their service used to be outstanding.


Now I'm really thinking about switching to Cannon riggers but I know I won't get back what I paid for the Walkers.

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So you fat fingered a thumb screw and dropped it in the lake, then you called Scotty and thought they might want to know you think they should re-design their baseplate in order to keep the screws intact? Then you pulled the 'Well I just dropped $1200 on a pair of Scotty riggers' which made the rep feel bad, so she goes out of her way to send you a replacement (Which again, was not the fault of the rigger, the design or Scottys at all) and you complain that they only sent you 1, instead of 2?


You should have been a big boy, gone to Canadian Tire and bought replacements yourself.


Are you the type of guy that runs over a nail on the road and blames the tire company?

X2. If I loose something, then that will make me pay attention for next time.

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I will definitely try to be more careful next time. Their design could use some improvement. Anyone who has tried to remove one of those thumb screws knows how tight it can be to get in there, no matter how fat or thin your fingers are. Couple that with the rigger being mounted right on the rail, it's a perfect recipe for losing screws while removing the rigger on the water.

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Looking at the part now. I wouldn't worry about it. At least you got one screw out of her. If it's that tight I wouldn't fat finger it either...get a friend with small hands to do it next time.

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Honestly, I have two of the electric shortarm riggers and in 15 years haven't lost a knob. I just undo the big red triangle knob underneath and lift the whole rigger off from the swivel. There's no need to remove the 4 knobs completely anyway. Unscrew until they disengage, then lift the swivel off to where you can safely remove it.

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In a perfect world is all customer service actually able or willing to give you real help, myself as with many others I'm sure we have good stories and bad. For what it's worth the replacement screw would have been nice for them to send to you free of charge if they actually appreciated your purchase but they didn't really need to until you gave them the comparison.


I think it was last week Lew posted about his broken lure and received 2 in return upon telling the company of what happened, that's real customer service and if every company stood up like that for their customers the world would be a lot nicer I'm sure, for consumers lol

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If something legitimately breaks, then I'm all for companies stepping up and replacing a faulty item. But dropping a thumb screw into the lake? Come on.. That's on you and you only. It doesn't matter what you paid for the product.

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I think it was last week Lew posted about his broken lure and received 2 in return upon telling the company of what happened, that's real customer service and if every company stood up like that for their customers the world would be a lot nicer I'm sure, for consumers lol


You've got a good memory Lucas and your 100% correct.


MikeP and myself were trolling Pigeon Lake and I hooked a nice musky that jumped and broke my 10" jointed Believer in half.


I took a picture and sent it off to Drifter Tackle more of an FYI for them and a few days later received a phone call from them with an apology and they then sent me 2 more baits for replacement.


Mind you it was a $25 bait that broke and I don't know if I'd expect the same level of customer service for a 10 cent bolt, but I spose it would have been a nice gesture on the part of Scotty.

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I want to counter that Scotty story with one of my own. I have three of the Scotty Depthmaster manual riggers. Have had them for about 10 years. Over the years I have had the screws that hold the arm into the base fall out , so finally replaced the nuts with nyloc and they stay put now. I have snapped off the depth counter a couple times doing stupid things. Since they are plastic they will sometimes break if they get whacked. Both times they directed me to a local warranty approved shop and the parts were given to me no charge and no questions asked. Same thing for when I broke the pins taking one apart to free a cable tangle under the spool. I was using pliers instead of a wrench. My mistake - free replacement. Now I did not ask for free shipping, I went to their recommended shop.


But after that, I have nothing but good things to say about Scotty's after sales service. And when I upgrade to electrics, they will be Scotty's. (if there are ever enough salmon in Georgian Bay to make it worth the $$)

Edited by Canuck
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Looking at the part now. I wouldn't worry about it. At least you got one screw out of her. If it's that tight I wouldn't fat finger it either...get a friend with small hands to do it next time.


"at least you got one screw out of her" - Funny

"...get a friend with small hands to do it next time" - Funnier

"If it's that tight I wouldn't fat finger it either" - Funniest

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