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Will you be asking about the OMNR to those that approach your door?


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I can't see it getting any better under any of them, PC's want to cut but seem the best option, NDP only seems interested in Toronto, Liberals will create studies and committees to see if steelhead, salmon or grass carp fishermen would vote for them if they announced a study to improve it....never actually doing anything just studies....


When you hear the people whining about the 100,000 job cuts remind them about two facts...


1) The cuts would put put them numbers back where they were before the LIbErals (current politicians in power, not related to individual Liberals) were in power. * Name LIbErals directly tied to Gas Plants, eHealth, Wind Turbines...


2) Even Smokey Thomas, head of the Ontario Public Service Employee Union said “There’s probably 60,000 too many middle managers in the entire Public Service” , they showed the clip on Sun news and he even went on to talk about a department with 11 workers and 8 managers. The upper manager probably didn't want to reduce his head count of direct reports.


Then if they persist, there is always the Gas Plants, formatting hard drives, eHealth, contracts to insiders on Wind Turbines, 42% projected increase in electric bill, The creation of committee after committee (atleast 20 new ones..) and we know how much work a committee does.....


3) The debt under the LIbErals has almost doubled.


4) forcing through many of the over 6,700 approved wind turbines (Some are actually considered hazards by transport Canada... look at the Chatham airport.) http://www.windontario.ca/ Next time you drive up the Bruce Peninsula think they are planning another 250 north of Wiarton!


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Haven't had anyone knock at the door, but I'm not home much. If they do catch me home, I'll bring up the MNR funding for sure.

Definitely not supporting the Fiberals. I also can't afford to take a chance on losing my job, so Tim Hudak is out.

If I have to mark the ballot, it will be NDP this time. If anything, just to help ensure the other two don't win.

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[quote name="JimC" post="854654"


Regarding the subject of this thread, I truly believe there is hope for a renewed and more effective OMNR, IF the Progressive Conservatives are able to win a majority.

Why? Because Tim Hudak's right-hand-man, Vic Fedeli (MPP-Nipissing) will personally champion this cause. The ineffective OMNR has been on his radar screen for a long long time, and he definitely has the leader's ear. I also believe Vic would be a front runner to lead the party, if and when Mr. Hudak steps aside.


If you like scientifically accurate and responsible comments like: "everyone knows the wind only blows at night", and "I have complete faith in the oil and gas sector", then you'll love Vic Fedeli.

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Haven't had anyone knock at the door, but I'm not home much. If they do catch me home, I'll bring up the MNR funding for sure.

Definitely not supporting the Fiberals. I also can't afford to take a chance on losing my job, so Tim Hudak is out.

If I have to mark the ballot, it will be NDP this time. If anything, just to help ensure the other two don't win.

Seems a lot of us feel the same way, myself included... It is not about who you want.... But who you don't.


As I said earlier I am not leaning to any side, red or blue... I just wanted to know if us as users if the outdoors could make our voices heard.....


Very surprised our always political moxie, has yet to speak up..


They say choose the lesser of two evils...... There is the problem, they are all corrupt.



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Take it from someone who has worked elections since the mid eighties.

They don't care if you don't like your options.

They don't care if you leave the ballot blank or spoil it in some way.

Yes, it has to be recorded as a spoiled ballot, but the ballots that are clearly marked on the ones that count.

Don't give the bad guys more ammunition by not casting a vote for the opposing candidates.

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Spoiling a vote is a valid vote. If more than 5 or 10% of votes were counted as "none of the above ", I bet it would garner a lot of attention. At this time less than 1% of people throw their ballots, so no one talks about it; I blame that on the fact that election canada doesn't even mention this option in any of their literature. not voting is pointless; voting for none of the above is a clear statement.

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I've voted in every election since the late 60's, municipal, provincial & federal and every time I've known exactly what party I wanted, but I can honestly say this time I may not even vote as there is not one I would give the time of day let alone my support.


That's sad too as I've always said if you don't vote...don't complain.

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I have to disagree with the statement "if you don't vote, you have no right to complain"... I believe that if you pay taxes, you have a right to complain.

I find it shocking to say the least, that the people of this province, according to recent polls, have the Lieberals and the Conservatives at a dead heat. 3 Billion plus of completely wasted money, out and out lies re the gas plants, pc hard drive wipeouts, hydro rates... I could go on.

Truthfully, if the Lieberals get back in, well the people of this province deserve what they get.

I have no expectation the MNR is even on the radar of any of these parties...


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Voting or not, every person pays taxes and I believe has the right to complain because of that.


Besides, once an election is over and the winner determined, majority or minority, when has it done any good to complain? It's like complaining about the weather, no one is listening.

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Voting or not, every person pays taxes and I believe has the right to complain because of that.


Besides, once an election is over and the winner determined, majority or minority, when has it done any good to complain? It's like complaining about the weather, no one is listening.



Not voting or spoiling a vote is just the same as voting for the worst of them is my way of looking at it, you aren't helping to make a change so it would take more than a bit of a hypocrisy to complain.


We know the current gov't has almost doubled the provincial debt, added over 100,000 new public servants, lied over and over, put lives in danger according to Transport Canada with their windmills, given huge subsidies to the windmills and plans on building thousands more, given huge contracts to insiders, had a education advisor up on child porn charges, will increase our electricity rates by over 40% in the next few years, wants to add another deduction to payrolls that is estimated to drive another 100,000 jobs out of the province on top of 250,000 that already left in 10 years etc. etc. so if you can't find someone better you are just lazy or don't care is what I see!


Vote Conservative, Green, independent, NDP, put yourself on the ballot or if you have a good LIEbral candidate even them but not voting or spoiling seems to just be more a sign you don't care who is in charge and your right to complain means less than nothing. It is worse, you are leaving it up to those with an agenda that is probably exactly the opposite to what you would want. I know many that will vote LIEberal because of the Unions, media, etc. groups like Greenpeace, P.E.T.A., etc etc. understand this and spend millions on fear mongering and rhetoric and not voting and not talking to your rep. is just letting them win by default! There are often MPs put in place by less than 100 votes so 100 slackers not voting or spoiling their ballot is a waste. So do you think that those that support P.E.T.A. or Greenpeace etc. will not vote and anyone will actually pay attention to spoiled votes when a gov't is picked... dream on!

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You're basically right, I really don't care. While some are slightly better than others, slightly, there are all cut from basically the same cloth. Once they are in there, they do whatever they want anyway. The Liberals suck, the NDP suck, but it was also the PC that began the cuts against the MNR many years ago as well, which is what started this thread to begin with. Not much to choose from.


I don't complain about politics, and only appeared on this thread to outline another option about dealing with your ballot if one chooses to vote. I don't talk politics, or religion for that matter in my home, because both are a colossal waste of time and breath. For the first time in my life, I am unlikely to vote, mainly because I've gotten to the point in my life where if it isn't family, fishing or camping, I couldn't care less about it.

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OK, so please help answer an old man's question!


I come from an eara where a man's word is his bond but saddly that doesn't seem to be the case anymore.


I know I'll get nailed for this but IMHO, Wynne has violated the laws of nature male/female and she is proud of it! Well, good for her and it is her right to do so but is that really the kind of person I want running this province? She doesn't represent my views! She has also proven herself a liar, how many billions of our $ can she piss up against the wall until we have had enough? Oh but wait; she came out of the closet so that is as Ok as a priest sexuality assualting kids. NOT IN MY BOOKS!


Last winter I called our local PC office and asked what plans they had in place to help the seniors that were put in a prediciment over heat/food. Not their problem, call the United Way! Has our society reduced itself to a system where when the goverment has taken everything they can and we are forced to starve or freeze, we should go to food banks or charities?


Who is left to vote for? The Green Party; PITA? The NDP (remember Bob Rae). We are screwed no matter how we vote, thank god I am not going to be around much longer to have to deal with this and when you think about it; that is really sad!

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Who is left to vote for? The Green Party; PITA? The NDP (remember Bob Rae). We are screwed no matter how we vote, thank god I am not going to be around much longer to have to deal with this and when you think about it; that is really sad!


Yeah but as you say there are some that ARE better, but you seem happy to leave the choice to those like you see in "Occupy" or P.E.T.A. ... not voting is just saying to you pick! It just says you don't care about the kids, friends, family or anyone else and trying to make it better.


Just think, in 1933, over 20% of the German voters didn't vote and Hitler won by 6% of the vote..... I wonder what that 20% thought just 10 years later....

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Yeah but as you say there are some that ARE better, but you seem happy to leave the choice to those like you see in "Occupy" or P.E.T.A. ... not voting is just saying to you pick! It just says you don't care about the kids, friends, family or anyone else and trying to make it better.


Just think, in 1933, over 20% of the German voters didn't vote and Hitler won by 6% of the vote..... I wonder what that 20% thought just 10 years later....


And where in my post did you get the impression that I like to leave the choice to anyone? Where in my post did you get the impression that I don't want to vote?


I am trying my very best to make an informed decision here but I have a real problem trying to seperate truth from lies! I am asking for help from some very bright young minds to help me decide how best to cast my vote so that it is not wasted and actually does something to help our country and our province!

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Saw a quote a little while ago that made me think a bit


The less you care, the happier you'll be


Haha, kind of like that

Guess that is why true happiness has always eluded me. I care too much about my fellow man/woman!

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And where in my post did you get the impression that I like to leave the choice to anyone? Where in my post did you get the impression that I don't want to vote?


I am trying my very best to make an informed decision here but I have a real problem trying to seperate truth from lies! I am asking for help from some very bright young minds to help me decide how best to cast my vote so that it is not wasted and actually does something to help our country and our province!


Sorry, the way I read it made me think you fit in with the slackers.


They tick me off and just don't seem to have any clue about history or what is at stake in voting. We have people in Canada that would vote for a politician that supported Sharia law, and considering the money given to the charity that was supporting Hamas there are many,support UN policies (just a note, Iran is on Women's rights council etc.) and on and on.


I think this picture sums it up best, Benjamin Levin, Justin Trudeau and Kathleen Wynn, the media usually leaves out Benjamin


Benjamin Levin,

education advisor for the Liberal party under Wynne who was Minister of Educaiton and part of her transition team when she came to power - Levin is charged with multiple child porn charges and arranging to meet with a girl under 16.


Justin Trudeau

admitted and unapologetic illegal drug user that wants to legalize mj

many liberals spoke/voted against raising the age of consent for sex from 14 to 16 (Levin would have been OK on those charged,not the child porn, before unless the girl was under 14)

wants to repeal the mandatory sentences

wants to repeal election bill that would require a person voting to supply an ID

admires China's dictatorship

won't allow pro-life or those that don't support man made global warming to be liberal candidates



Kathleen Wynn

education Minister that was in power when the new curriculum was created and then abandoned after parents saw it and started protesting.

in cabinet during gas plants etc yet knows nothing about it ?????

has someone wandering around her office formatting hard drives and knows nothing about it

wants to increase electricity rates by 42%

wants to increase payroll deduction (individual and company) for a new pension plan. Talks about CPP yet that is a small fraction of most pensions. Estimated another 100,000 jobs to leave Ontario

etc. etc.



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I understand exactly what you are saying Cliff, and it sucks!!


Since I have been a voter (and I ALWAYS exercise my right to vote), it seems we go back and forth between Liberal and PC. Liberal has got to be better than PC and will fix everything, not wait, that didn't work. Okay PC has got to be better than Liberal and they'll fix everything. Damn, that didn't work either.


And even if they don't or can't fix everything, they can barely fix one thing.


The complete waste of our taxpayers' money is so out of hand it is beyond repair.


Overthrow the government has been my inside joke lately!!! Is that what it has to come to???


There are really only 2 choices out there and the majority dislike both. NDP and Green will never work so you are right in asking, who do we vote for. If we don't vote we're screwed, yet if we do vote, we're screwed!!!

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I agree ,I for once have no clue of who to vote for.I am in the belief that if you vote that gives you complaining rights if nothing else.Someone somewhere add to this thread to give us some direction.As I see it ,looks like a wasted vote again on tax payers money.

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This is getting slightly off topic ...but there is more to this issue within society than should I vote for Nutty or Nuttier?


Within many of our lifetimes there has been a huge social change---sometimes so gradual--hard to notice--- but still there


1st---it's now a smaller world where we are competing for $$$ and jobs with a tipped set of scales---we are having difficulty competing--in an exploding world population


Essentially removing our once content middle class---leaving us with Very rich and almost poverty for the most sake (middle is still there but falling fast)


Now Whatever Gov't is in place can't change the wall streets of the world---Remember Regan saying you don't tell the head of Exxon what to do>


So when our wages get shipped to a cheaper source----tax revenues fall for Gov'ts to waste----cuts are a comin


This can go on but thinking that one party can change your life or livelihood for the better----would'nt want to tread water waiting

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