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E Cigarettes NF

Big Cliff

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Being a non smoker for a long time now and not wanting to change that I don't have first hand information about them.


I have been offered an opportunity to become a distributor of what appears to be the latest craze, E Cigarettes. Before I would ever embark on such an adventure I want to do some homework and since I know that many of the members here do or have smoked, I'd like to get some feedback from you.


I would really appreciate any feedback pro or con, thoughts, and ideas.


You can email me if you prefer [email protected]



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I quit 2 weeks ago, I bought a kanger tech e smoke at a specialty shop in Cambridge, I'm still addicted to nicotine but I will work on that, I figure it's gotta be better than smoking. I've smoked a pack a day for 15 years, wasn't as hard as I thought with the help of the e smoke.

Edited by Freshtrax
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I personally do not know about the product---having said that---a young person I know is selling them at a mall kiosk


This tells me that the market may be saturated and with this type of exposure---it may be a challenge getting your market share


Not knowing---just a thought??

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E cigs are not where the market is... Vaping is where it is at. And the market is huge. The problem here is legislation is coming..... I have a personal friend that is getting cease and desist notices from the federal government . All for selling vapes aka ecigs... Yet there is no laws against them yet....


Cliff, I am telling you this as someone I know and respect.. You could lose a lot. more then you may gain getting involved in this.


Do you really think the major manufacturers are going to let their profits slip to folks selling batteries and claromizers from their basement? Juice from china..the FDA in the US is involved....



This is certainly not something for you to get involved in... I can explain a lot more on this. However this is not the forum to do so..


But if you are willing to take a legal risk..... That up to you...


But suffice it say I don't think this is a battle you want to pay for


Poop is going to hit the fan...




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My neighbor started using them a few weeks ago and I was talking to his wife last night and she is tickled pink with the results so far.


He doesn't smell like smoke nor the car.

That's good.


But he is still addicted to nicotine .

On the other hand he is not subjecting his lungs/body to all the negative effects of the toxins within the smoke itself and that's what really got me thinking today that this might be the way to finally kick this stupid habit.


So that got me to wondering if any of these products provide a program to get their customers off nicotine and it's negative effects?


Just wondering.



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Several friends have used the vapour cigs and it helped them quit, but recently I saw a story on the dangers of the vapour nicotine and how it could be more harmful then inhaling the smoke. Not a smoker.


The vapour is from the States. There are dealers here who sell it like drugs.

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Several friends have used the vapour cigs and it helped them quit, but recently I saw a story on the dangers of the vapour nicotine and how it could be more harmful then inhaling the smoke. Not a smoker.


The vapour is from the States. There are dealers here who sell it like drugs.

The juice is from everywhere.... Not just the US... Most large sellers make their own flavours in different strengths... Some import...



There is the problem....

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Lol it's happened before probably will happen again


Lol... A Canadian business selling liquid nicotine for ecigs aka vapes....as well as devices





One of thousands here in Canada supplying a smoking alternative.


Perhaps now you know why the government wants in?? Taxes are due on nicotine and the tobacco lobbyists are screaming



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I've been vaping since last September. And I love it. You do have to buy good equipment to really enjoy it though. I stick with Kanger, I've been using the Mini Protank 2 for a bit now and I love it. I still have a cigarette every once in a while. Within 2 days of starting vaping I stopped coughing and my wife said that within those 2 days I have also stopped wheezing when I sleep.


Not sure I would want to get in the business though, never know what barriers the Gov. will put up yet!!!

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My neighbor started using them a few weeks ago and I was talking to his wife last night and she is tickled pink with the results so far.


He doesn't smell like smoke nor the car.

That's good.


But he is still addicted to nicotine .

On the other hand he is not subjecting his lungs/body to all the negative effects of the toxins within the smoke itself and that's what really got me thinking today that this might be the way to finally kick this stupid habit.


So that got me to wondering if any of these products provide a program to get their customers off nicotine and it's negative effects?


Just wondering.



You usually do the program yourself. The liquid comes in different nicotine strength. I started with 18mg, I am down to 12 now. And my next step will be 6mg.

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Lol... A Canadian business selling liquid nicotine for ecigs aka vapes....as well as devices





One of thousands here in Canada supplying a smoking alternative.


Perhaps now you know why the government wants in?? Taxes are due on nicotine and the tobacco lobbyists are screaming



One of my favorite liquid is Sauced from Stinky Canucks. Rum and honey flavor. I vape about 5 ml of it a day.

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Its another scam as far as I'm concerned.


Big bussiness trying to addict our kids to another product.

They don't care if its harmfull or not, as long as its legal and they can turn a buck.


They are bringing out all kinds of fancy flavours to entice little kids and they MAKE them addictive.


As far as quitting smoking goes, your addiction to nicotine is over after 3 days, after that its just habit.

If its what you need to quit, fine, but don't rely on them...you gotta quit them too.


I would not support a company like this and the government should be taking giant steps to outlaw it.

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Yeah...unregulated poison sure is the way to go. :wallbash:



Liquid nicotine is extracted from tobacco, but unlike tobacco leaves, liquid nicotine can be lethal. It can cause harm when it's inhaled, but it can also be harmful when ingested or absorbed through your skin. Only a small dose is dangerous -- less than one tablespoon of many of the e-liquids on the market is enough to kill an adult, and as little as a teaspoon could kill a child) [source: Richtel]. The number of calls to poison control centers regarding e-cigarette nicotine-infused liquids rose sharply every month between September 2010 and February 2014, from just one call per month to as many as 215 -- that's a rise from 0.3 percent to 41.7 percent of all emergency calls. As many as 51.1 percent of those calls involved accidental poisoning of kids under the age of 5 (roughly 42 percent involved adults age 20 or older) [source: CDC].

Some testing suggests it's not only the nicotine that may be dangerous. Certain e-cigarette devices may also release metals during use -- including tin in some cases -- as well as other impurities known to be toxic and/or carcinogenic.


But, like e-cigarettes, e-liquids are not regulated by federal authorities. They are mixed on factory floors and in the back rooms of shops, and sold legally in stores and online in small bottles that are kept casually around the house for regular refilling of e-cigarettes.

Here's to hoping the government will one day ban the sale of cigarettes of any kind.

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If a kid eats a whole bottle of aspirin could be lethal too, should we make it illegal? Don't buy into the big tobacco propaganda for one second. There the same ones who told your kids smoking was good for you not that long ago.

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I find it hard to believe a bit on your fingers will hurt you. I picked tobacco as a kid and the odd guy would get sick from the tar absorbed through the skin. The thing is it would be your left arm from the shoulder down to your wrist that would get covered in tar, soaked through your shirt sleeve. A quick visit to out patients and a needle in the arse and you were good to go. I have to say I think it was the toughest job I have ever had but it was worth it we made a whopping 50 bucks a day with r&b included. Most guys would do it for a week and quit because they couldn't handle the work.

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