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I narrowed my search to these 2 elc motors. Both have the digital maximizer (battery lasts 5 X longer) and battery display, elec steering but the Terrova is $200 more. Any idea why? Better components?




Kawartha Guy


The Terrova has additional features that i don't think the PowerDrive does. For example, spot lock (anchor feature), re-navigating a predetermined path and iPilot capabilities. IMO, the anchor feature is worth its money in gold.


Alot of the guys that have the Terrova on this forum are very pleased from what I have read. I am hoping to add one to my arsenal for next season.


In my experience KG as well as what my wife tells me who has been running retail stores since a kid, retail price generally relates to the final cost of the product from raw material to out the door.


Many times the more expensive item isn't as good as the less expensive product. I really look hard at testimonials from buyers for a product to help, not sway, my decision making for consumer goods.


Good luck.

Posted (edited)

Go with the Terrova and be happy :) !!!


I picked one up when I bought my new boat... I went with the Ipilot aswell.... Like its been said, the "spot lock" feature is worth the $$ alone. Trolling for eyes, the heading lock/cruise control feature is priceless aswell.


I read reviews and the whole bit when looking for a new trolling motor, and from what I read, if your thinking an electric drive model... the Terrova is the only way.

Edited by Lunker777

A Terrova WITH Ipilot will be more than $200 more than the V2. Nice thing is you can add it later.


I have an 80# Terrova and love it. I added the oldschool Auto pilot and can't believe I didn't get that feature years ago!


The Terrova foot control is much nice than the V2 I'd say...That may be the main difference.

  On 11/13/2013 at 9:59 PM, Pigeontroller said:

A Terrova WITH Ipilot will be more than $200 more than the V2. Nice thing is you can add it later.


I have an 80# Terrova and love it. I added the oldschool Auto pilot and can't believe I didn't get that feature years ago!


The Terrova foot control is much nice than the V2 I'd say...That may be the main difference.

I would think that would be a fairly expensive upgrade to the V2?.Any idea how much?


I bought a terrova with ipilot a few years back and love it.


The reason I chose the terrova has been listed above but it breaks down like this.


Foot pedal - the terrova foot pedal is better laid out and easier to use. It also seems to not break as often. I have read from multiple sites and multiple peoe that buying a PD pedal yearly at $150.00 is not uncommon And also that the PD pedal shorts when it gets wet as well. I hadn't read a single problem about the terrova pedal but mine is in for warranty work because the speed selector is not working properly. It didn't leave me stranded, but is running at a different speed than what is showing (set the pedal to 5 and the ipilot show 2.5.)


Stow - Deploy system. The PD system is a pain to stow and deploy. My father has one and it is quite hard to use. It is also known to let go while travelling at high speeds and ends up bending the shaft. I have not heard of this problem with the terrova but I bought a ram mount but in case to hold it in the stowed position and reduce the amount of bounce.


The turning is faster as the motors for steering are more powerful.


When you really start comparing the two, the $200.00 is money well spent in my eyes. The terrova with ipilot is Minn Kota's most expensive TM so you know they are not going skimp on it.



Posted (edited)

I own a Terrova because before i bought it i had used a Powerdrive.


The Terrova stows deploys like a dream….the power drive will leave you frustrated in this respect….horrible release mechanism.


The iPilot is worth the money alone, although, like others have said, it will cost more than just the $200.


The foot pedal is also far superior to the PD and can be employed simultaneously with either a Co-Pilot or iPilot, with the Power Drive you have to use one or the other.


The upgrades for the Terrova are way easier to do, basically snap on in most cases.


Ok….anyway….i'm a fan of my Terrova and have never heard a single grumble from anyone who has owned one…..GET IT.

Edited by limeyangler

I have a PD V2 with iPilot - the spot lock (iPilot) feature is available for both models so that is not the reason to buy a Terrova.


With the PD V2 you lose the foot pedal if you install iPilot. There is a home-made device that you can buy to keep the foot pedal if you are so inclined but I've learned to love the handheld remote and tend to use the auto features of the iPilot so I don't miss the pedal at all. If the foot pedal is important to you then the Terrova is the better option.


In my opinion the difference between the motor power is not enough to justify one over the other.


So what does it boil down to? The stow and deploy system. THAT IS DEFINITELY WORTH THE EXTRA $200! This is coming from a user of the PD V2 for 2 years. Deploying is actually pretty easy but pulling the trolling motor back up is a royal pain in the you know what!


OK, I'm heavily leaning toward the Terrova right now based on the comments. In my research I did read about the faulty pedal and trickier deploy system with the V2. Well I guess I have more questions for the MK reps at the Fishing Show.

  On 11/14/2013 at 2:06 AM, finja said:

I have a PD V2 with iPilot - the spot lock (iPilot) feature is available for both models so that is not the reason to buy a Terrova.


With the PD V2 you lose the foot pedal if you install iPilot. There is a home-made device that you can buy to keep the foot pedal if you are so inclined but I've learned to love the handheld remote and tend to use the auto features of the iPilot so I don't miss the pedal at all. If the foot pedal is important to you then the Terrova is the better option.


In my opinion the difference between the motor power is not enough to justify one over the other.


So what does it boil down to? The stow and deploy system. THAT IS DEFINITELY WORTH THE EXTRA $200! This is coming from a user of the PD V2 for 2 years. Deploying is actually pretty easy but pulling the trolling motor back up is a royal pain in the you know what!

I find deploying for the first time of an outing as always a pain with the pd but after that it goes smoothly, stowing i haven't had any problems with


i've not used a terrova to compare but for what its worth the pd i have is propably 10 years old (bought it 2nd hand from someone I know) and I've used it / been around it for the same period of time -- it's been on MY boat for the last 3. as far as I can recall, the foot pedal was replaced once and that's it as far as issues. i dont/never have any problems deploying or pulling it back up.


the terrova sounds great on paper but you have to ask yourself if the frills are worth the extra $$$. if this one dies, i am not sure i'd spend the extra, likely go with a pd again. it does everything a tm is supposed to do.


Just bought the Terrova, 60" 80lb thrust...what a dream this thing is!!! Cant say enough about it, from stowing to deploying... previously had Minn Kota Maxxum and Motorguide. Can't speak for powerdrive but the Terrova is sweet!


if you get a pd spray some armour all on the shaft and it'll stow and deploy fine. I recently upgraded to a terrova with ipilot and haven't looked back. The remote is nice, but I wouldn't be able to live without a pedal, cant cast and use

a remote at the same time.

  On 11/19/2013 at 2:57 AM, JamesG said:

if you get a pd spray some armour all on the shaft and it'll stow and deploy fine. I recently upgraded to a terrova with ipilot and haven't looked back. The remote is nice, but I wouldn't be able to live without a pedal, cant cast and use

a remote at the same time.


with an I-pilot you don't need to even use the remote really, do your first run on track record…..then there ya go! Wanna cast from one spot….employ spot lock! way easier than a foot pedal in my opinion.


I too have owned both.


The Terrova is by far more superior a TM. To be able to operate by both the foot pedal and by key fob is by far, very handy. The guy at the back of the boat always gets the key fob. When working the high current areas, the anchor mode paid for itself right then and there. We could sit in current in a river and anchor in key areas with out dropping an anchor. We had an area so fine tuned, I guarantee it put another dozen brookies in the boat. The anchor mode was effective fishing for White fish as well, no ropes to get tangled up in. I have used the plotter a couple of times, it is handy on a couple of weed lines I fish for Muskie, but would rather have control of the TM myself. The stow and deploy???? WHY DID IT TAKE THEM SO LONG?


Bottom line, many advantages to the Terrova. Is it worth the extra coin? That is your own decision. For me it was worth it.


Cheers, Ron.

Posted (edited)
  On 11/22/2013 at 5:36 AM, Steve said:

so how do you follow a shoreline for the first time, and fish, without a foot pedal?


set your speed, even use cruise control if need be, employ enhanced auto pilot and aim at desired heading, if you feel more comfortable using the foot pedal you can use it in conjunction with remote( you can't do that right out of the box with a PD)., but at those settings unless your shoreline is the worst rock hazard/zigzag you won't need more than a quick press of a button to change course (less than a second) and if it is…well use the foot pedal for the first run….while doing this follow instructions to start and stop recording a track and bingo…there ya go.


I would say though that just using the settings above, and the ability to use spot lock at any given time means i never use the foot pedal anymore, and i can move about the boat at will, chew gum and pat my head at the same time, fish and make homemade perogies on the middle bench seat while holding a conversation in chinese mandarin, at night and still be slamming fish!


The new I-pilot i hear you don't even need to do that,if you have a hummingbird fish finder it will follow contours on your map chip right away……NOW THATS CHEATING!!!!! LOVE IT!!!

Edited by limeyangler
  On 11/15/2013 at 4:29 AM, Raf said:

i've not used a terrova to compare but for what its worth the pd i have is propably 10 years old (bought it 2nd hand from someone I know) and I've used it / been around it for the same period of time -- it's been on MY boat for the last 3. as far as I can recall, the foot pedal was replaced once and that's it as far as issues. i dont/never have any problems deploying or pulling it back up.


the terrova sounds great on paper but you have to ask yourself if the frills are worth the extra $$$. if this one dies, i am not sure i'd spend the extra, likely go with a pd again. it does everything a tm is supposed to do.

it has nothing to do with " sounds good on paper" there is no comparison at all the terrova is miles above the of the pd !!! Us that have had both are telling it the way it is ... There is way more boat control and is 100% worth the few extra dollars for the options it has !!! the terrova rules for sure !!!

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