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NF - My Thanksgiving Tradition - DUCK hunting!!


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Happy Thanksgiving weekend to everyone!


This is my favourite weekend of the year. And with all the duck hunting chatter on the board, I thought I'd post a report from my weekend.


I had vacation days booked for Thursday and Friday. So it was a nice 5 day vacation!


Drove up to a friends house after work Wednesday.



We got out for a wood duck jump shoot in the morning.


There is nothing like jumping a drake woodie. Or having 2 or 3 come in to your decoy spread with their landing gear down. It's an amazing site to see. They really are a beatiful bird.

(Ignore the clip on's... That's all I could find in my car...






We set up for geese, but had not luck. With the high hunting pressure, and messed up weather this week, they where really really shy.













Drove home Friday. Got to spend some time with my Son and dog playing in the leaves.






It was amazing weather this weekend. We where able to eat dinner on the porch, in shorts and a T-shirt!





My Son has been sick for a few days. But with the nice weather, I thought the fresh air would do him some good. So I got us both geared up, and went for a walk in the back 40 in attempt to flush some grouse. I was using a 625FPM pellet rifle.






We didn't flush any birds out back.



Later the next day I went out alone with the pellet gun. Flushed two birds, but I was no where close to getting a shot off. The birds in this area flush way to easily....








This morning I woke up at 4:30, and drove up to meat my hunting partner at the duck blind. Had a decent Ringneck shoot. Some other hunters built a blind about 150 yards away from our blind. The only other blind in a 100 acre swale.... They where sky busting all morning. Messing up our hunt really bad. The ringers used to circle two or three times before dropping in to the spread. We would just call, and wait for them to come in to 30 yards before shotting.... These idiots are blasting at anything inside 100 yards... I guess our spot is blown.... Atleast we still got a few birds...







Some shots from the ride home.

The road in to the blind.



My road.




When I get home, I find out my son's condition has worsened. So I spend from 11:30 till 5:30 at Georgian Bay General... The boy is sleeping now, but has to go back tomorrow for a follow up...

Between the X-Rays, Ventilators, Injections, and constant probing from the Doc's... He still found some time to practice his climing skills!


Edited by N.A.W
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Good stuff Nick! Sucks about the skybusters, but seems to be the trend for us so far this season too. We managed a limit sunday morning, 11 bills and a mallard, and took 3 11 year old kids out this morning. I'm surprised they didn't scare every duck in the county they were so loud and couldn't sit still lol......they had a lot of fun though, and somehow, we managed to get 5 ducks to top it off. Love this time of year!! Take care of the young lad! Hope he's feeling better!



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Good stuff Nick! Sucks about the skybusters, but seems to be the trend for us so far this season too. We managed a limit sunday morning, 11 bills and a mallard, and took 3 11 year old kids out this morning. I'm surprised they didn't scare every duck in the county they were so loud and couldn't sit still lol......they had a lot of fun though, and somehow, we managed to get 5 ducks to top it off. Love this time of year!! Take care of the young lad! Hope he's feeling better!




Yikes! 3 kids would be a little to much for me! Where you in a field of a pond? We have enough trouble keeping the canoe upright with 2 adults in it :whistling:


nice photos

Thanks! Good old I-phone


Awesome stuff Nick. Except for the trip to the hospital, that should be a great tradition to continue.

That's the plan! I can't wait for Alex to be old enough to come for the duck hunt.!


Great pics , too bad about the sky busters.

Hope the little guy has a speedy recovery .

Skybusters are the bane of my existence.. I wish there was something I could do about it...


The little guy should recover fine. I hope. He has a follow up appointment this morning. Some sort of Bronchial infection.

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looks like a great long weekend for you, gotta love this time of year

Yep! And my weekend was kind of extended. Been at home with a sick baby for the last 2 days :wallbash:


Green with envy, Nick!

Seasons just getting started Joey!

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Nice report and some sweet pics. Next time you are out back l

et me know ill pick you up at the dock and maybe try for some fish.

You might be hearing some gun shots tomorrow... Just sayin!


Text me later.

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Great report Nick. It amazes me how fast the little ones grow. I hope he's all better.


I know more about rocket science as I do Duck hunting, I have been on a few fall trips with the boys when we had a camp on the Ottawa. They'd hunt, I'd fish and then I'd pluck if I wanted to eat some. Funny they'd eat my fish and I never made them clean any.


The language you hunting guys speak always amazes me. It all sounds like Klingon to me, but I love listening.


What's going on with the migration this year? The water is usually black with duck at this time. I've seen nothing here this fall. Always geese that keep me awake at night, honk, honk, bla,bla,bla. Please come and get a few. But no duck yet. Not even any Bufflehead, of which you can usually walk across out back by now???????


I"ve only heard a hand full of shots in the mornings. Usually sounds like Mogadishu in 93.


The weather was the same last October here. So what goes on you foul hunters?


I may not hunt but appreciate your fervor and sport. Plus I like the lingo even though I haven't a clue what your talking about.

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Ya, the migration shut down last week. Where I hunt anyways.. I think it has something to do with th weather.


But thy are calling for snow. And Drifter is talking about ice fishing. So that should get the birds on the move.


Every year seems a little different.


Aside Knowing the lingo... Learning the migration patterns and knowing the signs can really effect your success.

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Talk about the lingo Nick, Sinker said;


and took 3 11 year old kids out this morning.


I hope he took a few children on a hunting trip and didn't bag any old goats. That's not very sporting.

Good thing a read this before my morning coffee, and not during... Or it would have been on the floor, or all over my 870...!!!

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