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Another mass murder


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I just put the TV on a few minutes ago and their reporting yet another mass murder in the States. It's evidently in some sort of naval installation in D.C. and they say there's 12 people confirmed dead plus a bunch of others injured.


Unbelievable how this sort of thing keeps happening down there.

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I've been watching the coverage on tv, it is amazing that in this day and age with all the security concerns and issues surrounding a vital military installation that someone could do this kind of damage, 12 dead, (including the suspected gunmen) and a number of people wounded. with all the various agencies responding to the call for help makes you wonder how any accomplice could escape ( since the chief of police for the city said they are looking for another 2 suspects)


it is just so sad to see something like this happen,

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Unreal, but i'm not surprised. With lax gun laws, and a large contigent of mentally unstable people created by Amercian sub-culture, its no wonder that these type of events happen on a yearly basis.

You can only imagine what the families of the victims are going through.

and when it happens in Canada, is it from watching America tv...........lol

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and when it happens in Canada, is it from watching America tv...........lol


Canada and The United States are more similar than we think, I do somewhat agree with your statement... However, when was the last time something like this happened in Canada?

Also - How easy is it to obtain hand guns and automatic assault rifles in Canada? In some parts in the States, it's as easy as showing them a drivers licence. Although we are very similar in some cultural aspects, the differences in gun legislation is the key difference maker imo.

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Sigh...I really wish the misinformed would leave "gun control" out of this as it has NOTHING to do with this. Why? Criminals and nut jobs will get their hands on guns and other weapons regardless of what some law says. Look at all the ignorant folks who supported the gun registry that was supposed to stop gun crimes in Canada, when in fact it did nothing at all to lower gun related crimes. What it did do a good job of was punishing law abiding citizens and wasting a couple billion dollars.


Sad indeed, but more gun control (even a 100% ban of firearm ownership nation wide) definitely would not prevent firearm related crimes. The fact is the majority of firearms used by crooks and wacko's are imported from different countries meaning punishing law abiding firearms owners with even more rules would do diddly squat.

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Sigh...I really wish the misinformed would leave "gun control" out of this as it has NOTHING to do with this. Why? Criminals and nut jobs will get their hands on guns and other weapons regardless of what some law says. Look at all the ignorant folks who supported the gun registry that was supposed to stop gun crimes in Canada, when in fact it did nothing at all to lower gun related crimes. What it did do a good job of was punishing law abiding citizens and wasting a couple billion dollars.


Sad indeed, but more gun control (even a 100% ban of firearm ownership nation wide) definitely would not prevent firearm related crimes. The fact is the majority of firearms used by crooks and wacko's are imported from different countries meaning punishing law abiding firearms owners with even more rules would do diddly squat.




People kill,not guns.

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Unreal, but i'm not surprised. With lax gun laws, and a large contigent of mentally unstable people created by Amercian sub-culture, its no wonder that these type of events happen on a yearly basis.

You can only imagine what the families of the victims are going through.

Washington has Strict gun laws

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Canada and The United States are more similar than we think, I do somewhat agree with your statement... However, when was the last time something like this happened in Canada?

Also - How easy is it to obtain hand guns and automatic assault rifles in Canada? In some parts in the States, it's as easy as showing them a drivers licence. Although we are very similar in some cultural aspects, the differences in gun legislation is the key difference maker imo.


Very easy to obtain a handgun if you have the money and know someone who is in the drug trade. While I have never been involved in such Bull, I did hang around with the wrong crowd as a teen for a short while and can assure you that only a few hundred dollars will "hook you up". Automatic firearms (NOT semi auto, HUGE difference!) , not so easy as they're prohibited in Canada, but still obtainable. FYI...buying a fully automatic firearm requires permits in the US. An AR-15 for example is a semi auto firearm, not full auto like the media would like you to believe.



As for obtaining a legal firearm in Canada, it's as simple as reading a book and challenging the firearms exam which then permits you to buy an unlimited number of non restricted firearms. To compare apple to apples, it's much easier to obtain a firearms license than it is to get a drivers license.

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Sigh...I really wish the misinformed would leave "gun control" out of this as it has NOTHING to do with this. Why? Criminals and nut jobs will get their hands on guns and other weapons regardless of what some law says. Look at all the ignorant folks who supported the gun registry that was supposed to stop gun crimes in Canada, when in fact it did nothing at all to lower gun related crimes. What it did do a good job of was punishing law abiding citizens and wasting a couple billion dollars.


Sad indeed, but more gun control (even a 100% ban of firearm ownership nation wide) definitely would not prevent firearm related crimes. The fact is the majority of firearms used by crooks and wacko's are imported from different countries meaning punishing law abiding firearms owners with even more rules would do diddly squat.



Sorry, but you are sadly misinformed. Yes, gun crimes happen with stolen guns, this is 100% true, also gun crimes happen with legally bought guns, 100% true as well.

I'm not talking about hunting rifles, this is totally different - I'm talking about hand guns and assault rifles that are easily accessible and available in the USA in different states.

You don’t have crimes like this happening in Canada due to the types of guns we can access with the proper licensing, however the criminals will always find a way to access whatever they want.

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Canada and The United States are more similar than we think, I do somewhat agree with your statement... However, when was the last time something like this happened in Canada?

Also - How easy is it to obtain hand guns and automatic assault rifles in Canada? In some parts in the States, it's as easy as showing them a drivers licence. Although we are very similar in some cultural aspects, the differences in gun legislation is the key difference maker imo.

I don't mind you chiming in with your statement but get the facts straight. You can not at any place in the USA legally get a gun with just a drivers license. You do get a back round check and the gun is registered to you. No felons or people who have been deemed mentally ill or convicted of a violent crime can legally have a gun in their possession. Now to clarify all of the people mentioned can get ahold of an illegal gun just as any one born in Canada can. The rifles used for violence are not legal to own weapons in most cases but are military rifles that have illegally been purchased. Sorry for this rant but it is an important difference for all to know that legally owned and responsible citizens of the US far outnumber the few illegally gotten guns used in these heinous attacks that can occur in any place in the world.




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I don't mind you chiming in with your statement but get the facts straight. You can not at any place in the USA legally get a gun with just a drivers license. You do get a back round check and the gun is registered to you. No felons or people who have been deemed mentally ill or convicted of a violent crime can legally have a gun in their possession. Now to clarify all of the people mentioned can get ahold of an illegal gun just as any one born in Canada can. The rifles used for violence are not legal to own weapons in most cases but are military rifles that have illegally been purchased. Sorry for this rant but it is an important difference for all to know that legally owned and responsible citizens of the US far outnumber the few illegally gotten guns used in these heinous attacks that can occur in any place in the world.





Hey Art, all i'm saying is this stuff happens more often then not down south than up here. Sure there have been incidents in canada, but thankfully it's few and far between (i'm not talking about gang shooting in the big smoke)

I'm referring to the mass killing by the hands of deranged people that buy these guns with the proper licencing - You can't deny that this is a major issue, as these peole for the most part are undiagnosed with any mental issue before buying a gun and going on a killing spree.

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You can't deny that this is a major issue, as these peole for the most part are undiagnosed with any mental issue before buying a gun and going on a killing spree.


So it,s the undiagnosed people with any mental issue ?


Any law abidding owner, can snap and do the same. We dont know what triggered this person do what he did.


Lets not put the horse before the wagon here sorta speak..


Art,well said.

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I don't know about that Art, they have guns for sale at the local flea market all the time. It is my understanding that a gun dealer needs to be licensed to sell guns, but a private citizen selling his own personal firearms does not.


I have never seen anyone at the flea market ask for anything more than cash when selling a gun.

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The truth is if we compare apples to apples meaning violent crimes against fellow man with an equal access of deadly weapons per percentage of people you will find the numbers are comparable. There is no more mentally ill people in the US per population density as in any other nation including Europe and the Middle East. (barring our politicians but that is an a discussion for another day lol). To date I have not ever seen a gun kill anyone I have seen people use the gun (read Tool) to do a job it was made for. A point to raise is there are only a lack of Legal handguns in Canada there are plenty of illegal ones though.

A fact that I am comfortable with is this if I placed 5 boxes on a table and told you that under 4 boxes are envelopes with anything from $100.00 to $500.00 and the fifth box will kill you would you play the game with me? It is the same thought pattern we have down South which house is armed and will use a gun? 1 in 5 is the answer.

Back to the original post this is a true tragedy and one that hits close to home. I live 30 miles from the Capitol and the manpower that was massed in such a short time is comforting and the resources we will deploy will be considerable. The people or groups involved will be dealt with in a manner that will be more compassionate than I choose but in the end justice will be the judge which is what is the cornerstone of freedom in the USA.




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I don't know about that Art, they have guns for sale at the local flea market all the time. It is my understanding that a gun dealer needs to be licensed to sell guns, but a private citizen selling his own personal firearms does not.


I have never seen anyone at the flea market ask for anything more than cash when selling a gun.

The key here is a legal sale. Any gun that is sold must be done thru a licensed gun sales point. If I give a gun to my brother as a gift to legally do it I have to go with him to a gun shop and fill out a form to transfer it to his custody. Many guns are sold illegally but if the paperwork is not correct the person that the gun was last registered to as an owner will be charged with a felony. I loaned a rifle to a friend last year to hunt groundhogs on his property and after 6 months he was still not sure if it was the rifle for him so I brought him to the gunshop and transferred ownership to him till he decides if he wants to have one custom made like this one is.




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Summary of Federal Law

Federal law imposes various duties on federally licensed firearms dealers. Firearms dealers must, among other things: (1) perform background checks on prospective firearm purchasers; (2) maintain records of all gun sales; (3) make those records available to law enforcement for inspection; (4) report multiple sales; and (5) report the theft or loss of a firearm from the licensee’s inventory.19 Federal law imposes none of these requirements on unlicensed sellers, however.

The Gun Control Act of 1968 provides that persons “engaged in the business” of dealing in firearms must be licensed.20 Although Congress did not originally define the term “engaged in the business,” it did so in 1986 as part of the McClure-Volkmer Act (also known as the “Firearms Owners’ Protection Act”). That Act defined the term “engaged in the business,” as applied to a firearms dealer, as “a person who devotes time, attention, and labor to dealing in firearms as a regular course of trade or business with the principal objective of livelihood and profit through the repetitive purchase and resale of firearms.”21

Significantly, however, the term was defined to exclude a person who “makes occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or who sells all or part of his personal collection of firearms.”22 According to a 1999 report issued by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the current definition of “engaged in the business” often frustrates the prosecution of “unlicensed dealers masquerading as collectors or hobbyists but who are really trafficking firearms to felons or other prohibited persons.”23



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So it,s the undiagnosed people with any mental issue ?


Any law abidding owner, can snap and do the same. We dont know what triggered this person do what he did.


Lets not put the horse before the wagon here sorta speak..


Art,well said.


So would you consider someone who commits these types of henious acts a sane person, or in the right state of mind as your self??? If that's the case I'd say have a governmint and chill out lol.


If you feel that you can snap and murder several people then you shouldn't be allowed in public until further mental analysis has been done, simple as that.

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So would you consider someone who commits these types of henious acts a sane person, or in the right state of mind as your self??? If that's the case I'd say have a governmint and chill out lol.


If you feel that you can snap and murder several people then you shouldn't be allowed in public until further mental analysis has been done, simple as that.


have a governmint and chill out lol.


Oh Im chilled,and know first hand. So I speak of what I have seen.


A very good friend,known for almost 20 years. He was the nicest guy you could know. Never ever had a fight in his life.

One day ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



Im not going to spill what happen,but Im sure you of all,get my point here. HE SNAPPED. It,s in all of us. Knowing how to control it,thats another thing.


Taking life,I dont agree with. Taking your own,go for it.

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Sorry, but you are sadly misinformed. Yes, gun crimes happen with stolen guns, this is 100% true, also gun crimes happen with legally bought guns, 100% true as well.

I'm not talking about hunting rifles, this is totally different - I'm talking about hand guns and assault rifles that are easily accessible and available in the USA in different states.

You don’t have crimes like this happening in Canada due to the types of guns we can access with the proper licensing, however the criminals will always find a way to access whatever they want.

In other words you believe what the CBC tells you. yep, lets ban 'assault rifles' that actually aren't because they account for a tiny fraction of overall gun murders, not even to mention total murders, fewer than things like hammers, or fists, or feet. But they are scary, and we know what scary looking things do to people without critical thinking skills. Hand guns will surely never be banned, they are simply accepted as a personal defence tool, rightly or wrongly, but complaints about how the terrible assault rifles that arent need to be banned are simply wrong, the stattiscs don't lie.

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