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And the cancer dance continues


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Best wishes sent to you & the wife Bruce :)


I hope all turns out well for you and yours Bruce...


I go for my 3rd 0f 6 chemo treatments on Monday...


Hopefully by the time you're done, we'll both be in good enough shape to land some trophy goldfish :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

ATTITUDE Bruce.. it's all I can tell you, other than there's lots of places in Hospitals to go hide and have a good cry!


Good luck!

I have ever refused to see cancer as some unbeatable evil. It's just another obstacle to overcome. As for Judy, I don't think she is that strong right now. I won't tell her about Jen til later.

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Your family has way more than a fair share of bad luck. My wife had a cancer scare a few months ago that turned out not to be cancer....I know what the "waiting to know" thing is.


Hang in there....there are many, many cancer survivors out there. I'll be saying a prayer your wife joins those ranks.

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Keep your chins up, its the struggles in life that make people who they are. The best people I have ever met have always had to deal with tough times. Cherish the moments you have and look with bright eyes towards the future because noones book has been written.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today was the follow up with the surgeon.


The wife is healing pretty well so far for 2 weeks post-op. They removed all the cancerous material in the breast, but the mass was larger than first anticipated.

The bad news is that the cancer is an aggressive, fast growing strain and is at stage 3. Next step the oncology dept at the Juravinski Cancer hospital for further treatment options.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, today was the big first visit at the cancer clinic. A lot of information to go through from a resident who barely has command of the English language. (the staffman only had time to stick his head in and say hello) The Mrs walked out of there at the end of the day totally confused and overwhelmed. Lots of statistics and data, not a lot of clear answers, and a number of questions avoided. Heck, I used to work in hospital admin, and am used to medical mumble, and I had a hard time following what the resident was trying to say.

Definitely not a good start for the Mrs.

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Ask questions Bruce and tell him you can wait in the room 'till he comes back with the answers. Remember... you're the customer. Sounds odd, but you are. The resident / fellow's boss is there somewhere, probably just seeing another patient. We've been there.. done that similar to your today.. but after 3 years of this we don't leave unless we know what we came in for, although there are indeed some questions we never ask as with some things knowing isn't the best avenue to take.

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Ask questions Bruce and tell him you can wait in the room 'till he comes back with the answers. Remember... you're the customer. Sounds odd, but you are. The resident / fellow's boss is there somewhere, probably just seeing another patient. We've been there.. done that similar to your today.. but after 3 years of this we don't leave unless we know what we came in for, although there are indeed some questions we never ask as with some things knowing isn't the best avenue to take.

Next week's visit will have a different tone to it. Starting with medical staff with a clear command of the English language.

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