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Ahhh... The Harper Government in action...Democracy? I dont think so!


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Canadian govt demands a 10-page questionnaire & CV in order to seek permission to comment on oil pipeline



Under Canada's newly gutted environmental laws, members of the public who want to comment on the upcoming hearings on the new Enbridge oil pipeline must beg for permission by fillling in an obscure, ten-page questionnaire and submitting a CV. It's as though the Harper government has fingerpainted BACK OFF AND DIE on Parliament in heavy crude. (I edited in BACK OFF to conform to forum rules)






“The new rules are undemocratic. They attempt to restrict the public’s participation in these hearings and prevent a real dialogue about the environmental impacts of the Line 9 pipeline project,” said Adam Scott of Environmental Defence. “Canadians should not have to apply for permission to have their voices heard on projects that carry serious risks to their communities.”

Under the new rules, any Ontario resident who lives along the 639-km pipeline route who wants to send in a letter about their concerns must first apply to the NEB for permission to send in a letter. As of today, the public will have just two weeks to fill out a 10-page form which asks for a resume and references.

“Since when does someone’s resume determine if they have the right to be concerned about what’s happening in their home community?” said Keith Stewart of Greenpeace Canada. “Anyone who lives and works in southern Ontario could be affected by a spill and everyone is affected by climate change. The right to send a letter of comment and have it considered by public agencies is part of the basic rights and freedoms Canadians enjoy.”

Line 9 runs directly through the most populated part of the country, through backyards, under farms and next to schools. The pipeline crosses every Canadian river flowing into Lake Ontario, threatening the drinking water of millions.





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I should add there is a river here in Wellington county that will be buried (Diverted into underground culverts) to accommodate this project.. it is a steelhead spawning creek... I sent this in to be added to the news section a while ago... it has not yet been added.



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And the opposition....




Trout in the river... getting ready for the spawn.



more info on the stream... I find it odd they call it a "wee waterway" it is anything but... making it seem minor



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I should add there is a river here in Wellington county that will be buried (Diverted into underground culverts) to accommodate this project.. it is a steelhead spawning creek... I sent this in to be added to the news section a while ago... it has not yet been added.




And to whom did you send this?

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really, what do we need an oil pipeline for...we have windmills and solar power, That McGuinty let us have a say in where they go...oh, and gas plants too...wait, no...we cancelled them because southern ontario didn't want any more power for industry...no, that wasn't it either was it...I'm so confused, what do you guys want anyway...other than a free ride

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I'm all for the east-west pipeline---- it sucks that we still need to rely on oil, but that's the current state of things here in Canada and north america.


I DON'T agree with another bullying tactic from Harper to PLOW through the things he wants now, or he'll jump on the floor, kick and scream till he gets his way. What a whinny little girl this guy is. Hiding behind his majority party, making new "laws" so he doesn't have to answer to the public.... send a resume to them, before he'll agree to listen to me? Are you kidding me? That's as elitist and arrogant as it gets.

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Here is another informative site and a link to the application. Sounds like its a bit of a grey area here, because Line 9 is not actually going through a true Environmental Assessment, the hearings are technically being done under the NEB Act...which the NEB defines who can comment.

The sad part really, is that they are not doing an Environmental Assessment...really?? haha, how on earth is this not worthy of at least a proper assessment...???




Here is the application form itself.


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In the end, you have up to April 19th to comment, and your comments are seen as useless and 'not-applicable' unless you can define exactly how the pipeline would affect you, in addition you have to be qualified to comment on how it would affect you. So if you write "the pipeline might explode", they ain't gonna listen to you.


So they've eliminated a proper Env. Assessment and turned it over to a select few in the public who can write their own EA in less than 2 weeks. What the hell????????

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No one wants to see the envoirnment harmed but the reality is we need oil and gas to survive, do we continue to import it from other countries some of which is overseas or do we start creating more jobs and take control of the riches this country has, it has to come from some where.

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No one wants to see the envoirnment harmed but the reality is we need oil and gas to survive, do we continue to import it from other countries some of which is overseas or do we start creating more jobs and take control of the riches this country has, it has to come from some where.



The reality is....if we carry on like we are doing...we all lose!

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I like oil, idk, i think it's important in this, the real world. But I agree, it's unfotunate that the government doesn't want to allow tens of thousands of commentors put forth by organizations like gree peace solely designed to delay the process idefinetly, what an evil, terrible government. I mean with a government like that something might actually get done, perhpas we should all just move to the make believe world where oil isn't contained in almost everything we use and own every day, o what a place that would be, how clean, how pristine, to heck with this reality, lets do it!

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I never meant for a second that the enviornment should be compromised to fast track a pipeline.


The enviornmental issues have to be at the top of the agenda and I am not in agreement with how the gov't is dealing with the issue . They have to be alot more accountable to the public and have more input from the citizens of this country before making decisions. If it happens there would need to be some sort of outside agency to monitor the program to make sure no short cuts are being taken, but at the end of the day we will still need the resources, done in a safe manner.

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I like oil, idk, i think it's important in this, the real world. But I agree, it's unfotunate that the government doesn't want to allow tens of thousands of commentors put forth by organizations like gree peace solely designed to delay the process idefinetly, what an evil, terrible government. I mean with a government like that something might actually get done, perhpas we should all just move to the make believe world where oil isn't contained in almost everything we use and own every day, o what a place that would be, how clean, how pristine, to heck with this reality, lets do it!

Harper, is that you? Your more sarcastic on the internet than I would have guessed.


Public input is a good thing. I don't disagree that interest groups try to delay otherwise good ideas and cost us a lot of money, but there is a middle ground that fits best. This system, is very one sided.


Also, sometimes groups like green peace actually do good, not always, usually they are fringe, but I have just as little trust in a governement that is catering to big enterprise who is just looking for shareholder value...and get this, I'm an active investor in the oil sands!

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No one wants to see the envoirnment harmed but the reality is we need oil and gas to survive, do we continue to import it from other countries some of which is overseas or do we start creating more jobs and take control of the riches this country has, it has to come from some where.

We only import oil for reasons of trade. We have oil, lots and lots of it, we ship it out, and then pay to bring it back (refined) you should google this stuff it's a nightmare in logic. All comes down to trade. If we want fresh Oranges we trade our Oil.

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The pipeline would only streamline things for efficiency.


Right now trucks, boats and trains carry the oil.


Roads, navigable waterways, and railroads have already ruined and defaced enough of our environment.


We don't need pipelines all over the place too.


By the way, one the first one is in and works, how long before we have pipelines criss crossing all over the country?


Screw the gov't doing whatever the heck they want completely at OUR cost.

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thing is most of us on here own boats,atvs,snowmobiles ,drive gas guzzling suvs,or pick up trucks,drive great distances to hunt,camp or fish......we are helping create the demand for oil and with the demand comes the needs to get oil to where it is needed......so until we change our demand for the product corrupt governments along with money hungry oil companies will do whatever to cash in at the environments expense,,,,,,,bottom line it is all about profits and revenue.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

I don't think a majority of the people who have concerns against these pipelines are "anti-oil" as many of us use our fair shair of oil. My concern lies in why we are shipping our crude ELSEWHERE only to buy it back at high cost. We pay much higher prices on fuel then the US, while shipping our raw bitumen elsewhere to be refined. Factor in that it seems that a week doesn't go by without a spill, and there DEFINITELY reasons for all canadians to be concerned about the way this is being rammed through without debate.

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ok who wants to bet the politicians in question come from Harpers Crew...Alberta and Saskatchewan...it would explain alot of the ongoing stripping of our Charter and Constitution...are you awake or aware of whats going on yet?


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