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Restrict guests viewing images?

Guest restrictions  

155 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we restrict guests from viewing images?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. If you voted yes, how should we set it up?

    • All members can see images
    • A minimum number of posts required
    • I voted no. Added this cause it may make you pick something here.

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No comment...................................................................................... :whistling::whistling:


Are we allowed to take the 5th here in Canada.........................

Edited by misfish
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Not everyone that is even registered, does alot of posting, so if you make it that you have to have a certain amount of posts, what would that be? My suggestion is if your spot is a secrect dont put a picture of it up, therea still alot of good posts here that I like to read that have no pictures.

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Not everyone that is even registered, does alot of posting, so if you make it that you have to have a certain amount of posts, what would that be? My suggestion is if your spot is a secrect dont put a picture of it up, therea still alot of good posts here that I like to read that have no pictures.


But there are ones here that want to post pics and give the foggy back ground.To me thats cool,just don carp about it.


Man whos the editor on this site,cant we find a better way to say carp????????????I like the female dog one myself.LOL

Edited by misfish
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I think it's a great idea.


10 posts is peanuts.


I do that in 1 hour at work!


Let's just do it!!!


I believe it will lead to all the ant-poster members Re-posting again!!!!

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Some people might have a great post with pictures after 3 posts or 6 or whatever.

Seems like some don't post much unless they feel like they have something worthwhile to say,

which may be seldom. They should still be allowed to post or view pictures even if its there second post.


But a couple of guys with the most invested here think.....

You can't legislate common sense.


Let it be. Restricting picture viewing rights will also ultimately kill the board.


I voted NO.



After reading everyones concerns, I'm thinking that restricting pictures by posts is not a great idea... we have to remember that 50 percent of our traffic and the dough that keeps this site going is these lurkers.. I don't think id be happy with 10 post restrictions.. i was on some non fishing boards that did that.. and I'd never go back now..


Those opinions should put this debate to rest.



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If you limit picture viewing privallages to those with a specific post count be prepared for a boatload of new non-fishing related topics, in order to pad the post count. You know the ones, like, Is this Athletes Foot? My gas smells bad, how about you? Ketchup vs. Mustard, which is the best condiment? Now ask yourselves, Is that what any of us really want to see?

Edited by Weeds
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:rolleyes: I've ben around for about 5 years. About the same time I restarted my hobby of fishing.


I'm not very good at fishing, but I've learned a ton. I don't post a lot because I don't get out that often. But I do share what I can. Also all of my psots (40 or so ) from the old board are gone. DO I get them back?


I check this site every day - winter or summer for the past 5 years. And this time of year all the cabin fever kicks in and everyone starts on these bandwagons and their "holier than thoughts".


Y'know there is a real solid foundation of people here. It has shifted every year, but the core has always been good peeps, but the general tone really is getting more and more arrogant all the time. Its kinda sad.


I love this site. It is the best one on the web, bar none. And by far. But there are other sites.


This is a public site - if ya take it private and bounce people like misfish said then I'll be gone. So will my money to the charities that people post for, or the auctions. So will the product I buy from Terry. So will my limited advice or questions I have because I don't comment on every topic with a smiley face or "nice picture". Or say Good mornin Lew at 5 in the morning, even though I'm surfin. Chances are I'll just post garbage threads and responses to get my numbers up to see things anyway which would really drag this down. :mellow:

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i haven't read the responses from the other members so if my "thoughts" are repeated i'm sorry ...


i do prefer limiting pic-viewing to members only but there are some mixed feelings ...


if we don't have a "minimum post limit" ... we would just get alot of people who sign up just to view the pics and not post

but on the other hand, i remember when i first started fishing, i knew nothing and there was honestly nothing much to post. OFC has defintely helped me alot and made me a better angler. If we enforce a minimum post count then it would be tough to a lot of these "eager to learn and get better" beginners.


i don't have a solution to this but that's what's in my mind.

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i understand boths sides of this. the question is does the mods here want to grow this site bigger then it is?


The reason i say that is if you restrict the images to only memebership you ruin alot of peoples first opionion of what this great site offers!

That in return will push people away instead of growing.


If i had to make a choice i would say no dont restrict it. the pictures that are part of reports are the main attraction. why would you restrict pictures when its very obvious that the posts that get the most attention are the ones that have pictures in them.


Just my thoughts!



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When I post a report I always say where I was, what I was using, how warm the water is and how deep the productive water was. On another site I was harassed about giving too much info. Guess what, I don't contribute to that site any longer. If anyone PM's me for more detailed info, I always give it. This is what it's all about, no?


Fish with the Force




When in doubt, just ask yourself, what would Yoda do?

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I'm generally in favour of anything that gives people the confidence to post good reports with unaltered photos but also protects our fishing resources/opportunities - which makes this debate so hard to resolve as with the internet I'm not sure how you can do this without making it a closed community, which is not such a good thing for growth.


However, I noticed a number of people have suggested that restricting viewing photos would reduce the number of people viewing OFC, however one could argue that if members knew that their images would be seen by only other members (which we assume to be good caring anglers) then may be there would be even more reports and photos for us all to enjoy (as members who don't post reports may feel more comfortable to do so). That would be a tradeoff between number of people viewing and quality of reports.


Depending on what the post count number was, if someone was really interested in learning and contributing to OFC then they would become members and post so that they could also enjoy the images. Unfortunately my guess is the post count would have to be quite high (20-30) to deter the majority of lazy lurkers.


The one thing that does strike me about this debate is - hopefully it will educate some folk out there that other anglers will not tolerate their abuse of our sport, fish and locations.


Have a good day everyone.


Edited by OO7
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I also voted a minium posts. But I agree that the 10 posts will be cheesy.


Heres an idea..


Its a wild one but here goes.


Why not have a message board within another message board called the "volt." :lol: LOL after being on the main mesage board for about a year. Yep 1 yr!! :D


People who have been a member after a year can get to move into another part of a sceure message board where all pics and photos can be posted and veiwed. And no one who just signed up less than a year can 'pm 'anyone in the volt." Only those who have moved into the volt can "pm" each other.


But those who are in the "volt" can still view and post on both boards. :w00t:


Just a imagination gone wild. Not sure if its any good. Beats the 10 posts. :lol:


Just my 3 cents



Edited by dsn
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The reason I chose to join OFC was because of the way people treated one another. I understand your desire to control something, but seriously, if you close off viewing to the general public, how are you going to attract, not only new members, but advertizers etc.


Just my opinion. Leave it the way it is , because obviously , it is working.




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5 guys fishing in a bath tub....complaining because a mess was made, and pictures were taken, from their side of the tub.


That's how I see it, sorry if it offends, but are we really considering changes to the board based on this ?


My "bath tub" statement refers to the general area causing the majority of the debate, when compared to the size of the rest of Ontario. Shore Angler's in southern Ontario are in a tough spot. My sympathies are with them. I do not see how changing something on this site will make a lick of difference. It's a respect thing. Most of us learn that by the time we are 5 yrs. old. Some will never learn.


Please don't change the site.




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I know it's annoying,


But should we politely inform people to be a little more discreet when a bad photo appears were the spot is pretty obvious (easy to find within 3 feet???)


Kinda the same way we remind people to not do a vertical hold, post OOS catches, etc.


What think you.

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How many people have you seen arrive at the ferry holding a picture in their hand like a treasure map snog...off load and then search the island like they're on a treasure hunt and the picture marks the spot..... other than when you did it using ehg's pictures that is..... :rolleyes:

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I think I'll go fishing for a few months, while you guys figure out how to ruin the board for good.... :o:blahblah1::wallbash::canadian:


Let me know when I come back if I need to do an intro after 3 years on the board...okay


Thought you were outta here by now........... :Gonefishing:

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I'll give my $0.02.

I apologize for not reading this entire thread (in case someone else has suggested this).


If there is such a big concern with reports and pictures, then just make a 'reports' section that one must earn their chops to gain access to. Pretty simple.

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