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Killing the fish


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How many hunters would hit a deer with a non lethal shot and let it lay there in the snow for an hour till it died? Dispatch it quickly and enjoy a fantastic fish fry!


not that it's the right thing to do, in the Ontario Hunting Course, they said take your shot (big game, deer, moose etc), then stay in you tree stand for 1/2 hour before you go looking for the animal, it's definately different than catching a fish


I bonk my fish quickly if I've decided to keep them

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How many hunters would hit a deer with a non lethal shot and let it lay there in the snow for an hour till it died?Dispatch it quickly and enjoy a fantastic fish fry!

Actually, for a fair comparison you'd have to smother the deer with a pillow. Fish have gills.

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How many hunters would hit a deer with a non lethal shot and let it lay there in the snow for an hour till it died? Dispatch it quickly and enjoy a fantastic fish fry!


Hunters typically try for a lung shot. A lunge shot is not immediately fatal. The deer will suffocate as its lungs fill with blood. Hunters are typically taught to wait for the deer to dir after a lunch shot rather than persue the wouldn't animal.


Maybe not such a good example.

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O.K.!! Normally, I smother my bait, with a boat cushion. [quiet, simple,.. and no screaming] There is however, the slime issues, on the cushions. I don't know. Is there a right way and a wrong way? I'm confused, and at a moral crossroad!! :dunno:

Edited by kipawa jim
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^ LOL that was hillarious!


Still I think if you're going to kill a fish it should be put out of it's misery as soon as possible. I wouldn't fish with people who do otherwize.

Let's go ice fishing :tease:


I leave my fish to die horrid, painful deaths...the stress adds flavour

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A few years ago I thought to myself, we bleed any animal we eat, why not fish?


So I tried hanging a walleye I'd kept upside down and I cut its gills. Three things I noticed. First cleaning the fish was really neat, no blood, second the meat was completely free of blood, and tasted better (sweeter) and third, the fish died very quickly. They bleed out real quick if you hang 'em upside down. To this day I bleed all the fish I keep.


In the summer when the water is warm I keep them alive until I get to the dock and do it. In the Spring and Fall when the water is really cold I just bleed them straight in the livewell. It just makes filleting a breeze and a clean job.

Edited by Jigs
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Since this is a public forum and all, any of those posting saying they keep them alive until they get home live on the lake and they mean home to there dock in there live well as its illegal to transport gamefish alive. I do bleed walleye in the livewell and clean them once they have expired. Makes a bit of mess in the live well but it just pumps out and is clean quickly.

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Sorry but there may be room on P3TA's sight for comments like this


You've been a member for 2 months and have 20 comments. I'm pretty sure we want an active community, which often hinges on folks who have differing opinions. So personally, I welcome views that differ from mine, because it gives me the chance to reestablish or reconsider why I think or act a certain way.


Insulting others isn't a great way to start off participating in this forum. Oh, and it's "site".

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Once I determin that I am planning on keeping a fish, I insert my right index finger into the anus of the fish. Helps to determin the fish's sex.

If it's a female, I release the fish to spawn another day... if it's a male fish, it usually asks to die after that experience anyway.


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Here is something that I've noticed over the years perch fishing.


When you have a stack of perch on the ice, (Un-Bonked) they tent to lay still. Then suddenly they all start flipping around like crazy on the ice. 90% of the time, the finder will light up at the same time. Like they are communicating thru the ice somehow. :dunno::tease:

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