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This still goes on????? CRAZY


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Was just scooping through some fishing on you tube,and came across this. Reminds me of the old days on the Credit. :wallbash:


No thanks.


<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/PIXkSxq284o?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


We see these people trying to hook up??????????????????



Edited by Misfish
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What is "flossing" or "plunking"


I've heard these terms used on the board but Can someone be specific??? Is it attempting to foul hook on purpose???


And man thats alot of people on those banks. If it was like that here, I wouldn't even bother. Doesn't look like fishing to me at all


Basically, never heard of plunking but flossing is getting your hook in the fish's mouth without it actually taking the bait, and snagging is ripping a large hook through holding pools in hopes of sticking one in the side.

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What is "flossing" or "plunking"


I've heard these terms used on the board but Can someone be specific??? Is it attempting to foul hook on purpose???


And man thats alot of people on those banks. If it was like that here, I wouldn't even bother. Doesn't look like fishing to me at all


Flossing, lining, etc - basically means exactly what it sounds like. The line slides through the open mouth of the fish and when you set the hook it seems like a legit hookup. Normally the hook will be on the OUTSIDE of the mouth.


Plunking - not sure where I got that term from, but I doubt that I came up with it myself. I've always used it to refer to exactly what those guys are doing. Heavy weights and big hooks continuously "plunked" into a run with a bunch of fish until one ends up with a hook in it. Often those guys don't even have any bait on the hooks.

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It's actually referred to a "snatching" It USED to be legal in New York (like many on this board the mainstream Yank angler believed that salmon don't feed/bite in the river) but it is now illegal. It was essentially snagging, usually with a weighted, bare treble hook often referred to as a cricket, or Michigan Cricket. Snatching is still legal for catching Paddlefish, a plankton feeder that won't bite anything lure or bait (or so they say). You can imagine what it looks like, frog water just out of a main channel where the Paddlefish hold, with hillbillies chucking a heavy Muskie sized weighted bare treble seeking soft flesh. The hookup/fight is ridiculous with a 40-50lb fish hooked high on the back struggling mightily trying to avoid the meat hunting Neanderthal looking for a free feed of the roe. It's legal, like jugging, but it is not pretty.


The chuck and duckers are also an example of what not to do but I don't see much difference between their loutish behavior and what many here would consider doing like...tomorrow morning AND chuck and duckers actually catch very few fish. Like the marshmallow crowd they hook up and you hear "fish on" then "aw fish off" or "fish on" then shortly "hey buddy get out of my way" or "your over my line",shortly followed by "aw fish off" It's humorous actually, until they cut your tires for taking way too long drifts, and catching way too many fish with your float rod :rofl2: .

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Seen it many times even here in Ontario by so called Fly fisherman.


Had a discussion on the riverside the other day with what seemed to be an educated angler until he began to tell me the only way to catch a salmon was to hope for the fish to swim into the bait. I began trying to explain the possibility of eliciting a predatory response but he refused to believe this was possible because of the old saying "salmon don't feed in the river". I think education is key for the ones who believe what they are doing isn't wrong. The ones who don't care well...then its up to our CO's to enforce our laws. I can't wait until these salmon move on up and clear the way for the rainbows.

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I met a great fly caster on Bronte who could put a fly in the mouth of a Chinook at will. They were NOT biting the fly but this chap could hook up a specific fish in a bunch with the fly inside of the mouth. He was not flossing. The ethics of it were questionable but it was a completely legal hookup that allowed the fish to fight. He did not really seem that pleased with his outing when finished for the day so I guess he also felt the ethics of it was not great. Sort of the way I feel about roe and essentially the reason I stopped using eggs. Too easy as well as the path to virtually all the hillbilly behavior on the water. As the cops say, it's the cracked window syndrome.

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I'm willing to bet that it becomes a full contact sport there eventually..I myself would end up with the police hauling me away because I was choking some guy...lol No way I would ever fish like that..How do they keep from tangling up their lines?


Edited to satisfy the grammar police...

Edited by tb4me
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Been over there to Pulaski about 4 times now but always midweek and later season for the bows. Yes, it's busy enough, but not as bad as that and I've seen nearly the same on the Ganny. You can find space if you're willing to walk or driftboat to it.


The plunking approach is a kinda messed up though.

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