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NF 250 000 000 mile one way trip to Mars


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Did anyone else stay up to watch the livestream as NASA's Curiosity rover basically land on a dime and then send back happy snaps ? It's amazing what can be done when you put the right minds in a room. Hope we can learn something from this venture that will expand our understanding of life and what is out there.


Regardless, it was pretty amazing to watch.


EDIT-my bad. Mars can be up to around 250 000 000 miles from Earth...

Edited by woodenboater
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It is not a waste of money. I think I heard Neil DeGrasse Tyson mention that the United States spends more money on its military every year then it has in NASA's entire existence.


Gaining knowledge of our Universe (or any kind really) should never be viewed as a waste. This is why we exist. Those people at NASA are not only the cream of the crop when it comes to the related sciences they are using but they are also tops when it comes to imagination. The United States of America should be (and is) immensely proud of them. Our species in general should be proud of them. It is a good day for humans.


I think I will celebrate with another one of our species' crowning achievements. A Sleeman original.

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It is not a waste of money. I think I heard Neil DeGrasse Tyson mention that the United States spends more money on its military every year then it has in NASA's entire existence.


Gaining knowledge of our Universe (or any kind really) should never be viewed as a waste. This is why we exist. Those people at NASA are not only the cream of the crop when it comes to the related sciences they are using but they are also tops when it comes to imagination. The United States of America should be (and is) immensely proud of them. Our species in general should be proud of them. It is a good day for humans.


I think I will celebrate with another one of our species' crowning achievements. A Sleeman original.



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It is not a waste of money. I think I heard Neil DeGrasse Tyson mention that the United States spends more money on its military every year then it has in NASA's entire existence.


Gaining knowledge of our Universe (or any kind really) should never be viewed as a waste. This is why we exist. Those people at NASA are not only the cream of the crop when it comes to the related sciences they are using but they are also tops when it comes to imagination. The United States of America should be (and is) immensely proud of them. Our species in general should be proud of them. It is a good day for humans.


I think I will celebrate with another one of our species' crowning achievements. A Sleeman original.



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and do you think they are photoshopping out the aliens and space ships that the camera picks up



I would think they would have a short delay on what they are showing us..in case there is a wardrobe malfunction

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i,m going to limit myself to only this one comment on this topic .


"You actually believe those are ( live ) unscrutinized , uncencored images they are showing us ?"


Think about it .


Are you sure you're not a transplant from Alabama... :whistling::rofl2:

Funny how those people from the deep south don't believe we ever landed on the moon....but VERY MUCH believe in Big Foot.... :w00t:

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i,m going to limit myself to only this one comment on this topic .


"You actually believe those are ( live ) unscrutinized , uncencored images they are showing us ?"


Think about it .


They only checked to make sure there was not a golden-arches sign in the first photos… at least until Mc Ds signs on as a sponsor.

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The data and any serious photos will be analyzed nine ways to Sunday but those 2 photos from last night were as close to real time as possible. I watched the live feed on the net. The rooms were full of people (far to ugly and awkward to be actors btw) reacting with pure joy, excitement and relief as the photos were put up in screen first as thumbnails and then higher resolution.

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It is not a waste of money. I think I heard Neil DeGrasse Tyson mention that the United States spends more money on its military every year then it has in NASA's entire existence.


Gaining knowledge of our Universe (or any kind really) should never be viewed as a waste. This is why we exist. Those people at NASA are not only the cream of the crop when it comes to the related sciences they are using but they are also tops when it comes to imagination. The United States of America should be (and is) immensely proud of them. Our species in general should be proud of them. It is a good day for humans.


I think I will celebrate with another one of our species' crowning achievements. A Sleeman original.


It is reported that our military spends more annually on fighting corrosion on their gear than the entire annual military budget of Canada.


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I wasn't in any way shape or form mocking your country. I would expect the same from you.


I usually find patriotism to be a counterproductive activity but I do have quite a bit of fondness and pride for my country. If you look back in history you will find that Canada's military was always at the forefront of the wars that needed to be fought and and skipped the ones that didn't.


The only reason that I brought up what Neil DeGrasse Tyson said about military funding versus NASA funding was the same reason he did. To put it into perspective and defend it to people who view it as a waste.


If you want to take pot shots at Canada's military spending go do it on an Ohio forum of some sort. Maybe write a letter to our Prime Minister suggesting that if he doesn't spend more on our military that you will refuse to spend your tourist dollars here. I am sure that will get his attention.

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The money is well spent. In an age where science in general is being denigrated by many, we need to have things which inspire the next generation to actually care about what science is and what it can do. It has served humans more and better than any other endeavour, and must be pursued if we are to face the challenges of our future.

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As an interesting aside, last night during the approach and entry a facebook buddy of mine was bemoaning the fact that he had no choice but to watch it on line, as his 500 channel Bell satellite service didn't carry NASA TV. Think about the irony of that; a satellite connection that doesn't carry NASA! :lol:

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