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The Vaughan store seems to get a bad wrap 99% of the time here. Well today I can say I was treated with nothing but respect and politness. I posted awhile back about a leak in my waders. I called during the week about getting them replaced.I was told no problem. Just bring your receipt and the waders. So today I go down there for opening. Go to the counter and am greeted with,good morning,how can I help you. Explained what the issue was.Handed over the receipt and was told to go and get another pair no problem. When I arrive at the section,I am greeted again with,good morning,how can I help you. Explained to the girl,I was here to get a replacement set of waders.No problem sir,what kind were they.After telling her,she said they had a new shipment come in,and they were not the same,but were an upgrade. Opening the box,I could see right away they were a better made wader.And here,s the kicker,they were 35 bucks cheaper then the ones I bought.I was told I would get a 35 dollar in store credit. SWEET.


So once that was all taken care of,I head to the fly shop. They have a fly rod and reel on sale for $39.99. Cheap enough outfit to get started. Turns out they didnt get them in yet,but was handed a slip to fill out,and when they arrive,they will hold one for me. I got to talking with the guy in the shop. I learned alot from him. Cheap lines compared to higher priced lines. How the line should lay on the water. Then,I started asking about flys. I seen flies,that there was no way I could tie a knot to. :w00t:




Then I see these magnifier speck.Perfect. I grab a pair. I thanked the fella for all his help and headed off.


Remember that in store credit,well there was a nice selection of micro kwikfish on sale for 2:99.I stocked up. :thumbsup_anim:



So this is just to say,I was pleased with how I was treated today.


Sometimes,it all starts with the way the customer approaches their staff.



Thought I would just share that not everyone has bad dealing with them.



Now to get mothers day supper prept.

Edited by Misfish
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I've had great treatment there as well. Had the side plate come off a few-month old BPS baitcaster and fall into the drink. Called the store from Haliburton (home is in Hamilton where the receipt was) and they said no problem, bring it in on the way home and we'll replace it by looking up the transaction through the credit card record. When I went into the store, the clerk at the service desk looked up the transaction, called a guy at the fishing counter, asked me what pound test and he brought a new reel to the service desk, spooled with line.

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I can't really say I've had a bad dealing, but I'm not one to ask for help I usually go in knowing what I want & after getting it add more & if they were helping I'd likely add more yet so try to look around get what I think I need & get out lol, glad you had great service

Tight Lines SBKthumbsup_anim.gif

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If it wasn't there, most of us would probably miss it. They don't always have the specific size or colour of lure I want, but I've always wondered how you could stock every SKU from each manufacturer. The staff, when I deal with them, have always helped me out. I really don't have any complaints about the place, and because it's on the way north for me, it can always be a fun start to a fishing weekend

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  • 1 year later...

"How the customer treats the staff" ...


As a worker in retail, all I can say is thank you for pointing that out. Often the store of the employee gets the bad rep.. but how far out of your way would you go to help a lost cause inconsiderate person with no manners or respect whatsoever? Probably not far, for minimum wage.


Remember those people are simply earning a paycheck, and not much of one, so their abuse tolerance is likely limited.


I've followed rude customers home at the end of a shift and put fear in them.


Anyway, thank you misfish!


I've personally always had good experiences with BPS too. The staff is always helpful and ready. Unless it's a really busy time, which obviously just means that well, its busy.


I think 90% of people think they are the most important people in the world and just dont understand we get paid the same to serve jimmy a donut as you a bass boat... Figuratively.

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You have followed people home and put fear in them. what the hell. Am I the only one who sees this as a problem. You my friend have worse issues than the rude customer. That turns a rude customer into a chargeable offense my friend. No matter if the customer is rude or not it does not give you the right to stalk and intimidate anyone, retail or not. If you worked for me your ass would get fired from just this post alone.

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People who get into service industries like retail have to understand that the job is not always sunshine, ponies and rainbows. Perhaps the customer is having a craptastic day as well and doesn't need attitude from holier than thou retail staff. I used to work retail and restaurants and followed the 'grin and bear it' motto when dealing with customers who were less than nice or polite. Repeat business is the goal and having happy customers ensures that 100%.


Overall I've had good experiences at BPS but have encountered staff who I felt thought were above me and even deigned to assist me. No idea why. I'd go back there since they have items no one else has ;)

Edited by woodenboater
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I've followed rude customers home at the end of a shift and put fear in them.



If one of these "rude customers" decides he doesn't like the idea of you following him on his way home with the intent of putting fear into him and turns around and smashes you in the face, what would your response be to that ??

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i have yet to have good customer service experience at BP, nothing compared to sail anyway


as for the size of the fly, looks like a #12 hook size? i know some people will use a #34 dry fly


I'd say that looks more like a #14, the smallest I've tried is #24, but the nice thing about small hooks is the patterns only get simpler :D

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If one of these "rude customers" decides he doesn't like the idea of you following him on his way home with the intent of putting fear into him and turns around and smashes you in the face, what would your response be to that ??


Pretty sure there's laws against this...Or like Lew said, following someone home and 'scaring' them can quickly turn on you...

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"How the customer treats the staff" ...


As a worker in retail, all I can say is thank you for pointing that out. Often the store of the employee gets the bad rep.. but how far out of your way would you go to help a lost cause inconsiderate person with no manners or respect whatsoever? Probably not far, for minimum wage.


Remember those people are simply earning a paycheck, and not much of one, so their abuse tolerance is likely limited.


I've followed rude customers home at the end of a shift and put fear in them.


Anyway, thank you misfish!


I've personally always had good experiences with BPS too. The staff is always helpful and ready. Unless it's a really busy time, which obviously just means that well, its busy.


I think 90% of people think they are the most important people in the world and just dont understand we get paid the same to serve jimmy a donut as you a bass boat... Figuratively.



i work in retail, a customer service job, I GET PAID TO LOOK AFTER THE CUSTOMER! not the other way around. Sure its nice that the customer treats you well, but they don't have to. They are there for a certain product, and if after walking around for 5-10 minutes and not seeing any staff to help them, it gets irritating. just always remember, without the customers, there is no paycheck.


The last 2 times in BP, I was getting a pair of wading boots, had to walk around the shoe department for 10 minutes before someone finally came out of the back room. the other, was looking for a new spinning reel, guy behind the counter came over, told him i was looking for a new reel and was trying to decide between a couple different ones, he just kinda gave a hrmph and went over to someone else

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Who doesn't take crap at their work place? Research what you want before you go into a store, then you don't need customer service. I don't want employees hounding me and asking if i need help. If i needed i would ask.

Edited by sebastian
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I don't like to be hounded as well,but sometimes when you really do need to ask for help it's nice to see a couple service guys around. Not wandering for 10 mins trying to find someone. That doesn't happen to me very much there thank goodness.

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If one of these "rude customers" decides he doesn't like the idea of you following him on his way home with the intent of putting fear into him and turns around and smashes you in the face, what would your response be to that ??

First off, the dude I'm talking about had literally researched some kid in seafood for two weeks , before coming in and insulting him top to bottom, to tears, because they were sold out of steelhead. He then threatened to wait until the kid went home. The management could only ask him to leave, store policy. So I followed him out of the building and made sure he went home. When he got there I was HOPING that would be the stupid idiot's reaction, so I could get his firey stupid bum in jail. It failed, he was a pansy.

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And, he never ever looked at the kid in seafood again. So throw your morals and laws all you want. But it worked. I know how to take care of myself against an old man in a fight way better than an 18 yr old kid.

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Some customers are jerks. That's tolerable. Some are pushy jerks, also tolerable. Also what I am paid and trained to deal with.


Some customers are bullies. I'm not paid to deal with them, but if nobody else will, I WILL deal with them.


Done rant.

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