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I would like to ask a question

Big Cliff

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I dont feel this is going racial at all!!

We are talking about our expierences we have had. If you don't talk about something how are things going to get better in the future.

Finally talking about racial things DOES NOT make you a racist!!

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Unfortunately my experiences seem to be directed at one ethnic group but those are my only experiences with this sort of thing in over 60 years of fishing.

Unfortunately my experiences seem to be exactly opposite to what you had, sir. I fish all over the place, and fish as much as 14 times a week, 14 hours a day. And also have been fished for decades. Do I need to understand it? No. Just accept facts. Some people think that they are entitled to do what they want to do, that's it.

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The strangest example of "throwing his line over yours is" On Simcoe about 5 years ago me and my buddie were wailing on the perch and throwing them back. Well this "guy" is watching us and keeps drilling holes closer and closer to my friend. No word of a lie, he finally drilled a hole 3 feet from my buddies hole. I had to hold my friend back from drilling him.

We just left and didnt escalate it. Funny part is we moved a 100yards and he still didnt catch fish.


I dont care what a single person on here says about culture or ethnicity, some people are just Aholes.


I remember many years ago my other friend had a problem with some new "canadians" as they would come down to the local fishing hole and leave garbage and used diapers everywhere, so one day he walked down with a garbage bag grabbed the main person by the collar and made him clean it up. If only it was that easy.



All I can say is call the C.O. with all the info you can get, its not worth getting in trouble on your case.





I would have to agree with you sir, If they are indeed breakign the law by poaching and keeping illegal slot size fish, report them! its as simple as that!! call in the heavys and let them take care of it, need we remind anybody of the gentlman that is banned from fishing for life for having multiple offences doing the same things these guys are doing. Let the MNR do it's job i know its a thing if you call them but remember if he is there today catching everything you can almost be certain he'll be back doing the same thing tomorrow... more than likely anyways, unitl they start getting charged and hauled away nothing will change! it's sad really

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If there poaching call in the heavy's and let them do their job, that's why they are there. I am guessing alot of them would have multiple charges brought forth against them, then its up to them to clear their names afterwards and explain their actions to the court... I really don't care if mom is cleaning timmy's for 10$ a hour or if dad has to moonlight as a pizza driver.. If you want to fish in canada you have to follow the regulations! simpls as that!! Buy a license and follow the rules we ALL have the right to enjoy what mother nature has provided for us in moderation of course...

I personally have never had to deal with anything like that.. I cannot comprehend the emotions you must be goign through.. personally don't know how i would react if someone casted their line on top of mine while i was attempting to land a fish( mind you i always carry nippers in my pocket when fishing so i think i would just cut their line if it's on top of mine!!!) it may be wrong but casting on top of someones line is wrong too. I guess its a metter of opinion on that one!



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there is a problem with over fishing ...and that is for sure.....BUT.. and i hate to bring it up...


last fall fall i went fishing with a friend of mine...i brought a few rods and a small tackle bag ..thinking of landing a few walters.....well as soon as he saw my bag and rods he laughed!!!


i was wondering why....he started to explain to me ...they dont fish that way up there....


well long story short...huge nets were used...harvested over 200 walters....i was in shock!!!


and it was all legal!!!


ill never do that again!!

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I know that what you see bothers you and rightly so … however due to them being a visible minority you can easily stereotype them and begin your own racial profiling. If they were eastern European and never said a word it would be hard to profile their ethnicity.


I have a friend that has property up in northern Ontario and is of French Canadian decent, when I go up to visit him for some fishing he shows me his freezer that is stacked with fish that he has caught in the local lakes surrounding his camp. He follows the regs and keeps his limit on all fish but is clearly not obeying the “in possession” limit. When I ask him about it he says everybody does it. His father was like that with fishing and hunting practices as well and so on it goes …


I guess my point is that, all types of people cab be in violation of the regulations but closer to the populated areas certain visible minorities are easily identified and stereotyped, but in the remote regions it happens as well. We clearly need better enforcement ….. and that goes for the non-populated regions.

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I fish a lot of the same waters as Cliff does, so I see it as well. Most of it is total ignorance to others, and the regulations. I've never had a "roundeye" pull up within feet of my boat, and cast right into my spot before....have you?? Sometimes, they get so close they actually bump into my boat.... :wallbash: I tend to keep my distance, and find my own fish. If I ever got that close to someone, call 911, because I'm having serious problems.


Its funny, because even when i try to make small talk with them, in a totally civil, friendly manner, I get no response. A simple question, like what colour are you using, gets ignored. They carry on talking in thier language, laughing and pointing fingers, but act as though they can't understand a word I say. A few minutes later, their cell phone rings, and they speak in perfect English. That's just RUDE, and IGNORANT!


I don't care if your white, black, or pink...if your rude and ignorant to others on the water, you are going to get centered out pretty quick, and people will not like you much. Keep it up, and it will seem like a racial issue, when in fact,it is not at all.


Trust me when i say I have NO PROBLEM with any one catching a legal limit of fish. I will be the first to keep mine, if I can, as well. To be so ignorant is just not acceptable, anywhere you go, in any culture.


It drives me nuts like you wouldn't believe, but I've given up on trying to stop it, and trying to educate. There is no hope. I've called the tips line I don't know how many times, with no results, and trying to explain to them that what they are doing is wrong, is like talking to a rock. It just doesn't work.


The crazy thing is, I've been checked twice this week while turkey hunting by a CO. Different guy each time, in a different area. Meanwhile, up on the kawartha's, guys are raping the lakes :wallbash:



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Exactly Paul! I can't believe that this post is still going... if anyone else had started it it wouldn't be. Sorry, but that's a fact. I can quickly find you a few "white men" on Lake Temagami that are more detrimental to the stock than any "poacher" you might find on any given lake.


The guys preaching C & R.... you're quite possibly killing more fish than many of these folks you have issue with.

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Exactly Paul! I can't believe that this post is still going... if anyone else had started it it wouldn't be.


Yep, you gotta love a bit of two sided moderation!! Seems to happen more and more often lately!



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Well that takes care of this thread. It started off well enough although these threads don't usually last more than a few minutes. The same people spoiled it. I really don't have the time nor inclination to read every post here but it seems to be getting to be a necessity. Sinker, have a real nice fishing season. Night folks.


ps. Sinker, don't forget to brush your tooth.

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