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texas gun carry


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Sorry Paul it doesn't work that way lol. You have to have it transferred from owner to owner thru a licensed dealer. If a gun turns up as being used in a crime or in someones possession without the paperwork correct you are in deep doo doo.




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Hey Paul,

Nice to see you around here!

I gotta admit that when I was in Cleveland last Spring, I found it very interesting (and a little unnerving to say the least!) when I went to a local gun show my first week there. I could not believe the types of weapons or the numbers that I saw openly carried and displayed. People were walking the isles carrying rifles and hand guns. I guess they were looking to sell, trade, whatever? Just something I'm not accustomed to seeing. I remember this one vendor was selling shirts that said "Welcome to Cleveland - One of the 10 most dangerous cities in the US - Come heavy, or don't come at all!" LOL

I believe Ohio has a Concealed carry permit?


If you enjoyed a gun show you would LOVE a gun raffle....our fire department does one each year in Feb.....we sell 500 tickets and they go FAST.....$25 includes 11 raffles of guns....all the beer and food you can eat and drink....there are 50/50 raffles....last year the first one yielded $935 each....and then we have another 10 side raffles ($5 each) for even more guns....GREAT TIME by all that attend.....there are many of these raffles around, especially in the winter months....but tickets can be hard to obtain....go figure... :)

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Hey Paul,

Nice to see you around here!

I gotta admit that when I was in Cleveland last Spring, I found it very interesting (and a little unnerving to say the least!) when I went to a local gun show my first week there. I could not believe the types of weapons or the numbers that I saw openly carried and displayed. People were walking the isles carrying rifles and hand guns. I guess they were looking to sell, trade, whatever? Just something I'm not accustomed to seeing. I remember this one vendor was selling shirts that said "Welcome to Cleveland - One of the 10 most dangerous cities in the US - Come heavy, or don't come at all!" LOL

I believe Ohio has a Concealed carry permit?


Hello, and yes you can get a concealed carry permit. Sadly in some parts of Cleveland I would deem it as a necessity. Since you made it back to Ontario alive? You didn`t get the full tour. One of the reasons I live 35 miles away and rarely go there, I lived there until my 23 birthday, that was enough fun for me.

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billby bob your raffle sounds like a good time. we raffle off liquor in ontario.


billm not getting into it with you but google georgina leimonis. the just desserts shooting in TO was one of the worst incidents to date at that time of getting caught in the middle. not that a bunch of gun toting citizens could have changed the outcome just that gun went off certainly wasnt some gang dude on the other end....


its a hot topic for sure. agreed that the idea of 'mischief at night' was the OP. wouldn't take a brain surgeon to see where it would lead however.

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Tell that to the family of the innocent young girl that was killed in the gang shooting at the Eaton Centre a couple of years back Bill. :(


I asked Capt Bruce but he failed to answer, tell me why if we had a concealed carry law in Ontario that this would have had any impact on if that poor girl got shot or not.


Do you think those gangbangers would have cared at all? Not a chance!


I have a feeling that all non gun supporters don't know much about guns and thats how registery was created.

I don't want to start or come in any negative way but seriously Bill M, you can't be real with your comments.


Great post KJ! :)


Who's a non supporter of guns? I've got half a dozen shotguns downstairs... I'm an avid hunter... Does that mean I need to agree with something like concealed carry in Ontario?




billm not getting into it with you but google georgina leimonis. the just desserts shooting in TO was one of the worst incidents to date at that time of getting caught in the middle. not that a bunch of gun toting citizens could have changed the outcome just that gun went off certainly wasnt some gang dude on the other end....



And that's my point... Why does anyone think that if Ontario had a conceal carry law that wouldn't have happened..

Edited by BillM
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I asked Capt Bruce but he failed to answer, tell me why if we had a concealed carry law in Ontario that this would have had any impact on if that poor girl got shot or not.


Do you think those gangbangers would have cared at all? Not a chance!




Who's a non supporter of guns? I've got half a dozen shotguns downstairs... I'm an avid hunter... Does that mean I need to agree with something like concealed carry in Ontario?


Simple, if one of the other innocents was armed and proficient with his/her firearm they might have been able to take down the gang banger before an innocent person was hit.

Sure, it's no where near a sure thing that things would have turned out differently but there is a far better chance with one or more of the good guys armed than without.


The most important thing is being well practiced and proficient with your firearm.

If you aren't you're no better than the bullet spraying banger.

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Simple, if one of the other innocents was armed and proficient with his/her firearm they might have been able to take down the gang banger before an innocent person was hit.

Sure, it's no where near a sure thing that things would have turned out differently but there is a far better chance with one or more of the good guys armed than without.


The most important thing is being well practiced and proficient with your firearm.

If you aren't you're no better than the bullet spraying banger.


The only sure thing is that there would have been more bullets flying around and the odds of someone else getting hit just skyrocketed.. Leave the Call of Duty stuff to the cops.

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I asked Capt Bruce but he failed to answer, tell me why if we had a concealed carry law in Ontario that this would have had any impact on if that poor girl got shot or not.


Do you think those gangbangers would have cared at all? Not a chance!




Who's a non supporter of guns? I've got half a dozen shotguns downstairs... I'm an avid hunter... Does that mean I need to agree with something like concealed carry in Ontario?





And that's my point... Why does anyone think that if Ontario had a conceal carry law that wouldn't have happened..

I did answer , if they knew that if they pulled out their pieces that they would have to face people so armed as them , when you got a gun and no one else has one YOU THE MAN > when the other guy has one too you better BE THE MAN , sorry if Im comeing across as some gun nut ,Bill IM not , truth is I wish NO ONE HAD GUNS ,BUT if they have them than I NEED ONE. I DO LIVE DOWN TOWN < all my family has and probably will all our lives, sorry not gonna run to Barrie .I wish for open carry, not concealled ,let the low lifes see Im packing , And I could google all the poor innocent people shot in TO in the last few years, two of the most famous (hope I never get my two minutes of fame because some crack head shot me )have been mentioned here ,there are lots more , I know you dont believe me but lots more, google is your friend.. Just hope crack heads do not declare war on steel headers and single guys from barrie .. Call me all the names you want , brow beating me will not make your opinion right, wish I was able to believe ya , guess im just such a jerk that Im beyond hope .

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Crackheads aren't going to declare war on anyone, including you :) The general public can't go around shooting people, just think about what you're saying for a second man. Perhaps we both just have a case of winter fever and should let sleeping dogs lie. I think we've about gone as far as we can on this topic, lol.


On to better things.. Sub Troll 900 or Depth Raider? :)

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Crackheads aren't going to declare war on anyone, including you :) The general public can't go around shooting people, just think about what you're saying for a second man. Perhaps we both just have a case of winter fever and should let sleeping dogs lie. I think we've about gone as far as we can on this topic, lol.


On to better things.. Sub Troll 900 or Depth Raider? :)

Never know what crack heads will do Bill ,ya never know ???? Thank you Bill if your invite of peace is true, allways respected you ,sorry we got into this pissing match , river fishing bites it, get on my boat and I will take you out to 400 feet 13 foot rods mouching reels 50 fish days, ask missfish ,now thats something to debate ,small rivers verses the great blue , lets just leave this as a difference of opinion, no harm done, lets just live and let live , what good becomes of the people who want the world to be a better place, no matter how different we see that result ,when we choose to fight amonst ourselves ??? Please I know you are comeing from a good place just dont see that place as real ,hope you see we want the same results??? , wish I had as much faith in people as you have , maybe you can teach me not to be so jaded . Invite is allways open , really dont like fighting with people I like, so many asses out there , why pick on good guys , hope you feel the same ...GO LEAFS GO (now you know IM crazy) Bruce

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Absolutely man, I don't mind having a good heated debate once in a while. No harm no foul :) I love fishing the big lake, hoping to get the Lund out there this year. Got my Scotty 1106's all ready to go, just need to pick up some linecounters for the dipsy rods and a temp sensor for the riggers.


I'm also a Leafs fan btw :) Perhaps we are both crazy! lol

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If you enjoyed a gun show you would LOVE a gun raffle....our fire department does one each year in Feb.....we sell 500 tickets and they go FAST.....$25 includes 11 raffles of guns....all the beer and food you can eat and drink....there are 50/50 raffles....last year the first one yielded $935 each....and then we have another 10 side raffles ($5 each) for even more guns....GREAT TIME by all that attend.....there are many of these raffles around, especially in the winter months....but tickets can be hard to obtain....go figure... :)


Along those lines, I work for a relatively small company in NW PA., 300 employees. Everyone hunts and owns guns. Annually we have a company sponsored "Men's Day" outing, and we have shooting contests of every conceivable nature, from black powder to clays to hand guns and archery. Points are scored and tabulated in every category and then an overall Top Gun is crowned. After the morning shoot we eat, have drinks, play horsehoes and a variety of other contests. There is always a lot of fire power on hand, and everyone enjoys a great day on the range. the gals do something too, that seems to vary from year to year. Anyhow, we also have this very strict policy in our HR handbook, and it reads, "in order to bring a firearm to work you must have your supervisor's approval". :D It is quite frequent that someone will bring in a unique firearm for everyone to see and admire. Maybe it's just a coincidence but we have zero gun crime i our town of 15,000.

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Along those lines, I work for a relatively small company in NW PA., 300 employees. Everyone hunts and owns guns. Annually we have a company sponsored "Men's Day" outing, and we have shooting contests of every conceivable nature, from black powder to clays to hand guns and archery. Points are scored and tabulated in every category and then an overall Top Gun is crowned. After the morning shoot we eat, have drinks, play horsehoes and a variety of other contests. There is always a lot of fire power on hand, and everyone enjoys a great day on the range. the gals do something too, that seems to vary from year to year. Anyhow, we also have this very strict policy in our HR handbook, and it reads, "in order to bring a firearm to work you must have your supervisor's approval". :D It is quite frequent that someone will bring in a unique firearm for everyone to see and admire. Maybe it's just a coincidence but we have zero gun crime i our town of 15,000.


Sounds like a GREAT day to spend with the family...you know the old saying "A family that shoots together, stays together"... :D


When I was in high school we could get 1 legal day off a year to go hunting...just had to bring in your hunting license to the principal's office and tell them what day you wanted off....gee, that was the only time I didn't mind going to the principal's office...LOL...go figure... :devil:

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BillM and Capt Bruce,

Interesting read. Both of you have very valid points. Are either of you available to negotiate my one week temagami icefishing trip to my wife????lol



Thanks Jasper , Would like to help with wife and your trip , BUT first , "DOES YOUR WIFE OWN A GUN" lol

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Sounds like a GREAT day to spend with the family...you know the old saying "A family that shoots together, stays together"... biggrin.gif


When I was in high school we could get 1 legal day off a year to go hunting...just had to bring in your hunting license to the principal's office and tell them what day you wanted off....gee, that was the only time I didn't mind going to the principal's office...LOL...go figure... devil.gif



rofl2.gif That is so totally redneck !!!!

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