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Internet providers in rual setting


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Im going to try and keep this short and to the piont.

I am finaly moving out of Toronto and back up to close to where I would like to be.

Being fairly new to using a computer(1 yr)it has become a part of my dayly routine as well as my daughters.

I will be moving in after Christmass and would like to have internet service.

Cost is a concern.

Speed not so mutch at this piont.

My cell phone gets good reception .

There is no cable service.

Starchoice is set up in the house(landlords) but part of the rental agreement is that I bring in internet and they provide sat service.


Any sudjestions or advice would be very helpfull.


I know nothing about this stuff.


Moving just northwest of Shomberg HWY 27 and 9.



Salty (not so mutch now)


Apparently bell doesnt work or service that area?? :dunno:

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How much internet in terms of data are you using a month? You are not so far north that there shouldn't be any options, but if it comes down to it and you don't use the internet for much and speed is really not a concern then you can always get a 6gig plan for a smartphone and tether it. But there should be other options, even besides satellite.

Edited by Lota lota
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Just to be clear, is the internet you provide for yourself or also for your landlord (they provide satellite service). I would try and figure out your data usage and possibly get an appropriate plan for your mobile device. If you have an iPhone or Blackberry, they can be tethered and then you can create your own hotspot if needed.


If there's a landline, check Bell's page to see if there's hi speed connectivity there. If you have to provide for your landlord, then you can get a wireless hub/router from Bell and access this way (vs ethernet).

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In rural areas a good option is always Rogers Internet Rocket Hub. My parents live in the country and use this - it works really well for them. Most often if you can get a cell phone signal in the area then it will work. It's a lot cheaper than getting a receiver installed on your roof from a rural internet company.


If you find you don't get a strong signal with the Internet hub then just return it. My parents pay around $35 - $40 per month.


Here's the link:



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In rural areas a good option is always Rogers Internet Rocket Hub. My parents live in the country and use this - it works really well for them. Most often if you can get a cell phone signal in the area then it will work. It's a lot cheaper than getting a receiver installed on your roof from a rural internet company.


If you find you don't get a strong signal with the Internet hub then just return it. My parents pay around $35 - $40 per month.


Here's the link:




My dad uses the Bell version "Turbo Hub" and it's pretty decent too.



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Being from a "rural" area and having kids.. let me tell you they can burn through Bells 3gb per month and rogers 6gb in NO time just on youtube alone...



I know my ex is looking for options as well.... as we had receiver installed on the house, that uses line of sight to a tower... but it seems all the big boys are getting rid of it????? stupidness it works leave it alone!...






now it seems all she has left is dial up or obscene charges for "3G" (read cell phone) and like I said... the kids would eat 3gb for breakfast.... man how I am sure she begs for BBS and IRC again... not that she has any clue what those mean... nor do I really care!


All I am saying is rural customers are going be hosed VERY shortly.....


I hope the CRTC can deal with the way rural customers will be paying more then those in the city, while getting slower service and smaller B/W caps.




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I use the Rogers Rocket Hub for both the phones and internet and for the most part it works well, infact the internet is as fast as when I was on cable in the city.


The odd time it does slow down though, specially early in the mornings, to the point where I can't even open websites.


I've called Rogers a couple times to ask why it slows down, but you all know where that conversation goes. :wallbash:

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One thing to consider as well if you need to pull down huge amounts of data, and this all depends on proximity, is to use your local library's access or any other place that has faster wifi (might cost a coffee or so). I have a friend who lives deep in nowhere land who makes the drive to Combermere if she needs to do any heavy lifting. yymv

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My parents just moved between Barrys Bay and Bancroft. They are using the Rogers Rocket Hub - works great 95% of the time...odd day usually a really crappy low cloud day can be slow but was the best, easiest and cheapest option.

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I just moved back to the country my self.


Set up with a Bell Tubro Hub. It's fairly fast. Sometimes you tube videos are a little sketchy. All in all, I'm happy.


But..... My sister is 4km down the road, with the same turbo hub service, and their internet is DEAD slow. It can be hit or miss in the country.


It's about $50 a month in a bundle.

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I live in the same vicinity and we had ZING Networks which was horrible. Bell does not offer any service in out area. We went with the Rogers MiFi and like most have said it's up and down but it works. We don't do a lot of downloading or video watching so we seem to be able to keep the cost down. Good rural internet is lacking in many area's.

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if there's no cable or dsl in your area, your options are very limited to say the least.. hard to imagine in 2011 there are no great options for high speed in rural areas of southern ontario - as little as 30 mins away from GTA.


i went through the same thing and after considering the options (satellite [xplornet), wifi) went with the bell turbo hub (rogers has the same product/service). satellite is too expensive and the speeds/latency can be only marginally better than dial up.


turbo hub works but you have to be mindful of the bandwidth caps. as mentioned, they start at 3gb for $40 and go up to about $90 for 10gb a month - after that it gets VERY expensive. forget about netflix, torrents or watching youtube videos - you'll chew up the caps quickly. there are some things you can do to reduce bandwith consumption (web cache server, disable flash/images in the browsers) if you are a bit of a techie but, any kind of media is going to consume a lot of bandwith no two ways about it.


also, if you require a public IP address for whatever reason, it's an additional cost.. bell/rogers only provide a private IP with their hubs. if you don't know what that means, chances are you don't need a public IP till your kid complains they cannot play their xbox online properly :)


if the internet is to be shared between two households, i can almost guarantee you will go over the caps.

Edited by Raf
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Thank you verey much for all of your input and opinions.


It looks like Rodgers is probably the way to go seeing as my cell is with Rodgers so tomorow I will look into a bundle packadge.


As for the amount of space or bandwidth it realy will be primarily used by me .As for sharing the service the landlord lives alone and I think his main use is for finding sled parts.


As the owner (me) of the service appropreate screening(parrental blocks) will be put in place. If at all possible.

X box free home...


Once again .




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