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Niagara, down stream of falls


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The oppurtunity to go fishing tomorrow came up as I was offered a day off work.


I checked the charts, the level of the Niagara is dropping, but I dont know whether or not the water would be fishable or not, as I have VERY little experence fishing that area.


Could any of you be so kind as to letting me know if the water is decent enough to fish?




Niagara Noob

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The Niagara drops daily, and rises daily...Its only not fishable after a big SW blow on Erie, when it becomes MUD!





Thanks for the quick response, by big SW blow what exactly do you mean?


I just checked the winds from yesterday it was blowing 50 km/h SW for several hours.

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I went down there yesterday afternoon the lower Niagara was murky/low visibility, two of us fished for about four hours and never had a hit, we did not see anyone on either side of the river catch anything the whole time we were there, one guy I talked to on the trail said he caught two Lakers though, I love going down there even if I don't catch anything, the hike and scenery is worth the trip.


Here is a pic I took from my phone yesterday.


This was down stream from the Whirlpool



Edited by Frank81
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So we ended up headin' out.


Water had 1 foot vis. in the morning, and somewhat brown, nearing mid afternoon the level dropped about a foot and a half and turned green.


Caught a few fish, but most importantly I caught what is my new PB, no measurements taken but I cenrtainly put this fish over 12 lbs. My new PB steelie.


Fish were taken in the green water on white brown roe bags.




I think the entire riverside heard the excitement.



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I use to fish the lower Niagara quite often this time of the year and the best I can tell from the picture above, the water color is not bad at all.... actually we did better with some stain in the water...too clear was just as bad as too muddy.


I don't think there is a better waterway around then the lower Niagara river when it comes to salmon/trout, especially during the winter months. However, it is a VERY dangerous place to fish, so always be careful from shore or in the boat.



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Well done on the Steelhead.


From the beginning of November to April Hydro diverts water from the upper Niagara 24 hours a day which lowers the water level in the lower river. In the summer water is only diverted from dusk to dawn to not interfere with the water over the Falls in daylight hours for tourism.


Wind can also have an effect on the water levels and clarity as mentioned.


As you found out it is well worth a try no mater the conditions, the fish are always there.



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