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Peterborough living


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I have been going to Rice Lake every year for awhile and we always frequent Peterborough during that time. It seems nice and my son really likes it there too. Thinking of a change in the next couple years. How's living out there? I would obviously have to find a suitable job for myself in the I.T. field. But always wondered what it's like to live there or the surrounding areas. Any input would be great.

Edited by Hooked
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I moved to the area some 26 years ago from the big smoke. Best move I ever made ( I made the decision to be right on a lake though). Yearly earnings will probably be lower, but quality of life increases. There are so many lakes within one hour of Peterborough, you will be in your glory! Now, it also depends on what part of Peterborough you live in, there are always unsavoury sections of any town. The area has been starting to get busier though.

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Peterborough is my home town, through work ive lived in Mississauga in the early 80s, then Orillia in the mid 80s, and back to Peterborough in the late 80s and been their ever since. like the John Denver tune ( thats good to be back home again) fishing opportunities are endless for many different species, unemployment rate is just over 11% higher then the national average, make sure you have something lined up job wise before you make the move, social problems as in other cities is on the rise, ie drugs, poverty, transients, panhandling etc. The shape of Peterborough has changed over the past 4 decades, with good paying manufacturing jobs in decline, in exchange for a service hub to Oshawa and GTA areas, as it is cheaper to live hear and commute or car pool to work in Derham or GTA, as they live hear and play hear, we are picking up the lower pay food service jobs etc, and because of a university and college in the city, rental properties are still expensive. In otherewards Peterborough is still a great place to reside, and the positives far out-weigh the negatives, plus we have Kawartha Dairy ice-cream and Rich can tell you how good that is, in fact all of his fishing posts would not be complete without a shot of him mowing down on his favorite ice-cream. Worth the move to Peterborough alone

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I moved to the area from Mississauga 15 1/2 years ago. Love it, wouldn't want to live anywhere else.


I was lucky enough to buy on the lake about 20 to 30 minutes from town when it was still more affordable to do so. That being said, it's still possible to buy decent on the lake for $350K or so, see what you get in Mississauga or the like for that.


Peterborough as a town has everything I need, heck Bridgenorth almost does.

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Peterborough is up there with Guelph, Kingston, and Ottawa in my books. It is smaller city. A university and college town. Great places to eat and have a few pops. The location is great too, far enough away from other centers to draw in decent live entertainment unlike that of some Golden Horseshoe towns that blend in with and can't complete with other large centers. Still only 1.5 hrs to downtown TO, 1hr to Simcoe, 40 mins to Shield lakes and Lk Ontario. I've seen a lot of positive changes since I've been here. That said, if I could I'd likely move out west to be closer to bigger rivers, the ocean, and beautiful scenery. BTW - I believe Trent U has an IT job on the board right now.

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I've lived in the kawartha's for the last 15 years. Of all the places to live, PTBO is waaaay down at the bottom of the list. i find its full of crack heads, and thieves. Last time I was there, my car was broken into....stole my camera and hand held GPS.


Seems like every corner has a panhandler, or crackhead mooching something. I just hate it.


The roads suck, the people are not the brightest either.


Sorry if anyone here lives there, but i hate that place!! Kinda like the armpit of the kawartha's IMO.



The outskirts however are great. I'm about 15 mins out of town, and love it! 30 mins to a number of great lakes, and good hunting too!!



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BTW - I believe Trent U has an IT job on the board right now.


They want a very broad skillset and high education but nice posting and salary for up there. For IT jobs it's mostly the city, schools or hospitals for good $...and the odd company like quaker etc. It's a great area to live but as others said you should have something lined up. I might move back there some day as well if it works out that way....the location is great in so many aspects. Good luck.

Edited by scugog
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Sorry if anyone here lives there, but i hate that place!! Kinda like the armpit of the kawartha's IMO.



The outskirts however are great. I'm about 15 mins out of town, and love it! 30 mins to a number of great lakes, and good hunting too!!


Too funny....you think ptbo is worse than lindsay? Heck even some of the small towns around those two towns are worse.


Either way it beats gta or sw ontario in my opinion any day.

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i never had an issue in Lindsay. i don't see crack heads hanging around on the street corners either. Sure, there are a lot of college kids partying etc, but not as many " losers" there.


Check out how many methadone clinics are in PTBO.....seriously. Its crazy!


how long have you lived up this way?


GTA, or SW Ontario is out of the question for me. Too many people, and I hate people.

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Peterborough is up there with Guelph, Kingston, and Ottawa in my books. It is smaller city. A university and college town. Great places to eat and have a few pops. The location is great too, far enough away from other centers to draw in decent live entertainment unlike that of some Golden Horseshoe towns that blend in with and can't complete with other large centers. Still only 1.5 hrs to downtown TO, 1hr to Simcoe, 40 mins to Shield lakes and Lk Ontario. I've seen a lot of positive changes since I've been here. That said, if I could I'd likely move out west to be closer to bigger rivers, the ocean, and beautiful scenery. BTW - I believe Trent U has an IT job on the board right now.


I noticed that posting the other day on workopolis, thanks for the heads up though.



I've lived in the kawartha's for the last 15 years. Of all the places to live, PTBO is waaaay down at the bottom of the list. i find its full of crack heads, and thieves. Last time I was there, my car was broken into....stole my camera and hand held GPS.


Seems like every corner has a panhandler, or crackhead mooching something. I just hate it.


The roads suck, the people are not the brightest either.


Sorry if anyone here lives there, but i hate that place!! Kinda like the armpit of the kawartha's IMO.



The outskirts however are great. I'm about 15 mins out of town, and love it! 30 mins to a number of great lakes, and good hunting too!!




Something tells me you don't like the place, hehe.



Definitely not a place with a lot of IT jobs.. I would make sure you have something lined up before you even think of moving.


No worries there Bill, I wouldn't even consider moving other-wise. I got a wife and 2 kids to feed.

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I've lived in the kawartha's for the last 15 years. Of all the places to live, PTBO is waaaay down at the bottom of the list. i find its full of crack heads, and thieves. Last time I was there, my car was broken into....stole my camera and hand held GPS.


Seems like every corner has a panhandler, or crackhead mooching something. I just hate it.


The roads suck, the people are not the brightest either.


Sorry if anyone here lives there, but i hate that place!! Kinda like the armpit of the kawartha's IMO.



The outskirts however are great. I'm about 15 mins out of town, and love it! 30 mins to a number of great lakes, and good hunting too!!






Lol if you think Peterborough is suvh a horrible city you may want to venture out a bit more. As for the crack heads that you see on the streets they are harmless and dont really bother any one. It was probably some dumb punks or wanna be thugs that broke into your car.


Comr park down on Barton and Burnsdale in Hamilton and walk around down there. That isn't the worst part either. You had one ufortunate thing happen which happens in any city or town.

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My son was more fond of Peterborough than I was, I like Cobourg myself. I drove through the side streets of Peterborough this past summer and really noticed alot of the "ghetto" area's. Really made me realize it's like alot of cities, got the good\new and bad\old parts like mentioned. But it's good to hear all this info from people that have experience of the city. I think if the time comes for a move, I would consider more the outskirts of it or Cobourg. Thanks for the info everyone.

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Lol if you think Peterborough is suvh a horrible city you may want to venture out a bit more. As for the crack heads that you see on the streets they are harmless and dont really bother any one. It was probably some dumb punks or wanna be thugs that broke into your car.


Comr park down on Barton and Burnsdale in Hamilton and walk around down there. That isn't the worst part either. You had one ufortunate thing happen which happens in any city or town.


Growing up in Hamilton, I have to say what I've seen of Peterborough doesn't compare to the ghetto's in Hamilton, haha. And I know the area you are referring to, there are a lot more of those too in Hamilton, even worse as you mentioned. Personally I'm sick of living in Stoney Creek, or Hamilton. Hopefully something will work out in the future and I can get a place like Lew's place. :)

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I'm just stating my opinion of the city. I've lived there, and visit there a couple times a week. Its a dirt hole, scum bag city, compared to the rest of the kawartha lakes. I may be biased, as I've always lived in the country. Would never live in a city.....ever!


Compare it to whatever you want. I'm just stating what I know about it. My car isn't the only one thats been broken into, and there are many, many other crimes going on there. Lots of assaults, and even a few murder cases this summer alone.


I'm not sure how you guys know so much about it, seeing as your in SW ON?? Its one thing to drive thru once or twice a season, but I live nearby, and spend time there every week.


Trust me, there are a lot of shady people in PTBO. I would never live there.


If you want to live in this area, look into the smaller towns on the outskirts. Cobourg is nice, as is port hope.....even bowmanville/courtice/newcastle are decent, with access to 401 for work, and still less than an hour from most kawartha lakes, and minutes to great lake O fishing, and the east tribs.



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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

i lived there for a year and it was decent. i didn't particularly find it to have a lot of vagrants around but maybe i didn't hang out in the right places... :thumbsup_anim:

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Hopefully something will work out in the future and I can get a place like Lew's place. :)



Thanks Hooked, this really is a nice part of Ontario.


I'm a couple towns north of Peterboro but get in there every week or 2 and have always enjoyed the place and never had a problem. Maybe I just hang out in better places than some of the other posters. :dunno: Doesn't really matter what city you go to, your gonna find good and bad sections everywhere, but the good parts of P'Boro far outshine the bad.


You'll find most of the big name stores there, plenty of nice restaurants and the houses prices are decent, specially compared to the GTA and there's lots of very nice neighborhoods.


As mentioned previously, good jobs are on the rare side but it may be worth your while to do a bit of commuting if necessary.


Best part, is 10 minutes outta town and your in the country and surrounded by lakes and farms and no hassles.


I'd definetely recommend the area.

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I'm not sure how you guys know so much about it, seeing as your in SW ON?? Its one thing to drive thru once or twice a season, but I live nearby, and spend time there every week.


Trust me, there are a lot of shady people in PTBO. I would never live there.


If you want to live in this area, look into the smaller towns on the outskirts. Cobourg is nice, as is port hope.....even bowmanville/courtice/newcastle are decent, with access to 401 for work, and still less than an hour from most kawartha lakes, and minutes to great lake O fishing, and the east tribs.



I lived in that area for a long time, and still have family there. So I know a bit about the area.


If you don't like people I'm glad you don't live down here in London, because you would really hate it! Its not friendly down here. I've been lucky to meet a few good folks off of here though which I'm thankful for.


It'd be hard to beat living in the country up there or on the lake around Bobcaygeon, Bridgenorth, Buckhorn etc. If we could find comparable jobs up there I would be there tomorrow. I don't think Peterborough is that bad, but I'd be buying on the lake or in the country anyhow.


Hooked, I would stay away from the 401 corridor if you have to; living around the PTBO area if you can give you so much access to good fishing and its a much quieter environment. Again good luck in your decision!

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I personally like Peterborough (lived in Oshawa and Mississauga for years), the proximity to phenomenal fishing is just to amazing. I know I would move to Peterborough if I had the opportunity!


Unfortunately the unemployment rate is high and over the last while drug use and property crimes have increased. Oxycontin is destroying Peterborough much like its cousins Lindsay and Oshawa.

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If you want to live in this area, look into the smaller towns on the outskirts. Cobourg is nice, as is port hope.....even bowmanville/courtice/newcastle are decent, with access to 401 for work, and still less than an hour from most kawartha lakes, and minutes to great lake O fishing, and the east tribs.




Hooked, I live in Bowmanville. I have a 5 and 3 yr old. Love it here. Clean town, lots of festivals. Great Schools and sports assoc.


For fishing - 1.5 hours from Picton. 2 mins to Port Darlington Lake O. Tribs fishing, well, smack dab in the middle. Bowmanville Creek in my backyard and Duffins/ganny 15mins either way. And those in between.

30ish mins to scugog, trilakes, rice.


1'ish hour commute to work in Toronto. Same commute time wise as co-workers who live in Richmond Hill. 2 to 3 times the house for your money in B-Town too.


I considered a move to Ottawa and got some great advise form the board here.


But after lining things up, I am in a good spot, live in a smaller town atmosphere while still making the big smoke moola.


That being said I have friends who live in very nice neighbourhoods in Peterborough. Personally I am not a fan of the place to live but it is nice to visit.

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Like Lew mentioned , real estate prices are decent at present but once the 407 is built to the 35/115 they will increase dramatically...


I'm only 45 minutes away from the hospital in Peterpatch and 1 hour away from Little Lake...spent many hours on the Otonabee just below the power house in the north end in my early teens....tons of smallies...

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Sinker you are due to get off the nipple I think. There is crime no matter where you are. I grew up in a small country town and our house was robbed as I said no matter where you are there are drugs and crime. Peterborough is nothing close to a scum hole unless your a sheltered little boy.

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