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a recent gallop (sic) pole was conducted and the results were staggering, about just under 2 billion people want to come to Canada....i thought to myself 2 billion, that has to be way off.... and they want to come to Canada because we are the 1% lol....granted we have our problems, but we are in much better shape than the majority of developed nations in the world

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We all know what needs to be done, but who is willing to start the ball rolling.Protesting results in nothing but publicity, action results in change. so who jumps first? dunno.gif



not me...i have no time, i'm too busy working and taking care of my family. I may not be a CEO or any top earning financial guru, but I am comfortable and i work hard for what i have.

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a recent gallop (sic) pole was conducted and the results were staggering, about just under 2 billion people want to come to Canada....i thought to myself 2 billion, that has to be way off.... and they want to come to Canada because we are the 1% lol....granted we have our problems, but we are in much better shape than the majority of developed nations in the world



100% in agreement here.Problem is our way of life is affected greatly by the giants, who are all around us. There is no such thing as a national economy, only a global economy.If the global economy is failing, so will ours.No way around itdunno.gif We have been seeing the results for the last 3 years.We are not in a recession anymore, but the economy still falters. The fear of a global economic failure cause people to spend far less than normal, and what they do spend on is calculated to the cent.Strick necessity.

The only thing people are spending on, is big ticket items like cars and homes. Clothing, electronics, household appliances etc, are all suffering.Your grocery bill has increased 15% in the last 6 months, and look at gas prices. The pump price should be far less than it is.

Like second hand smoke, the affects of others economies will bring our economy down with it.Its inevitable.

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People live beyond their means...amd companies and other industries operate well out of their means.


Yes people live beyond their means... And if people stopped buying cell phones and cars and homes our economy would completely crumble and CEOs would still get their retirement packages and every one else in that company would be jobless.its sad when a whole worker base is dependent on one guy. There is definitely a problem with our society when a "successful" company is only the one that has a better quarter than the last.

Apparently Blackberry is a failing company because they haven't grown 1000 percent in the last year??


I can't wait for the day that I can afford to live in seclusion, outside of society... I'm not the type to protest, I'm the type to escape. Everyone is annoying and crazy and selfish, just like me :D

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That's another hurdle to overcome in a tuff economy... The temptation...


I can make $1000 a trip in my boat running cigarettes across the river tomorrow...


Instead we are just getting by...

Be warned the red coats are out there. An' they have no sense of humour about smugglers.

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I am not very educated on how the global economy works but what would be the solution to this and what is the eventual goal of this movement? In my opinion based on what I've seen, it would appear that some of the protesters are expecting hand outs of some sort. The main difference (IMO) between here and the US is that our healthcare system is socialized. Medical expenses is the US is discriminating against the poor and even the middle class. What issues do we have here? If everyone were to live above the poverty line (whatever this is defined as) wouldn't supply and demand increase living costs due to wage increases and other processes anyways and start the whole "flawed" system all over again? I believe this is called inflation. So again what is the solution?

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theres many views. everyone has opinions. the great thing is we still live in a free country with free speech. many lost lives in wars.enjoy that speech folks. as for jobs and corporate greed. just look around theres both. sadly pay scales have slid since the new world order..

corporate north america is raping society. live long enuff and your views become educated, after living thru it.

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May be ignorance, may be stupidity, but I honestly don't even have time to follow politics and/or this kind of thing. Staying ahead in life while enjoying family, fishing, friends and sometimes even work... along with a little Big Bang Theory, Dexter, OFC, eating and sleeping... I can barely find the energy during or at the end of the day, for dwelling. :blush:

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May be ignorance, may be stupidity, but I honestly don't even have time to follow politics and/or this kind of thing. Staying ahead in life while enjoying family, fishing, friends and sometimes even work... along with a little Big Bang Theory, Dexter, OFC, eating and sleeping... I can barely find the energy during or at the end of the day, for dwelling. :blush:



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May be ignorance, may be stupidity, but I honestly don't even have time to follow politics and/or this kind of thing. Staying ahead in life while enjoying family, fishing, friends and sometimes even work... along with a little Big Bang Theory, Dexter, OFC, eating and sleeping... I can barely find the energy during or at the end of the day, for dwelling. :blush:




:thumbsup_anim::clapping: :good

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A worthwhile movement IMO. Here's where I hope the movement goes on to achieve....

Each country needs a 'council'....here a Canada Council made up of reps like gov't, university, industry, labour, to work with the public to set national goals... eg. % unemployment, annual new housing starts, gas prices/fuel inflation allowances, new immigrants, etc.. Gov't at all levels will thus have these as issues to address and to strive to attain during and after election. Voters can then vote for who has the best plan to achieve these goals. Canada Council would keep watch and if the party is just BSing then it won't get in next time. This approach addresses many issues like.....now political parties don't have much accountability and each has its own pet issues while being wooed by corporations.


Canada needs a plan for the future. A blueprint. Right now it's just reacting to problems caused by corporations whose only goal is profit maximization. They sure have a plan.....pay the least amount to workers and make the most $.

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Protest is not about “finding a job” or “handing out money”, it’s more about economic disparity, uneven distribution of money between the workers and financial accountability in corporate world.


What happen with the bank bailing out is taking toll on all of us at mass level, but it’s frustrating to see that people who were responsible for this mess didn’t held accountable in court of law, instead they were allowed to continue screwing us with their outrageous salaries, perks and bailout money eventually coming-out from our pocket.


Couple of months ago Carol Bartz fired from Yahoo for poor performance, she pulled $14 Million in her compensation package for leaving Yahoo. Can anyone on this board pull beyond six/nine months of salary even if they get a layoff?





Checkout the salaries of top earning CEO’s, does it make any sense? And in tough times when most of us are facing freeze on salaries, their salaries jump by 11% in last year alone.





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its not just about that. if you listen to the organizers that can't even convey a message. there are also other groups protesting for the sake of protesting.


i was listening to charles adler on am640 and he was interviewing a ottawa sun journalist who was at the occupy ottawa protest. one loogan confronted him about not giving them proper attention and respect. the reported then asked the "protester" about his cause and what group he represents. the "protester" identified the group and the journalist who writes the social commentary had never heard of it....he then googled the group and found out that the "protester's" group was a KKK group who's sole mission is to linch everyone who has aids/hiv....those are your protesters....

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if you listen to the organizers that can't even convey a message

...bingo. That's why I started this thread in the first place. After watching a few people get interviewed I realized I was watching a bunch of lazy people who would rather complain and protest than go out there and work for it. Couldn't even coherently describe their cause or goals. I'm not saying that's true for all the protesters, just the one's they interviewed! If you go out there and work your hardest, making yourself irreplaceable, you will be rewarded. Show up early, stay late, don't complain and keep your nose clean - at a minimum you will lead a comfortable life (financially). The problem is, most people nowadays see how good the previous generation had it and they want it immediately. They never saw the hard work that generation put in to get where they are. They want the lifestyle now, instead of putting in your time, working your way up, getting rewarded, and most importantly, being thankful for what you have, rather than worrying what the other guy's got

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...bingo. That's why I started this thread in the first place. After watching a few people get interviewed I realized I was watching a bunch of lazy people who would rather complain and protest than go out there and work for it. Couldn't even coherently describe their cause or goals. I'm not saying that's true for all the protesters, just the one's they interviewed! If you go out there and work your hardest, making yourself irreplaceable, you will be rewarded. Show up early, stay late, don't complain and keep your nose clean - at a minimum you will lead a comfortable life (financially). The problem is, most people nowadays see how good the previous generation had it and they want it immediately. They never saw the hard work that generation put in to get where they are. They want the lifestyle now, instead of putting in your time, working your way up, getting rewarded, and most importantly, being thankful for what you have, rather than worrying what the other guy's got

:worthy: :worthy:

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Can any of you name a bank in Canada that got bailed out by the gov't?

(hint - we didn't bail any out)


The top 1% get off with paying less tax than the bottom 99%?

(hint - that doesn't happen here either...our system is far more progressive, and hte top 1% pays a giant portion of the tax. Top 10% pays more than half of ALL income tax)


The financial system brought down the financial system!!!!

(ours didn't)



I'm a lefty, and even i think the protests are a pointless waste of everyone's time and energy. If anything, those morons are just costing the rest of us more tax $'s to police them.

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