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How to create demand in sport fishing?


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As said before the sport of fishing here in Ontario is thriving and doing well. I have to assume that Frank is referring to generating more interest in the competitive side of sport fishing. In my opinion Canada will never achieve what the U.S. has shown us in competitive fishing tournaments. For starters, Canada has to cram all (lets use Bass for arguments sake) of it's seasons tourneys in a few months, compared to 12 months that the U.S. can. Second, you have to generate interest with the public, without spectators it would be very hard to move forward and honestly it is very hard to get crowds to wait all day just to see a couple of guys hold up fish for twenty seconds(in fact, it is hard enough to keep the contestants interested to stay if they know they wont be cashing a cheque and that in my opinion is poor sportsmanship). This is especially true in Canada where our summers are short enough to try to enjoy. This is also why sponsorship in Canada is much more difficult to attain, no spectators=no one there to advertise too=poor marketing decision.


As a tournament director myself, I am for the most part content with the scene in Canadian competitive fishing, as the most I can hope for anyone is the ability to have fun and enjoy the decisions that they have made, whether it be competitive or not.



Jamie Busby



Sad but true!

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Competitive: Man against nature, doesn't get any more competitve than that.

I'm happier if I don't see another person on the lake.

I bring my son, not cause I want him to become a fisherman, but, because it gives us memories.

Edited by Deano
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I'd just like to say that a good attitude is everything! If you carry a big ego don't expect to get far in any competitive sport. People can quickly see right through that and generally avoid that kind of behaviour. In my opinion some anglers need to come down to an approachable level and then and only then will things start to change for them and the sport. I do hope that my views don't offend anyone because I love competitive fishing just as much as the next guy. Let's have exceptional attitudes when we talk to potential sponsors and newcomers to this fantastic sport. :thumbsup_anim:

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Demographics are changing in a way that in my opinion reduces young-person involvement in angling.

More single parent-families..... with the mom usually getting the kids. Also much less free time due to this and due to double-income families with less free time due to buck chasing brought about from the ole supply/demand balance (double income simply raises the price of goods since folks with more $ than before compete. Ends up everyone works longer at weirder hours so there's less free time to consider taking junior to the lake.


Even if a parent does want to get into fishing with junior, to learn by turning on the TV fishing shows turns them off since the shows show fancy boats and far-off places where expensive high-tech scary equipment is used to catch fish.

The competition aspect of fishing is now scaring would-be anglers away before they even get started. Also more new-Canadians are arriving who have a big challenge to get started angling since all the rules and equipment and area-specific regs and the wonderous regs book which is totally confusing to most anyone is an issue, along with having to get a licence.


Tournaments usually have friends/sponsors and family members prevalent at weigh in. Tourneys aren't a spectator sport, and secrecy prevails since it's a competition after all.


In my opinion folks get into tourney angling not to make friends and spend lotsa money on equipment, lodging and gas just to make friends. Folks get into tourney angling since they think they have a shot at becoming rich and famous.

Maybe today's kids are more realistic than before, and I doubt they see a tourney pro as a Tiger Woods or a Wayne Gretsky.

I hope no one does either.

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I really chuckle when I hear people putting down tournaments or putting down being competitive. People like to romanticize about how they love the peace and serenity of just becoming one with nature. But growing up as a kid and fishing with many other kids from varied backgrounds along the banks of the South Nation River there was ALWAYS competition, and with no adult pressure. Who could cast the farthest, who caught the most fish at the end of the day, who caught the biggest, who had the nicest rod and reel, who had the biggest selection of lures. It was the same with bikes. Who could pedal the fastest, who could do the longest catwalk, who had the nicest bike, etc. It's just the way humans are. Think back and honestly ask yourself if this was not the case with you too. As I grew older and started to fish different bodies of water and meet new people, it was the same thing. When talking about fishing it usually ends up being a comparison of big fish, boats or motors and who's got what and how many. For example, how many kids take up soccer (our fastest growing sport as someone pointed out) just for the sheer joy of kicking a ball around while enjoying the outdoor experience? Answer: none, they get into it to compete and to try to to win.


There is no doubt that tournament anglers are in a minority in this country and even on this OFC message board. I personally have seen nothing offensive in any of Frank's comments, yet there have been several insulting comments made towards him. Why is it that some people can't stand to see someone with different interests having a good time doing what they enjoy doing?

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If you look at bass angling in the states it has a bigger following in states that don`t have hard water and have open an open season all year. I don`t know if the message sent out by B.A.S.S. is the best one for the sport. Most people can`t afford a 40,000 dollar plus bass boat, especially to use part-time because of the weather or closed seasons. Just my opinion that keeps a lot of people from being involved.


Again my opinion that allowing people in the tournaments here to fish for spawning fish, pulling them off of beds and then saying you are trying to protect the fishery rings hollow. Taking fish away from the lake site, no matter how much care you use in doing so increases the risk of them not surviving, to satisfy a sponser? For media coverage? To increase the cash flow?


We have a variety of tournaments in our area, electric motor only, 10 hp or less, unlimited HP, and others. All fill a nicht, who is a better bass angler? The guy that can spend 40 grand or more on a boat or a guy in a tinny that catches fish in a limited area where the competition is equal?


The rising prices of fuel may also affect the sport, 100 bucks for fuel for a days fishing will turn some people off or limit their involvement. After all fishing is entertainment, there are a lot of options to spend your money on.


The price of a boat will get you a few weeks a year cabin rental on a lake and time with the family for a number of years and the pace is your choice. That probably is the way to get the kids involved in fishing?


I like competition bass fishing, but there are limits as to what I would spend to do it. I can just go fish for a lot less.

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Cisco, great points and that's one of the reason why we work with the Big Brothers/Big Sisters organization! Many of these kids come from single parent households! And everyone is right, it's not about shoving fishing down every kids throat but it's about providing them an opportunity to at least experience it so that they can decide if it's for them or not!


CTFO, great ideas, we're actually working on some projects along that line! It's all a matter of getting government or corporate support!


JPD, Kudos on the kids' ice-fishing days!


Competitiveness is part of human nature & nature, period! At what level is again an individual choice!


We'll have the boat on the water soon!



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Well being a director of A club promoting members to bring there kids out to the events,I can say that , seeing there faces light up every time they come to a meeting ,and watching them get involved in the discussion is the most gratifying prize any one can ask for.Talking to these junior members they have told me they are very excited in competing in a tournament ,also they are looking forward to fishing with some of the premier anglers in the sport today from our club.As for pushing a child into competitive fishing i do not agree with that ,i agree that making a child or a teenager make his own choice ,to a degree.For example any hockey mom or dad has gone through a child telling them that they have wanted to quit at one time or another ,but we push them to at least finish what they started ,and 8 times out of ten they end up sticking with it because they fall in love with it.If they decide it isn't for them well thats great to , sitting on a dock relaxing with the child is great as well .My point is this as long as we tournament anglers and outdoor enthusiast's try to keep our kids interested in the outdoors, the sport of fishing ,hunting, camping ,rock climbing, etc.......... will be part of our heritage for many years to come.Sitting here criticizing each other on our outdoor interests will only give others that don't enjoy the things we do more fuel to put on the fire. hey just my 2 cents....



yours truly

sandy figliomeni


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I'll say it again....


I think the question asked here was not "How do we get kids involved in fishing?" but rather "How can we make our club bigger and more profitable?" You can do both but you'll have to do the "unprofitable" part first. Take kids fishing for the love of fishing and the outdoors. Don't take them fishing because you want them to buy a $225. yearly membership to your fishing club. That's my opinion.

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just so you know, myself and many others find a whole post in large/bold type or in capital letters is hard to read and annoying , so I don't read them, I don't even open threads from people who always type in CAPS


so if you were trying to make a point by having large bold fonts..it didn't work because it didn't get read. make the main point in large letters and make the rest normal size and more will take the time to read it

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Just for the record, our club dose not require a junior member to pay for a membership...its free. The children of our members are always welocome and encouraged to participate in club functions & events. What we are promoting is getting kids involved in a great Canadian pastime, something that they can share with their family, freinds and hopefully one day they too can pass on the tradition.


In my opinion Roy, the attitude you just displayed is what is WRONG with the sport today, saying this not as an insult, but rather lets just stop and think for a minute rather than assume & make false judements about others and organizations. What I had posted was simply my opinion based on my observations, hence the phrase "just my 2 cents" .


I hold a great amount of respect for the OFC community and yourself or I would not have advertised on this site. There are alot of subjects & opinions I may not agree with, but without knowing first hand what they're intentions or goals are, I would never make a statement like that. Again, I am not trying to make this personal, I want it to be known that my intentions are to try to get all those who enjoy the multitude of outdoor activities that we enjoy, to be on the same page.



Yours Truly,

Sandy Figliomeni


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I think it's fortunate that there are rules about posting...my tongue and lip is getting sore. :whistling: If you want to join a club to go fish that's fine, but it has nothing to do with taking a kid, yours or others fishing and starting a pleasurable pastime.

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i agree with you i was just using my club as an example ,due to the fact that it is there that i can relate my experiences ,but make no mistake we will be successfully in bringing new people into the sport of tournament fishing, kids ,teenagers,and grown ups ,i would hope for the support of every tournament angler out there

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It has lots to do with giving some people the oppurtuinity to fish. Some may want the chance or oppurtunity to fish from a boat, learn techniques, which in turn may provide a better experience for their children and themselves. Its not to say a club is the be all & end all...its just another avenue...works for some, not everyone.


Where would you learn more...form just reading a book or attending a class and prcticing what you just learned and being able to apply it.


Fish for whatever reason makes you happy...enjoy it all...but do not critisize the means & methods of others, so long as their intentions are for the good of the sport. :Gonefishing:



My lips and tongue are sore too :whistling::whistling: ...can we put this to rest :wallbash: ???

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I'll say it again....


I think the question asked here was not "How do we get kids involved in fishing?" but rather "How can we make our club bigger and more profitable?" You can do both but you'll have to do the "unprofitable" part first. Take kids fishing for the love of fishing and the outdoors. Don't take them fishing because you want them to buy a $225. yearly membership to your fishing club. That's my opinion.


Couldn't have said it better myself. As usual, Roy sifts through the cr*p and adds clarity to what the actual point of this thread was.

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Hmmm....my dad was an avid golfer. Loved it...played it every weekend...entered all kinds of tournaments.


I didn't want to learn, but at age 8, he entered me into a tournament at a local golf course. An hour before tee off time I was being taught how to hold the club. Lucky me ended being the very first golfer off the first tee...the newspapers were there...it was crowded....I was extremely nervous.


I shanked the shot...it went about 10 feet forwards and 30 feet left. I shot about a 180 that day....a nice man who was accompanying our foursome tried in vain to help me...even offered me free lessons....he felt sorry for me obviously...haha.


I dont golf anymore.....LOL.


It's for this reason I will not pressure my kids to the competitive side of this leisure activity. Fishing to me with my kids is more about the experiences and memories....sharing the laughs and smiles. If they want to compete, then I'll support them, but I will never push in this regard.

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Some how this topic got turned into a debate on kids fishing I don`t think kids were mentioned in the original post.


My take on the subject is that there is no lack of interest in fishing all one has to do is look at any one of the Kawartha lakes,Rice,Simcoe,Scugog etc. and see there is no shortage of people involved in the pastime,for me there is no greater pleasure than to take my boat out and drowning a few worms.

Obviously Mr. Adamo was talking about tournament fishing personally I could careless about tournament fishing but to each his own.

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Nothing against tournament fisherman , but this is my version of taking a kid fishing



And later if he chooses to take it up competitively than I support him, not push him.

Amen, that's my idea of it too, no pushing required, it's like a horse and water.

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Well I wasn't going to post but here it goes, first off my engine is 200hp. why would calling me an idiot make someone feel good I don't know-I find jetski's really annoying , but guess what it's their right to run around on them! I have fished for everything in Ont. I've flyfished, steelheaded-pretty much for every specie, currently I fish competitevly, its my choice, but I certainly respect someone who chooses not to, I have 2 boys 5 and 7who love to fish with me , if they follow in my footsteps I'll support them if not thats great too, I participate in Daves Big Brothers /Sisters event and I really enjoy the look on the little guy's faces when they catch a fish, I grew up in rough area , and had a couple of freinds who died drug-related deaths, I chose to go the river instead, so any way to get new anglers young and old into fishing -competitevly or just for fun is a good thing!

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To respond to the original question, in all organizations this issue raises its head. Our local gun club and Lions International ( I belong to both) can see the writing on the wall as well. A lot of the young folk have their interests elsewhere today. What is the answer? I cant say for sure but it is a question that is constantly asked I'm sure in all clubs and organizations. TV and internet/computing I'm sure have a big effect and personally cant see it improving in any manner. Sad really. There are more reasons people dont want to get involved in organizations too-lawsuits and risk can keep people away as well. Look at Boyscouts, to be a leader you need to go through personal background checks. Im not saying it's wrong to to that , I'm just saying it does discourage good people from doing it. Just keep plugging away at keeping interested people involved and it will continue, but doubt it will grow in any manner. Congratulations to those that do try!!! :thumbsup_anim::clapping:

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