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Yes the trolling motor didnt work,yes the motor was screwed up again,yes,we didnt catch anything,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
























Get home,Betty says hurry,this guy has a tunnel cover at a garage sale.

Get there quiker then a scared rabbit. Still there. Wants 100 bucks. I say 60. He says 75,I say 60. Walk away and say,ok 60.




Picked up this tunnel cover for 60 bucks. SWEET DEAL.Retail for 400 bucks +

3 fold with locking handles.


So dont fret my friend that we didnt get to fish.


My girl is now complete.







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I am glad you made the most of the day



I spent the day reading a book called "Golf made easy"


a day golfing is better then a day trying to get the trailer, the motor the trolling motor the.everything else going


the only thing I can't figure out and I really don't want to do

and I don't see why you would want to do is... use the things called Tees


I mean driving is hard enough why would I want to put my balls on a tee when I am driving..I just don't get it..you think cell phones distract divers..that would drive me nuts.........

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That's a fact!


None the less it looks great Brian. thumbsup_anim.gif


Just need a nice shiny Lund behind it now. whistling.gif






Potato ,patato,you call it wnat you want. :whistling:



Thanks Chris. What a great deal.


I would say,a savings of over 3/4 the price,I can call it what I want. :P:good:


Terry,I grabbed a bag of tee,s.I agree. Texting while driving is much easier, or is that more comfortable. :rofl2::rofl2: .

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Great price for that B :thumbsup_anim:


Yup, sometimes things happen for a reason. Maybe Terry is destined to be the next Tiger Woods, minus the scandal of course (unless you want a scandal Terry :))

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got a similar tonneau on my sierra think it was around 450 taxes in new awesome deal :thumbsup_anim:

as for the boat what you need help with ? after having many issues lately pretty much became an expert at rebuilding rewire and inventing new words

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Looks great except for that silly looking sticker of some Island on yer back window. lol jk ;)

Careful bud. You might find a barrel of cod slops on yer driveway some fine summers morn :whistling:

Never say a bad thing about the Rock to a Newf.

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I am glad you made the most of the day



I spent the day reading a book called "Golf made easy"


a day golfing is better then a day trying to get the trailer, the motor the trolling motor the.everything else going


the only thing I can't figure out and I really don't want to do

and I don't see why you would want to do is... use the things called Tees


I mean driving is hard enough why would I want to put my balls on a tee when I am driving..I just don't get it..you think cell phones distract divers..that would drive me nuts.........


So Tiger Woods is driving through Newfoundland with his shiny new BMW and he stops for gas. The gas attendant is admiring the nice spiffy ride. As Tiger gets out of the car two tees fall out of his top pocket, as he bends down to pick them up the Newfy says What are those for? Tiger says to put my balls on while I drive. The Newfy says Oh My Jesus those Germans think of everything.

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(unless you want a scandal Terry :))



Terry unless I haave been not getting much sleep I would think that might just be a offer you better send Paul email with the GPS cords to the limits of lakers you and Brian got and thn see if Joey stays home, if so your in and better get there fast as you know Pual will be back soo since his guide stayed behind aand he could not find the fish.

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